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Розділ. Dressmaking methods


Тип заняття: практичне.

Цілі уроку:
 Практична:
o опрацювати текст «Basic tailoring methods»;
o формувати навички розуміння на слух діалогічної та
монологічної мови;
o вчити вести діалог за ситуацією з використанням опор.
 Освітня:
o формувати соціокультурну компетенцію;
o розширити світогляд та збагатити уяву та пам’ять.
 Розвиваюча:
o розвивати індивідуальні психологічні особливості студентів:
увагу, спостережливість, обсяг оперативної та довготривалої
слухової/зорової пам’яті, фонематичний та інтонаційний слух,
гнучкість артикуляційного апарату, швидкість сприйняття, мовну
здогадку та мовленнєву реакцію;
 Виховна:
o формувати поведінку студентів в типових ситуаціях спілкування,
виховувати культуру спілкування, повагу та толерантне ставлення один
до одного.

Обладнання уроку: підручники, словники, картки.

1. Г. В. Вальчук. Англійська мова для технологів і дизайнерів.
Хмельницький, 2006. С. 83-87.
2. Tim Falla. Solutions. Intermediate, 3rd [Student’s book]. Oxford University
Press, 2017.
3. Murphy R. Essential Grammar in Use : [А self-study reference and practice
book for elementary students of English]. University Press, 2010. 259 c.

Хід заняття

I. Organization moment

II. Announcement of the theme and the goal of the lesson

III. Memorize the active vocabulary (exersice 1 page 83)

o construction конструювання
o collar комір
o sleeve рукав
o skirt спідниця
o sequence послідовність
o bodice ліф (плаття)
o neck-line горловина, виріз (плаття)
o to stretch розтягувати
o curve крива (лінія), кривизна
o facing борт, обробка
o interfacing підборт
o armhole пройма
o patch pocket накладна кишеня
o allowance припуск
o to trim приводити в порядок,
o підрівнювати, обробляти
o hem кайма, кромка
o to oversew зшивати через край
o to neaten приводити в порядок,
o підганяти
o to bind обшивати (край)

IV. Exersice 2 page 84

 Fill in the words from the active vocabulary.

1. There are different methods of … in making clothes.

2. The unit method of construction shows the… of making your garment units.
3. Be sure that you don’t … the edges while stitching.
4. Among different types of pocket units … … is the easiest one.
5. While making a sleeve unit get sure that the sleeve fits the … .
6. The waistlines stitched together in a dress unit should be neaten by … or … with
a narrow tape.

V. Exersice 3 page 84
 From the line below choose the word that is an odd one to the others.

collar – needle – sleeve – pocket

facing – trimming – buying – binding
neck-line – armhole – waistline – coat

VI. Exersice 4 page 84

 Translate into English.

Методи конструювання одягу, послідовність виготовлення ліфу (плаття),

уникати викривлення, приметати готовий комір до корсажу, з’єднати
боковий шов і шов пройми, тканина для накладної кишені, обшивати
стрічкою, зшивати лінію талії через край.

VII. Exersice 5 page 84

 Read and translate the text.


The easiest way to make clothes is the unit method of construction.It helps achieve
quick and good results. The unit system divides the garment into easy-to-handle
units such as collar, back, sleeves, skirt etc. and makesthese in a set sequence.
Once you know the sequence you always know which unit of your garment to
make first and which sections follow easily.
Bodice Making. Stay-stitch shoulder and neck-lines on both back and front
sections taking care not to stretch the edges while stitching. Machine bust and back
neck darts trying to avoid a sharp curve. If required join centre back seam above
and below zip opening, press open and then join shoulder seams. Tack side seams
together as for machining and tack to skirt. Fit both for width and length.
Neck Facing. Machine-tack interfacing – a stiffening material – to the wrong side
of the neck. Join shoulder seams of facings. Place right side of facing against right
side of dress and pin facing to neck edge matching centres, seams and balance
marks. Tack and then machine. Tack together centre back seam along zip opening
and press seam open. Pin the closed zip fastener and tack it. Machine zip in using
special zipper foot. Turn neck facing to inside of dress and slip-stitch to zip tape,
darts and shoulder seam.
Armhole Facing. Armhole facings are applied in a similar way to the neck facings
which have been explained above. Pocket Unit. Patch pockets are the easiest type
of pocket unit to make. Stitch a section of fabric for a patch pocket on upper edge
and then turn to the outside and stitch along the seam line on all raw edges. Turn
top right side out, slip-stich across top facing allowance to hold flat. Tack patch
pocket into position and machine from sides and bottom edges.

Collar Unit. Machine-tack interfacing to wrong side of top collar. Stitch around
three sides but leave neck edge open. Turn through, gently press. Tack completed
collar to right side of bodice. Machine stitch around neck edge. Turn collar and
facings through to right side and then tack around the neck edge. Press flat and
finally stitch facings into position on shoulder seam and around the back neck.
Sleeve Unit. A normal shirt-type sleeve is usually joined to the bodice prior to
seaming the side or underarm seams. With wrong sides together pin sleeves in.
Stitch, then press seam towards sleeve. Trim sleeve turning and armhole. Join side
seam of bodice and sleeve, press and neaten these seams. Join underarm seam and
press open. With sleeve right side out and bodice wrong side out put the sleeve into
the armhole with the right sides together. Pin sleeves into position. Make the
sleeve fit the armhole and machine into the armhole. Finish armhole seams.
Skirt Unit. For a darted skirt stay-stitch waistline and curve of hips. Make back and
front darts, press towards centre. Join centre back seam and press open. Join side
seams leaving zip opening on left side. Tack opening together and press side seams
open. Insert zipper and tack on a narrow tape around the waist to prevent
stretching. Turn up hem and trim it evenly. If the skirt is to be attached to a dress
bodice machine stitch the waistlines together and neaten by oversewing or binding
with a narrow tape.

VIII. Exersice 6 page 85

 Answer the questions to the text.

1. Why is the unit method of construction the easiest way to make clothes?
2. Which steps in bodice making are the most important?
3. What points should be matched while pinning facing to neck edge?
4. How is patch pocket made?
5. What must one pay special attention to when making sleeve unit?
6. What operations should be carried out before attaching a skirt to a dress bodice?

IX. Exersice 7 page 85

 Replace the italicized parts with synonyms from the text
1. The unit method of construction means that such units of the garment as collar,
sleeve, pocket etc., should follow each other.
2. Shoulder and neck-lines should be stitched on both back and front parts of the
3. You must take a section of cloth for a patch pocket and sew it on upper edge.
4. Try not to make edges wider or longer while stitching.
5. The skirt is joined to a dress bodice in a dress construction.

6. Oversewing is used to make edges straight and tidy as, for example, waistline in
the skirt.

X. Exersice 8 page 86
 Give the initial forms of the following words and translate them into

Easiest, stiffening, completed, finally, darted, stretching, evenly, fastener.

XI. Exersice 9 page 86

 Translate into English.

1. Students (to tell) about traditional and new methods of clothes construction at
the previous lecture.
2. The process of bodice making (to describe) in this part of the text.
3. First one should (to take care) while stitching garment sections to avoid
4. She (to choose) right interfacing for the collar unit, it looks neat and has even
5. They (to sew) skirt unit at the next class.
6. A sleeve (to attach) usually to the bodice prior to seaming the side seams.
7. The dressmaker (to join) side seam of bodice and sleeve before she (to join)
underarm seam.
8. They said that waistline and curve of hips (to stitch) before making back and
front darts.
9. Everyone knows pressing should (to do) during the construction of the garment.
10. They (to ask) to make a report on new methods of clothes construction at our
next meeting.

XII. Exersice 10 page 86

 Memorize the names of sewing machine parts shown in the scheme.

1. Зараз використовуються різноманітні методи конструювання одягу.

2. Виготовлення окремих деталей одягу відбувається у встановленій
3. Перш ніж зшивати деталі одягу, їх треба зметати.
4. Після того, як накладну кишеню приметали на місце, її пришили з бокових
країв і знизу.
5. Процес виготовлення коміра потребуватиме дотримання чіткої
послідовності операцій.

6. Рукав повинен бути чітко підігнаним під пройму.

7. До того, як зшивати бокові шви спідниці, слід прострочити виточки та
середній шов спинки.
8. Пояс спідниці може бути зшитим через край або обшитий вузькою
XIII. Exersice 11 page 86
 Read the dialogue about pocket making and then make up your own
dialogue on one of the following points:

a) bodice making;
b) collar making;
c) sleeve making;
d) skirt making.

Student 1: I say, I need your help. You see, I missed the previous class and now I
am in trouble. I don’t know the sequence of pocket making.
Student 2: Well, I think I can give you some advice. To begin with tell me what
type of pocket unit you would like to make.
Student 1: It seems to me, a patch pocket is the easiest type. More so because it
suits my jacket.
Student 2: You are quite right. It’s not difficult to make it. First you need a section
of cloth of proper size and shape. Stitch it on upper edge and then on all raw edges
but on the wrong side.
Student 1: OK. I’ve done it. What’s the next step? Should it be machine-stitched
into position right now?
Student 2: Not yet. Turn top right side out and stitch across top facing allowance to
hold flat. So your pocket will have a neat look.
Student 1: Oh, yes. It seems ready now to be stitched to the jacket.
Student 2: Well, now tack it into position to be sure it is in the right place. Match
the pocket edges and the marking lines on your garment. Machine it neatly from
sides and bottom edges.
Student 1: Thanks a lot. I wouldn’t have coped with the task without you.

XIV. Exersice 12 page 87

 Here you have one way of making clothes – the unit method of construction
– described. What is your opinion of it?

Give the advantages and disadvantages of the method. If you know any other
method of clothes construction tell about it showing its pluses and minuses.

Discuss the above mentioned method and probably that mentioned by you with
your group-mates.

XV. Lesson outcome

 If you are using the Classroom Presentation Tool, first do the lesson closer
to review what has been covered in this lesson.
 Ask students: What have you learned today? What can you do now? and
elicit answers: I can…

XVI. Homework

XVII. Estimating of students

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