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= Language close-up t=) WHAT DID THEY SAY? Watch the video and complete the conversation. Then practice It. Lisa interviewing Person 4. Ee] Lisa: What type of movies de. you lke? Woman: I like films. like to see inother cultures, isa: Doyou like movies? Woman: Yes, 1do. Lisa: ? Woman 1 liketo soe the black-and-white movies, lisa: How often you watch movies on your ‘television, computer, at device? Woman: | watch movies on my gute frequently {take the train to work.t probably see one or two a . sa: And how do you go to the theater to amovie? Woman: | go pretty frequently. | would probably say, oFtwice a month, isa: makes the theater so for your Woman: The special effects are much, invthe movie theater. OBJECT PRONOUNS A. Fillinthe blanks with him, hee, it,or them. ee 1, A: Do you like horror films? 4. A: What do you think of sclence fiction? 8: No,Icantt stand Fhem 8: ike allot, too. 2. Ac Who's your favorite actor? . Ac What do you think about romantic comedies? 8: Leonardo DiCaprio. 1 liked : Hike because they make in inception, me laugh. 3. Ac What do you think of Keira Knightley? 6, A: Do youlike 3-D? B: Idonit know - What was i Yes, Hike a lat, especially in she in? action movies. B Take tums asking and answering the questions above. Give your own opinions. GIVING REASONS Take turns giving your apinions about movies, actors, and actresses. Use these sentences ta start your conversations, 1. A: don't like historical dramas 3. Ar Idon'tlike thrillers at all 8 Why not? 8: Why not? A: Ithink they’re dull : Because | dort like to feel scared. 2. A: Hove horror mavies, 4.-A: Have going to movie theaters. ly? Why? ‘What makes movie theaters so special for you? feeling scared. ‘As Because the special effects are better on a big screen, Interchange VB © Cambridge UniverityPrexs 2012 Photocoplabie Unit = 17

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