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Time allowed - 2 hours

Total marks - 100

[N.B. - The figures in the margin indicate full marks. Questions must be answered in English. Examiner will
take account of the quality of language and the manner in which the answers are presented. Different
parts, if any, of the same question must be answered in one place in order of sequence.]


1. (a) Define decision support systems (DSS). Is it a replacement for the human decision
making process? Elaborate. Describe in detail the roles played by “planning language”
and “model base” in a DSS. 2+2+6
(b) What do you understand by “programmed decision systems”? Write the basic
difference between programmed decision systems and a DSS. 3+3

2. (a) Explain when batch processing and real time processing are needed. Give an example
from airline industry when real time processing will be required. 2+2
(b) Define and explain multiprogramming and multiprocessing with the relevant
advantages. What are the differences between the two? 5+3

3. What is data validation? Describe the various methods of data validation. 2+8

4. What is accounting software? What are the “Core” and “Non-Core” modules of a typical
accounting software? 10

5. (a) What is information security? 4

(b) Why is information system security so important? 10

6. (a) Describe star topology in networking with relevant advantages and disadvantages. 7
(b) Define and explain the elements of communication protocol. 4

7. Describe Post Implementation Review (PIR). 8

8. What is ERP system? Discuss on any worldwide reputed ERP system, including the
background and features. 9

9. What are the confirmations acceptance testing provided to the users? Elaborate on the tests
which are performed as part of acceptance testing. 3+7

– The End –

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