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10 February 1828 at the Turkmanchay villagebetween Iran and Russia signed a peace agreement
(between countries). According to agreement (between
countries) all north parts of Azerbaijan, in addition to (before that/before
now) occupied khanates Iravan and Nakhchivan also were given to the Russia. According to Article 
15 of the agreement (between
countries) of Turkmenchay 40 thousand armenians were allowed to move from Iran to the North Aze
rbaijan. The process of distribution of our people and our land had finished.
Nakhchivan and Iravan khanates have been canceled. Ä°n their (land area owned or controlled by
someone) was founded false "Armenian area of control/area of
land". North Azerbaijan became the (group of people or other living
things) of Russia. South Azerbaijan lands were under the Iran power. Between 1828-1829 years in t
he II RussianTurkish war russians had won. On 2 September 1829 according
to Edirne peace was planned from Ottoman Empire more than 90 thousand armenians move to the 
North Azerbaijan.In
1918 armenians applied to Azerbaijan Democtratic Republic for becaming Irevan city the capital of A
remenian. On 29 May National (group of people who advise or govern) made damaged/came to
agreement Irevan city to the armenians. On the condition that they refused the Nagorno part of Kara
bakh. But unfortunately Armenian didn't care for their promises. Opposite, they attacked to Azerbaija
nis' native lands Zangazur, Nakhcivan, Nagorno Karabagh. They were tried to occupy the same (lan
d areas owned or controlled by someone)
1918 summer the cruel enemy of Turkish people Andronik attached to the Zangazur. More than 100 
thousand Azerbaijani were expelled from their lands.
Armenia after April (turn over/roll over) still was going to grab and take control
of native lands of Azerbaijan as Nakchivan, Zangazur, NagornoKarabakh and Sharur Daralayaz. In 1
920 summer they destroyed the Zangazur and attacked to Nakchivan. As a reply of this at the reque
st of people/of the
group under leadership of Veysel bay Turkish troops for protectingNakhchivan come to help. They to
ok a control all of the Nakhchivan. June In 1920 Soviets Army divisions entered to Nakhchivan. Augu
st in 1920 according to temporary agreement signed between Soviet Russia and Armenia Sharur Da
ralayaz absolutely and totally/without any limits or restrictions was given to Armenia, (land areas
owned or controlled by
someone) of occupied by Russian troops Karabakh, Zangazur and Nakhchivan was declared the
argumentd (land areas owned or controlled by
someone). At the beginning of 1920 October in Nakhchivan was established an Emergency commis
sariat. Here was designed give Nakhchivan to Armenia June 1921 the upper part of Zangazur was gi
ven to Armenia. To keep a Nakhchivan area inside the Azerbaijan Moscow and Kars contracts playe
d an important role
On 6 March 1921 between Turkey and
RSFSR signed a Moscow contract..On
13 October 1921 the contract was signed in Kars confirmed thatNakhchivan is the (land area owned
or controlled by
someone) of Azerbaijan. So, as determined efforts of the Azerbaijan and Turkish population Armenia
n plans' (to bring together (as one) Nakhichevan lands to Armenia) were (having no money to pay
bills). But 1929-1931 years Ordubad and Zengilan areas' (more than two, but not a lot
of) villages had been given to Armenia and here was established Mehri district. As a result closed th
e border between the lands of Nakhchivan and Azerbaijan.

The result of the land-based and border changes carried out under the leadership of Moscow was ex
tremely terrible for Azerbaijan. The (land area owned or controlled by
someone) of Northern Azerbaijan decreased from 114,000 square kilometers. To 86.6 thousand sq. 
km. At the expense of Azerbaijani lands, the (land area owned or controlled by
someone) of Armenia increased from 10,000 square kilometers. to 29.8 thousand sq. km.
The Armenian SSR was trying to grab and take control of the huge/mountain-
filled part of Karabakh belonging to Azerbaijan. Soviet leadership - Moscow decided to make happy
(by meeting a need or reaching a
goal) Armenia's claim to Karabakh. The Caucasus Bureau of the Russian Communist (Bolshevik) Pa
rty discussed the issue. At the meeting of the Bureau held on July 4,
1921, it was decided to hand over Nagorno-Karabakh to Armenia. After Narimanov's strong protest, 
on July 5, the Caucasus Bureau adopted a new decision: to keep Nagorno-Karabakh within Azerbaij
an and give it (related to a large area) independence, with Shusha as its (related to managing and
running a company or organization) center.
A group of national communists within the Azerbaijani government resisted the decision for two year
s. Under pressure from Moscow, the Central Group
of the Azerbaijan SSR decided to establish the Nagorno-Karabakh Self-ruling Area (NKAR) within Az
erbaijan only on July 7, 1923. Khankendi was elected the (related to managing and running a
company or organization) center of the area of control/area of
land. Two months later, without the permission of the Azerbaijani government, the Armenians chang
ed the name of Khankendi to Stepanakert in honor of the cruel enemy of our people, Stepan Shaum

In October 1946, the Soviet leadership decided to resettle armenians that they were living in other
countries in Armenia to Azerbaijan territoies.Newly arrived Armenians had to be given a place by ev
acuating the lands lived in by Azerbaijanis
Between 1948-
1953 years 150 thousands Azerbaijanis living in Armenia SSR moved from their native lands by forc
e.They began to expel the Azerbaijani population from Armenia - their (related to a person's relatives
going way back for many years) lands. The first (people who have run away from their own countries
because of bad
treatment) were Azerbaijanis- living in Gafan and Mehri areas of Armenia. In January 1988, the local 
population of these areas was forcibly thrown out (of a house or apartment) by Armenian (people in
charge of something) from their (related to a person's relatives going way back for many
years) lands.On August 8,
1991, the last Azerbaijani village, Nuvedi, was evacuated with the participation of Russian troops. In 
total, 230,000 Azerbaijanis were forcibly thrown out (of a house or
apartment) from 185 settlements in Armenia in 1988-1991, thousands of people not in the
military were killed by Armenian (related to the belief that your country is the
best) forces, and they were subjected to mass murder.

In the summer of 1991, the situation in Nagorno-Karabakh became even more tense.
Occupied territoies of Azerbaijan:
Shusha -May 8,1992
Lachin - May 18, 1992
Kalbajar - April 2, 1993
Aghdam - July 23, 1993
Fuzuli - August 23, 1993
Jabrayil - August 23, 1993
Gubadli - August 31, 1993
Zangilan - October 29, 1993

 For years, the leaders of Azerbaijan and Armenia had

agreed to postpone discussion about the status of the
disputed territory of Nagorno-Karabakh, to avoid
inflaming passions. But that changed suddenly this
spring, when Armenia’s populist prime minister
declared the area indisputably Armenian.
Armenian forces gained control of Nagorno-Karabakh before a Russian-(arranged buying and selling
for someone else) stop to fighting was declared in 1994. After that deal, Nagorno-
Karabakh remained part of Azerbaijan, but since then has mostly been ruled by/managed
by a separatist, self-declared republic, run by (related to a group of people with the same race,
culture, religion, etc.) Armenians and supported by the Armenian government.

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