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You have lost an item of value on a train.

Write a letter to the railway company. In your letter

 describe the item

 explain where and when you left it
 say what action you would like the company to take

Dear Sir
I am writing to you this letter in relation to an item I have lost on the Express train 365,
from London to Bristol. This happened last Tuesday between 9:00 am to 11:00 am.
The item I am talking about, is a green and yellow umbrella with white dots. For me it is
really important to recover my umbrella, because is the one my grandmother used on
rainy days, and for that it has a lot of sentimental value for me. Moreover, before my
grandmother, the princess from Spain used to have it, and gave it to my granny.
Please if you can check the cameras or ask to the cleaning company if they have a section
of "lost and found", for me to go looking or retrieve the umbrella, it would be fantastic. I
can go whenever you say, the moment you find the umbrella.
Waiting for a soon response.
Best regards
Write about the following topic:

Some people think that having a set retirement age (e.g. 65 years) for everybody,
regardless of occupation, is unfair. They believe that certain workers deserve to retire
and receive a pension at an earlier age.

Do you agree or disagree? Which types of workers do you think should benefit from
early retirement?

In most countries there is a certain age when people can retire, for example in Chile, for
women is 60 years and for men 65 years, or 63 years old in some parts of Europe and 62 in
the United States of America. Nowadays there is a debate if this retirement age should
change according their occupations.
According with the above, I agree with the ones who believe that certain workers deserve
to retire and receive a pension at an earlier age. In relation to that, I am talking about
teachers, because and as a teacher myself, we give our entire lives to our students, we
work extra hours at home, which we don`t get paid and, we spend all our energies into
teach the best way we can, for our students to learn in a fun way and we are mothers,
psychologist, nurses and so on so forth, to our students. We play different rolls more than
only be a teacher.
For all of the mentioned above, we burn our energies faster than other occupations, at the
age of 62 or 65 the only thing we want is for younger teachers to replace us, with renewed
energies and teaching strategies, for the wellbeing of our own students.
To sume up, teachers should retire and receive a pension at an earlier age, in order to give
the oportunity for a younger teacher with new strategies for children to learn, and also
because older teachers already gave their hundred percent to teach the new generations.

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