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OK, I partly agree, because young people need different spaces to de-stress.

I mean, amid all the

responsibilities we have (school/university, homework, housework, family, courses, etc.), we need to
do different activities out of home and not related to school or any kind of learning. I think spending
free time in shopping centres is not something bad at all. If a person studies a lot, more than
necessary, it could affect their health. Firstly, our brain works correctly for a specific period of time,
and if we do it more than we can, we get exhausted and we can’t keep learning or doing things
properly. But that is just the less important consequence. We can also feel sick, have headache,
dizziness and probably feel sleepy. The same happens if we stay in the same place for a long time
doing the same things. It could bring serious affections to our brain.
However, as we have heard “everything in excess is bad”, so young people that spend most their
leisure time in shopping centres, could have bad effects on their mental health and their behavior

So I think, people have to do thing with a fair measure, without lacking or exceeding ourselves

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