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Have you ever tried something and failed? and how long did it take you to try it again?

It took me
a long time. When I first tried to enter college, I had studied hard to pass the entrance exam.
However, I didn't get enough points to get in. That made me very disappointed and discouraged to
continue studying. I was afraid of failing again. As time went by, I realized that the mistake was not
in the studies but in my fixed mindset. I couldn't see beyond my failure or any better way to try
again and succeed. Fortunately, I decided to change that wrong mindset into a growth mindset,
not only to retake the entrance exam but to enter and finish college.

To develop that growth mindset I have decided to engage in challenging tasks and embrace my
mistakes. I am currently studying at Pathway Connect, preparing at a pre-college academy to apply
to college and I am also taking a course in computer assembly and repair. As Elder Lynn G. Robbins
taught, "Mistakes are a fact of life". I can't avoid failing today, but success doesn't mean not
failing, but going from one mistake to another without losing your enthusiasm. I recently took a
math exam and failed a question. Instead of leaving it like that I decided to find out what I failed at
and because of that I learned something that was not taught to me in class and that I would not
have learned otherwise. In Ether 12:27 we are told: " I give unto men weakness that they may be
humble; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak
things become strong unto them ". Never before has that scripture been applied so well in my life
as it is now. Gradually I see the results of developing a growth mindset and this motivates me to
continue to do it.

I think that my current experiences combined with the teachings of the gospel can help me keep
the perspective I have now. I also know that if I exercise my faith in Christ, pray daily, read the
scriptures and share my experiences with others that perspective or mindset can be increased
even more. My goal of joining and finishing college is difficult but not impossible, and when I
complete it I will know that I can accomplish anything and that will make me happy.

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