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11. When we utilize the Order date channel, what will happen when you clear the channel?

12. Which of the accompanying datasources can be utilized in Tableau (Flatfiles, Cloud, Powerpoint)

13. Which of coming up next is valid for Preview datasource and Manage metadata ..? (Given four
choices sort of obvious and flase, right answer - We can locate the Remote documented name quickly as
u open the datasource without utilizing the drop down)

14. Which of coming up next is utilized to ascertain the normal deals of a subcategory, without
utilizing the table count … ? ( {AVG(SALES)}, {TOTAL(AVG(SALES))}, and so forth… )

15. Will the information in the set be changed progressively… ? (T/F)

16. Auto Refresh is empowered in____(tableau worker, work area and so forth,)

17. Average line is accessible in ___??(analytics sheet, investigation ,Data Pane and so forth,)

18. If we use information mixing dependent on one key segment at that point to assemble
visulization report do we have to have key section (T/F)

25. Tableau can connect with what kind of datasources?? (Cloud, RSS Feed, SalesForce, splunk) need
to selet various answers…

26. How can a decided field made in the engravings card rack be put into estimations/extents of

27. How to join data from different datasources

28. Definition of social events - select the right statement

29. When to use measure regards? (Making a center for various measures)

30. What are the parts expected to cause a to scatter plot?

19. In a guide, find which estimation/measure is put in the Size, Color and Detail racks??

20. In Dashboard which thing can't be added___(text, clear, picture, Power Point)

21. Mapping to an area level requires ____??

22. Name the data source in the going with to which Tableau can't relate - Flat records, RSS channel,
Relational Database,Cloud

23. When we make an exceptionally selected area which of the going with procedure is used to save
the section.. ?

24. In Metadata Area there is a decision that can't be found in observe data source drop-down an

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