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Have you ever felt alone to learn?

Or would you have liked help from someone special

when you started something? The big question is: What are you willing to do to improve your
learning? That special someone is the Holy Spirit, who not only guides us to make good decisions,
but also helps us in our learning. The best way to receive his help is through prayer. Prayer has to
be part of our daily life; we have to be in constant communication with God. If we really want the
help of the Holy Spirit, we must ask Him. Sometimes it may seem impossible to learn something
new because of how complicated it looks, however, many times we just need to kneel down in
order to enlighten our mind and broaden our knowledge. To be aware that we have the help and
support of someone else, is always wonderful.

By implementing prayer in our lives, we have a better chance of improving our ability to
learn, because our minds will become enlightened. In 2 Nephi 32:9 it says: "pray unto the Father in
the name of Christ, that he will consecrate thy performance unto thee, that thy performance may
be for the welfare of thy soul". I applied this scripture with my ability to learn, I know that if I ask
the Lord through prayer, He will help me with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. I have been able to
enjoy this blessing in my mission. When I was in Bolivia, it was difficult for me to understand
Aymara (native language). I thought that I would never be able to learn and I was very close to
giving up. While studying my scriptures, I learned that not everything is easy for man, but with God
everything is possible. I knelt down and asked God to help me improve my knowledge of the
language. The light of the Holy Spirit helped me in the lessons and classes. My goals for learning
were achieved whenever I prayed and that made me too happy.

Knowing that our Heavenly Father and our faithful friend the Holy Spirit, are there to
support us whenever we ask them in prayer, comforts my soul. It helps me feel strength in my
heart and mind. I have no doubt that if we ask, we will receive. If we want to be wise, we need to
make the Holy Spirit an essential part of our learning. Blessings begin with prayers.

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