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My Family

I have a very Amazing and Great Family.and also I have three siblings that is one sister, One Brother
and Me. My sister was married and her has 2 children the name is Zhybrael and De Graciano. while
my brother also was married and him has 1 child the name is Alexandria. My father is 60 Years Old.
He is a figure father who very good to us, also he is very Diligent and he is never hit us, while my
mother is 49 years Old. She is figure very assertive, however she is very gentle to us. My sister
working in the Jayapura city as Pharmacist, Her hobby is cooking and Shoping, now my sister go to
college at bandung University. And my brother also working in the jayapura as Lecturer and his
Hobby is writing and playing music. I am very lucky have Family as them and I hope they given
health and Long Live.

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