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Тема. Essential clothing making equipment


Тип заняття: практичне.

Цілі уроку:
 Практична:
o опрацювати текст «Sewing tools»;
o формувати навички розуміння на слух діалогічної та
монологічної мови;
o вчити вести діалог за ситуацією з використанням опор.
 Освітня:
o формувати соціокультурну компетенцію;
o розширити світогляд та збагатити уяву та пам’ять.
 Розвиваюча:
o розвивати індивідуальні психологічні особливості студентів:
увагу, спостережливість, обсяг оперативної та довготривалої
слухової/зорової пам’яті, фонематичний та інтонаційний слух,
гнучкість артикуляційного апарату, швидкість сприйняття, мовну
здогадку та мовленнєву реакцію;
 Виховна:
o формувати поведінку студентів в типових ситуаціях спілкування,
виховувати культуру спілкування, повагу та толерантне ставлення один
до одного.

Обладнання уроку: підручники, словники, картки.

1. Г. В. Вальчук. Англійська мова для технологів і дизайнерів.
Хмельницький, 2006. С. 71-76.
2. Tim Falla. Solutions. Intermediate, 3rd [Student’s book]. Oxford University
Press, 2017.
3. Murphy R. Essential Grammar in Use : [А self-study reference and practice
book for elementary students of English]. University Press, 2010. 259 c.

Хід заняття

I. Organization moment

II. Announcement of the theme and the goal of the lesson

III. Memorize the active vocabulary (exersice 1 page 71)

o thimble наперсток
o scissors ножиці
o shears ножиці (великі і важкі)
o cutting різання, закрій
o trimming оздоблення
o pinking shears ножиці для обрізання зубцями
o hem кайма
o to fray зношувати
o bias коса лінія в тканині
o to adjust пристосовувати,
o приладнувати
o tape measure рулетка
o pin cushion подушечка для булавок
o transfer paper папір для перенесення
o малюнка
o needle голка
o thread нитка
o to tack з’єднувати, зметувати
o pressing прасування
o iron праска
o ironing board прасувальна дошка
o dress stand (dummy) манекен

IV. Exersice 2 page 72

 Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word:

1. ... should be worn on the middle finger of the sewing hand.

a) a ruler; b) a thimble; c) scissors.

2. … is available marked with inches and centimeters.

a) tape measure; b) needle; c) thread.

3. To mark straight lines, cut bias strips and adjust patterns … is used.
a) transfer paper; b) a thimble; c) a ruler.

4. You can easily cut thick fabrics with … .

a) heavy shears; b) small scissors; c) pinking shears.

5. The most convenient for pressing is an … … that can be adjusted to different

a) electric iron; b) ironing board; c) dress stand.

6. For those who do dressmaking a great deal most stores have ready-made fabric-
covered or wire … … .
a) dress stands; b) pins; c) scissors.

V. Exersice 3 page 72
 From the line below choose the word that is an odd one to the others.

thimble – tape measure – tape recorder – ruler

cutting – clipping – hemming
pressing – tacking – iron – ironing board

VI. Exersice 4 page 72

 Translate into English.

Ножиці для загального різання, важкі ножиці для товстих тканин, ножиці для
обрізання зубцями, практична і точна рулетка, сталеві булавки, тонкі нитки,
ретельне прасування, зручна прасувальна дошка, сучасний манекен.

VII. Exersice 5 page 33

 Read and translate the text.

It does help to make dressmaking more enjoyable if you have the right tools to
work with. Good tools encourage good work and are essential for a professional-
looking finish.
The most important item is a well fitting thimble. Always wear it when hand
sewing. It should be worn on the middle finger of the sewing hand. Next, scissors:
they are used for general cutting, trimming and clipping. You need a pair of heavy
shears which can cope easily with thick fabrics. They should have bent handles to

avoid lifting the material as you cut. Not as essential as the shears and scissors are
pinking shears which give a regular zigzag cut edge finish to seams and hems to
stop fraying.
A ruler should be made of clear plastic to mark straight lines, cut bias strips and
adjust patterns.
The most practical and accurate tape measure is a metal-tipped reversible, stretch-
and-shrink-proof one. They are available marked with inches and centimeters
(English and metric markings).
Steel pins are used for all pinning jobs, such as pinning patterns to fabrics and
holding edges together. It is convenient to have a pin cushion attached to your
sewing machine and another as a wrist pin cushion.
Transfer paper or dressmaker’s tracing paper is a special paper for transferring
pattern markings onto your fabric.
Tailor’s chalk is used to mark construction lines, hems and fitting alterations.
Edges should be kept thin and sharp for accuracy. Always keep a supply of sewing
needles in various sizes – fine, medium and coarse – ready for different weights of
fabric and various sewing purposes. Large numbers indicate fine needles, small
numbers – coarser ones.
Sewing threads are available nowadays in various sizes, colours and materials.
Modern sewing machines stitch better with fine threads. Pure silk is still the best
thread for sewing but it is more expensive than cotton. Fine polyester thread is
excellent for using on any machine, particularly on synthetic fabrics, and it’s
relatively cheap.
At each stage of making up a garment and when the sewing is completed, accurate
and thorough pressing is necessary. The most useful type of an electric iron is a
combination steam-and-dry one. Ironing board should be firm and well padded.
The most convenient is a board that can be adjusted to different heights for
different jobs.
There are a variety of modern dress stands, or dummies as they are sometimes
called, in a range of sizes. They can be adjusted to fit your personal measurements
and they are usually covered in fabric. A dress stand is essential for the more
advanced work of modelling one’s own designs. Choоse your equipment with care
and understanding, look after it properly and it will give you good and continuous

VIII. Exersice 6 page 74

 Answer the questions to the text:

1. Why are good tools essential for dressmaking?

2. What kinds of scissors do you know? What are they used for?

3. When do we use a ruler and a tape measure in dressmaking?

4. Why is it important to choose correct needles and threads for sewing?
5. What role does pressing play in the process of dressmaking?
6. Is a dress stand necessary for your work?
IX. Exersice 7 page 74
 Find the word corresponding to the definition:

a) a cutting tool consisting of two blades joined at the centre with handles at one
end with holes for the fingers;
b) a short thin piece of metal used for fastening together pieces of cloth, paper, etc;
c) a small hard cap put over the finger that pushes the needle when sewing;
d) a long pointed metal pin with a hole in one end for the thread, used in sewing;
e) giving clothes a smooth surface and a sharp fold by using a hot iron;
f) the edge of a piece of cloth when turned under and sewn down, esp. the lower
edge of a skirt or dress;
g) a substitute, something like a human figure used to make or show clothes.

X. Exersice 8 page 74
 Say how the following groups of words are formed, translate the words into

− cutting, trimming, clipping, pressing;

− easily, particularly, relatively, usually, properly;
− different;
− useful;
− measurement, equipment.

XI. Exersice 9 page 75

 Change from direct into indirect speech.

1. The teacher told the students, “Dressmaking will be more enjoyable if you have
right sewing tools”.
2. The shop-assistant explained, “Scissors are used for general cutting and shears
are the best for thick fabrics”.
3. My friend asked me, “Which tape measure is the most practical and accurate?”.
4. I asked my group-mate, “Have you got a ruler for cutting bias strips?”
5. She told me, “Give me, please, some pins”.
6. The student asked the teacher, “What for is transfer paper used ?”
7. The sales-woman says, “Sewing threads are available in various sizes, colours
and materials”.

8. The teacher said, “One should always keep a supply of sewing needles in
various sizes”.
9. We asked the teacher, “What is the most useful type of an electric iron for
thorough pressing?”
10. She said to me, “You should buy a dress stand if you want to model your own

XII. Exersice 10 page 75

 Reproduce the dialogue in pairs. Retell it in English.

Shop-assistant: Good morning, madam. What can I do for you?
Customer: Well, I intend to do some dressmaking. The first thing I need are the
most essential tools for sewing. What would you recommend me to start with?
Shop-assistant: You are quite right, shopping for sewing tools is a very important
stage in dressmaking. If you have qualitative tools you’ll enjoy your work. To
begin with, you’ll need a thimble as dressmaking supposes a lot of hand sewing.
Here it is. Try it on to make sure it fits you well.
Customer: Yes, it fits me perfectly. Will you show me, please, sewing scissors. I
know there are different types of them.
Shop-assistant: Well, out of all sewing scissors I advise you to take these scissors
for general cutting and a pair of heavy ones for the work with thick fabrics.
Customer: Yes, I think I’ll take them both. Give me, please, a box of pins,
preferably with glass heads, a small magnet and a piece of tailor's chalk. It seems
to me I’ve forgotten something. Oh, yes, transfer paper.
Shop-assistant: Here you are. And what about a ruler and a tape measure? Have
you got these items?
Customer: Is it necessary to have a special ruler?
Shop-assistant: I advise you to buy a clear plastic ruler. It’s rather convenient as
pattern lines and fabrics are visible through it.
Customer: O.K. I need sewing needles of different sizes and some reels of threads.
I think cotton and polyester would be fine. Do you sell fabrics here?
Shop-assistant: No, this is another department, textile and drapery. Here is your
Customer: Thank you very much.
Shop-assistant: You are always welcome.

XIII. Exersice 11 page 76

 Discuss the following questions with your group-mates:
1. Which sewing tools are the most essential and which one can do without?

2. What kind of a tape measure (a ruler, pins) is better when learning to sew?
3. Why is it necessary to choose sewing needles and sewing threads according to
different types of fabrics and different purposes of sewing?
4. Should one pay much attention to pressing in the process of dressmaking, isn’t it
enough to press the finished garment?

XIV. Lesson outcome

 If you are using the Classroom Presentation Tool, first do the lesson closer
to review what has been covered in this lesson.
 Ask students: What have you learned today? What can you do now? and
elicit answers: I can…
XV. Homework

XVI. Estimating of students

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