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i Present Condition for Recycling Steel Cans 2. Quality of Steel Can Scraps Steel can recycling offers the most advantages when the scrap from the collected cans is high in quality. For this reason, it becomes all the more important to separate the cans properly at the first stage of disposal. Earlier in 2008, our association assessed the can recycling rate for 2007 by interviewing recycling dealers and iron steel manufacturers who handle steel can scrap. Following is a sampling of opinions and requests of the people we met during these interviews, mainly to do with the quality of steel can scrao IH Positive opinions The quality of pressed steel cans has improved from before. When properly sorted and free of foreign matter, pressed steel cans yield material with a fairly pure composition. We're keen to use these cans, as this makes them I Reauests Sort the pressed steel cans properly to further improve their quality. The quality of pressed steel cans varies rom city to city. This can only be resolved by instructing the municipalities on the proper separation procedures. ‘It's difficult to handle steel can scrap containing foreign material such as plastic packages. It’s aproblem if other metals are mixed in. Pressed steel cans cannot be recycled as is without a shredder if they're mixed with foreign material and not sorted properly High purchase prices for steel can scrap are a problem. easily recyclable IH Please avoid getting mixed with these substances: Plastic bags, PET bottles, trays, plastic container and packaging, waste edible oil etc. Metal goods except steel cans (aah oe Itis containing containers and ‘packages lke plastic bags. Metal gor reel cans Bad example afistee! can press

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