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This I Believe Essay

CMST 291

Dr. Tammy Swenson-Lepper

Kayleigh Cleveland

I believe in faith, hope, and love for in those things we find so much more. I know they

are cliché and over used on signs throughout stores like Hobby Lobby, but to me they are my

foundation. They have hidden gems within them if taken the time to appreciate them. First, let’s

look at faith. Faith means to believe in something you cannot see. Having faith enables you to

trust. It enables you to trust other people around you, to trust yourself, and to trust something

bigger than yourself. Faith reminds us of the past and how far we have come and gives us a

glimpse of hope. A wise mentor once told me “hope is the memory of the future.” Hope allows

us to hold on when something is painful. It is something that can be leant to others in times of

need. It gives room for adventure, creativity, exploration, and growth. Hope allows us to look

forward to the possibilities ahead regardless of what we see in front of us. And finally, love.

Love encompasses all things. Love has the power to break down the walls in peoples’ hearts.

Love allows us to experience joy, gratitude, satisfaction, forgiveness, understanding,

compassion, and empathy. Love gives us a sense of responsibility. If we love ourselves, we will

take care of ourselves mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally. If we love others, we

will serve them and take on their responsibilities in order to lighten their load. If we have love,

we have the greatest gift of all. Love allows us to experience healthy discipline and correction

for the sake of growing and learning. Faith, hope, and love may seem like cheesy things to build

my life on, but they are so pivotal to who I am today and who I want to become. I want to be

someone who loves others unconditionally, who takes responsibility for my actions, who

encourages people and trusts them, and who can be counted on to lend a helping hand. Faith,

hope, and love give me purpose and satisfaction, and I am grateful that I have been able to

unlock their true beauty.

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