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As a future economist, I am an organized person.

I like to manage my time as good as possible and

realise all my objectives at their time. I'm implicated in every task that I must realise and I want to
make it perfectly. I am also a person that doesn't take decisions without thinking about it, I prefer to
put in balance advantages and disavantages. These traits are found also at the most money makers,
but they have more apptitudes. Firstly, they start from an idea. And then they make fron this a real

In my point of view, money makers are firstly succesful entrepreneurs, because they have cappacity
to set up a business, motivated by factors like innovation, making an impact, and gaining a profit
even they must take the financial risk in case of failure. Succesful money makers have strategic
mindset, great management skills, perseverence and patience and also a lot of creativity in
transforming their ideas in real succesful bussines. Money makers have a lot of knowdlege about
marketing and management, not only about their area of activity, because without these they can't
make a succesful money factory.They are in a permanent personal developement, most of them are
autodidacts, and they know how to promote the business, follow the trends (a lot of them creates
the trends), and they see what people needs.

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