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Although its popularity amongst average people only began increasing in the 1950s, when restaurants

such as McDonald’s, Kentucky Fried Chicken and Burger King started expanding, fast food was originally
created at the beginning of the twentieth century in order to accommodate the growing numbers of
busy commuters who did not have the possibility to sit down and wait for their meal. Nowadays, as a
result of one’s life and schedule becoming more and more hectic, fast food demand is at an all-time
high, the obvious drawbacks often being overlooked, only for the benefits to be in focus.

To begin with, unlike fine dining restaurants, the speed of service is the top priority of fast food places,
thus making such meals convenient for one who is constantly in a hurry and does not have the luxury of
time to cook one’s own. Apart from this, a trademark of the aforementioned food is its price. Due to the
short time it takes for this kind of foods to be prepared, prices are considerably cheaper than, for
instance, at a bistro. Moreover, wherever one may be, abroad or in the country, fast food chains offer
little variation in their menus, therefore, clients always know what to expect from their food.

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