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Islamic Studies

Islamic Studies
Name: Ali Raza
Enrollment no# 01-165202-003
Quiz no# 1
Dated: November 2, 2020
Submitted To: Dr. Sanaullah Rana
Submitted By: Ali Raza
Class: BS Geology 1A
Subject: Concept of Ibadah in Islam

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Islamic Studies

I. Conceptual:
Ibadah is the motivation behind creation. Ibadah in Islam is a thorough idea that grasps all
human tries. Whatever people do in truthfulness and without resisting any of Allah‟s orders is a type of
love and they will be remunerated for it. The idea and motivation behind love in Islam is unparallel to
some other religion in presence. It consolidates the ordinary with the otherworldly, the person with the
general public, and the inner soul with the outer body. Love has an interesting part in Islam, and through
love, an individual is viewed as a genuine Muslim who agrees as long as he can remember to the Will of
Allah (s.w.t). This article endeavors to portray the idea of Ibadah (Worship) in Islam in an exact way.

II. Introduction:
Allah (s.w.t) created the whole universe only for Ibadah (worship) as Allah (s.w.t) says in the holy
Quran: “And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me”.

‘’ O mankind, worship your Lord, who created you and those before you, that you may become

The message of all the previous prophets was the same that worship none except Allah (s.w.t). As Allah (s.w.t)
says in the holy Quran:

“And We certainly sent into every nation a messenger, [saying], Worship Allah (s.w.t) and avoid
taghut (false gods)”.

The idea of worship (Ibadah) in Islam is misconstrued by numerous individuals including a few Muslims.
Worship is usually interpreted as meaning performing ceremonial acts, for example, petitions, fasting, noble
cause, hajj and so forth This restricted comprehension of love is just a single part of the importance of love in
Islam. The genuine meaning of love in Islam is an extensive definition that incorporates each part of human life
and individual’s exercises.


The Arabic word Ibadah is gotten from the root word. Abd which means slave or
full time worker. All the activities of a slave which he makes to satisfy his lord
are Ibadah, so we are Abd (workers) of Allah (s.w.t) and every one of our
activities which are accomplished for Allah’s joy are considered as Ibadah. In
other words, love is comprehensive that one says or accomplishes for the joy of
Allah (s.w.t). This, obviously, incorporates ceremonies just as convictions, social
exercises, and individual commitments to the government assistance of individual
The production of individual depends on the intuition and motivation which normally
exists in his personality that he withdraws from; his hands asking favor, and submissively calls

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Islamic Studies

indicating weakness to unravel his issues. This is a similar regular necessity which has been
referenced in the Holy Quran as:
“So keep yourself exclusively on the true way, the creational law of Allah according to
which He created man with the quality of choosing right or wrong. There is no altering of
Allah's creation. This is the supreme law. But most men do not understand”.
It's not possible for anyone to change the nature made by Allah (s.w.t). It implies that all
the individuals have been made on this nature that there is no god except for Allah (s.w.t), the
Creator, Lord, deserving of love. This request exists in human instinct can neither change nor
any animal can become God. In certain minutes from the profundity of the spirit, this voice goes
ahead his lips and man automatically announces his dedication and authority of Allah (s.w.t).
Based on same prerequisite of human instinct, and making the greeting towards unity of Allah
(s.w.t) Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S), proclaimed the declaration of enormity and unity of Allah (s.w.t)
by giving the confirmation of going down of stars, moon, and sun. Recollect when Ibrahim
(A.S.) said to Azar, his dad:

“Why do you take idols for God? I certainly find you and your people in error”. Thus, We
showed to Ibrahim the visible and invisible world of the heavens and the earth, that he
could be among those who believe. When the night came with her covering of darkness he
saw a star, and (Ibrahim) said: "This is my Lord." But when the star set, (Ibrahim) said:
"I love not those that wane." When (Ibrahim) saw the moon rise all aglow, he said: "This is
my Lord." But even as the moon set, (Ibrahim) said: "If my Lord had not shown me the
way I would surely have gone astray." When (Ibrahim) saw the sun rise all resplendent, he
said: "My Lord is surely this, and the greatest of them all." But the sun also set, and
(Ibrahim (A.S.)) said: "O my people, I am through with those you associate (with Allah). I
have truly turned my face towards Him who created the heavens and the earth: I have
chosen one way and am not an idolater.’’
Dutifulness is the voice of human instinct. However, in the significant stretch of
mankind's set of experiences, various structures and assortment of customs appeared which
became combination of overabundance and lack. One idea of love, which has been set up about
the rulers of bygone eras, is that he isn't bound to any law or guideline. Each resident in his realm
is persecuted and has no impact. He can give anything to anybody whoever he needs to and can
send anybody to hangman's tree with no explanation. He can either be made concurred by
complimenting, endowments and oblation, pay off and impacts, or by asking or bowing head
down with disrespect and defenselessness. No one has direct admittance to him aside from by
fulfilling his private concubines to get his satisfaction. Based on this idea offering hardly any
particular standard customs at some specific time was named as love. Second idea is that man
related with common life can deal with duties of his family and youngsters yet can't make Allah
(s.w.t) upbeat by keeping up common undertakings. To make him satisfied it is fundamental that
he ought to be isolated from all common assets and ways leaving his family and youngsters

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alone, and receives the life of a priest, and recluse, and in this way supports his inward powers
by his battles, restraint and reflection. Islam doesn't simply mark the actual appearance and
standard customs as love, yet it gives a deliberate, significant, formed, characteristic, organized
and logical way of thinking. Islam requests that its devotees use every single snapshot of their
lives by receiving this way of thinking till death. Something else, at whatever point they violate
the law of Allah (s.w.t) in any assignment or any duty, that demonstration will be considered as a
transgression rather than love. Furthermore, its discipline will be granted in this world and in the
future. Additionally he merits reward and requital for his idealistic deeds.
As indicated by Islam, spending few seconds ruminating at the edge of a sanctuary isn't
acquiescence, yet, in the vision of Islam, man is an aficionado of Allah (s.w.t). His lord, master,
ruler is one and only Lord of universe. Who has doled out certain forces and obligations and sent
him on earth with depended obligations. The love by person is that he ought to accomplish the
goals of his Lord, and utilize those specialists and controls suitably and satisfy the appointed
obligations, and execute all obligations which have been relegated by Him. Rather than dealing
with the allocated duties, if an individual just continues bowing his head, attempts to complete
his work by complimenting and groveling, and continues including globules of rosary in a
corner, however doesn't concentrate towards the errands which have been relegated by his ruler,
at that point he won't be agreeable, submissive, earnest, and an unwavering representative.
Essentially, thinking about enjoying love, presentations and contemplation as love by
overlooking the doled out duties of Allah (s.w.t), negates the idea of love in Islam. Islam requires
from its adherents that they spend their lives in commitment of Allah (s.w.t), and view
themselves as a fan, also, slave, all the occasions. Also, whatever errands they do in their day by
day life they ought to be in agreement to the soul of His decrees. Eating, drinking, dozing,
awakening, strolling, talking, dealings, business matters, method of living, relations, contrasts,
infact whatever progression they take it must be in consistence with His law and they should feel
responsible to Allah (s.w.t), without fail. While treating with youngsters at home, neighbors in
road, companions in the public arena, accomplices in business, partners in workplaces, individual
residents in nation, and with all human creatures and animals of the world, they should be
chivalrous about the stamped limits of Allah (s.w.t). In other words, comprehend the way of
thinking of love, and follow all life as per its soul.
As per Holy Quran, the reason for making of life and demise is the evaluation of people
to assess whose deeds are acceptable, and how much. Allah (s.w.t) says in Holy Quran:
“Who created death and life in order to try you to see who of you are best of deed? He is
almighty and forgiving”.
In this short sentence consideration has been drawn towards numerous real factors. Right off the
bat, life and passing are connected to Him, nobody else can favor life, or give passing. Also the
life of a man, who has been offered ability to do bad habit and uprightness, isn't useless. Allah
(s.w.t) has made him to survey here. Life is the time permitted during interlude and demise

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implies the hour of assessment is finished. Thirdly, through this assessment, Allah (s.w.t) has
offered opportunity to everyone so he can communicate great and evil, and can show basically
that what sort of an individual is he. Fourthly, the maker is the adjudicator to choose whose
demonstrations are acceptable and terrible. Choosing the nature of goodness and
disagreeableness of the demonstration isn't identified with the examinee yet the analyst. Hence
whoever needs to dominate in assessment, he ought to know about the prerequisites of
accommodation to Allah (s.w.t). Fifth point is itself covered up during the time spent assessment;
prize or discipline will be based by the demonstration. To be effective in the appraisal there is s a
requirement for a thorough, trained, and record-breaking overcoming arrangement that could get
ready man for both internal and external appraisal. There is a finished course for this preparation,
for example "Unadulterated Adores". Without getting prepared, neither there is a chance of
human advancement, nor the accomplishment of genuine objective. Whoever gets great
preparing he will be prepared seriously and real life and can play out his genuine commitments.
That‟s why if an individual gets his charge without getting appropriate preparing and takes
business of life also, universe into his own hands, at that point it isn't normal that his disposition
of life will meet the high guidelines of equity, trust, resilience, harmony, love, social government
assistance, tolerance, and dread of Allah (s.w.t). Furthermore, if an individual proceeds with his
preparation for entire length however doesn't respect the reason for preparing then his
preparation will be purposeless. That’s why Islam has fit cycle of preparing and motivation
behind preparing so that rather than keeping religion and world in independent chambers, it has
consumed in solidarity and shown this supplication:
“Give us of good in the world, O Lord, and give us of good in the life to come, and suffer us
not to suffer the torment of Hell”.
From the above discussion it very well may be inferred that as per Holy Qur‟an, the
motivation behind human creation is to venerate Allah. Love has handle on each circle of human
life. The five mainstays of Islam are the essential course of Islamic love which train the person‟s
internal identity and show him the best approach to association, order, control and equilibrium
and produces the idea to battle in a superior manner despite seemingly insurmountable
opposition of materialistic world. The Islamic idea of love frees entire humankind, from shading,
statement of faith, bias, monetary massacre, sex biasness, illegal intimidation, gore. In the event
that the arrangement of Islamic idea of love is rehearsed entire heartedly with well meaning
goals, at that point there can be a model and consistent unrest in human culture, with no war and
battles which can be named as urban transformation. Islam instructs Muslims to dodge bias,
avarice, desire, obliviousness, hostility, envy, perniciousness, analysis, question.

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