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Nama : Nahdiyah Juhro Nasution

Nim : 1193311056

Kelas : Eks H PGSD 2019

Matkul : Pembelajaran Bilingual

Materi : Checking attendance, organizing the classroom, and ending lesson.

Exercise 1

1. Question: Do you understand what I’m saying?

Answer: I understand what you are saying.
2. Question: Do you know what I’m talking about?
Answer: I know what you are talking about.
3. Question: Have you get it?
Answer: I got it.
4. Question: any question?
Answer: no mam
5. Question: do you get my point?
Answer: yes I get
6. Question: turn back to face the front
Answer: ok mam
7. Question: pick your pen up
Answer: ok mam
8. Question: leave these table here
Answer: ok mam
9. Question: ok class. Before anding our lesson today, I have an assignment for you.
Answer: ok mam.
10. Question: please open the door
Answer: ok mam

Exercise 2:

1. What do we do when are learning a new song ?

Translate : Apa yang kita lakukan saat mempelajari lagu baru?
2. Everybody stand up
Translate : Semua orang berdiri
3. Everyone come out here to the front
Translate : Semua orang keluar dari sini menuju depan
4. What do you do after cutting out and singing ?
Translate : Apa yang Anda lakukan setelah memotong dan bernyanyi?
5. Line up in rows beside your rows
Translate : Berbaris dalam barisan di samping barisan Anda
6. Okay, we need to be quiter to hear what everybody is saying.
Translate : Oke, kita perlu diam untuk mendengar apa yang dikatakan semua orang.
7. These two groups are doi Please stop talking now.
Translate : Kedua kelompok ini doi Tolong berhenti bicara sekarang.
8. Thank you for being quiet. Now we are going to listen to a new song.
Translate : Terima kasih telah diam. Sekarang kita akan mendengarkan lagu baru.
9. Please stop talking now. No more talking for a bit. Please keep quiet
Translate : Tolong berhenti bicara sekarang. Tidak perlu bicara lagi. Harap tenang
10. What do we do when we are learning a new song?
Translate : Apa yang kita lakukan saat mempelajari lagu baru ?

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