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1) What is History and why do we study it? (write a short paragraph) [5]
2) What is the name given to someone who studies history? [1]
3) Sources are incredibly important when doing historical research. What are the three main
sources of History? [3]
4) Look at the picture above. What source of history is this? Do you think it is a reliable source?
Give reasons for your answer. What problems might arise for historians when looking at this
type of history. [5]
5) Explain the difference between primary sources of history and secondary sources of history.
6) The picture above is part of Anne Frank’s diary. What type of history is this and would you
say it is reliable? Give reasons for your answer. [3]
7) The Legend of Romulus a Remus is a tale about how Rome was founded. What type of
history is this and would you say it is reliable? Give reasons for your answer. [3]
8) What is bias in history and why is it important to understand this when learning about
history? [3]
Section A total marks [25]

1) Answer the missing names from the paragraph below.

Romulus and Remus’s mother’s name was a) _____________________ and their father
was allegedly b) __________________, the God of war. Their uncle c) ______________
was terrified that they would overthrow him and so had them thrown into the river d)
_________________. The twins survived and were rescued by a e) _________________
that fed them until f) ____________________, a shepherd, found them and took them
home. The two boys grew up to be natural leaders and attracted a large following.

When they were older, the boys became involved in a dispute and Remus was taken
prisoner by his unknowing grandfather g)_________________who took him back to the
city of h)___________________. Romulus organised a rescue party and went to find
Remus. While they were there, they learnt of their past and joined forces to overthrow
their uncle and restore their grandfather to the throne.

The twins then set out to build a city of their own in the area of the seven hills. They
disagreed on which hill to build on with Romulus preferring i) ______________ hill
while Remus preferred j) _________________ hill. They both agreed to wait for a sign
from the gods called an augury. Remus saw the sign of k) __________________vultures
first, but Romulus saw l) _______________. Each claimed to have won.

Romulus went ahead and started building a wall around his Hill. However, Remus was
jealous and began to make fun of Romulus' wall. At one point Remus jumped over the
wall to show how easy it was to cross. Romulus became angry and killed Remus.

With Remus dead, Romulus continued to work on his city. He officially founded the city
on April 21, 753 BC, making himself king, and naming it Rome after himself. [12]
2) Where would a wealthy Roman family live in Rome? [1]
A) A villa
B) A high rise flat
C) A domus
D) A palace

3) What was known to the Romans as opus tessellatum? [1]

A) A painting
B) A mosaic
C) A spicy dish
D) A jar of wine

4) Where would a wealthy Roman family stay in the country side? [1]
A) A villa
B) A village
C) A domus
D) A farm

5) In the country a family would stay in the main house, built around an airy central
courtyard called … [1]
A) A yard
B) A garden
C) An atrium
D) A veranda

6) What would carry water to Roman towns? [1]

A) Lead pipes
B) Clay funnels
C) A Basilica
D) An Aqueduct

7) Where would the Roman hold their gladiator fights? [1]

A) The Circus Maximus
B) The Colosseum
C) The Forum
D) The Imperial Palace

8) Which of these foods was eaten by the Romans? [1]

A) Parrot
B) Flamingo
C) Dormouse
D) All of the above

9) Which meal was eaten first? [1]

A) The cena
B) The gustus
C) The secunda mensa
D) The stuctor

10) What would boys wear on reaching the age of 14? [1]
A) A toga
B) A toga virilis
C) Stola
D) Tunic

11) Which statement is not true? [1]

A) To stop hair going grey they would apply oil mixed with earthworm ashes.
B) Slaves who ruined people’s hair were beaten by the public torturer.
C) Men would wear face masks made from volcanic ash.
D) Popular hair removers were made with bat’s blood and hedgehog ashes.

12) What were the Roman baths called? [1]

A) Apodyterium
B) Thermae
C) Caldarium
D) Tepidarium

13) Many of the doctors in Rome were… [1]

A) Greek
B) Goth
C) Samaria
D) Byzanite

14) What would doctors give to an ill Roman as anaesthetic? [1]

A) Herbs
B) Salt
C) Vinegar
D) Wine

15) Design a Menu for a Roman feast. You must include the correct Roman words for each
course and use at least 2 examples of food eaten at each stage of the feast. [10]

16) Write a short paragraph detailing a trip to the Roman Baths and what one would do there.
You must include the different baths and their correct names as well as examples of other
activities you could do at the baths. You should also write down the reasons why Romans
used the baths as well as what they would take with them and use while there. [15]

Start of your paragraph with the following sentence:

As a Roman citizen you were able to visit the magnificent Roman Baths where…

This paper consists of 75 marks

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