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Тема. Essential clothing making equipment


Тип заняття: практичне.

Цілі уроку:
 Практична:
o опрацювати текст «Sewing machine»;
o формувати навички розуміння на слух діалогічної та
монологічної мови;
o вчити правильно вживати в усному та писемному мовленні
Passive Voice;
o вчити вести діалог за ситуацією з використанням опор.
 Освітня:
o формувати соціокультурну компетенцію;
o розширити світогляд та збагатити уяву та пам’ять.
 Розвиваюча:
o розвивати індивідуальні психологічні особливості студентів:
увагу, спостережливість, обсяг оперативної та довготривалої
слухової/зорової пам’яті, фонематичний та інтонаційний слух,
гнучкість артикуляційного апарату, швидкість сприйняття, мовну
здогадку та мовленнєву реакцію;
 Виховна:
o формувати поведінку студентів в типових ситуаціях спілкування,
виховувати культуру спілкування, повагу та толерантне ставлення один
до одного.

Обладнання уроку: підручники, словники, картки.

1. Г. В. Вальчук. Англійська мова для технологів і дизайнерів.
Хмельницький, 2006. С. 62-66.
2. Tim Falla. Solutions. Intermediate, 3rd [Student’s book]. Oxford University
Press, 2017.
3. Murphy R. Essential Grammar in Use : [А self-study reference and practice
book for elementary students of English]. University Press, 2010. 259 c.

Хід заняття

I. Organization moment

II. Announcement of the theme and the goal of the lesson

III. Memorize the active vocabulary (exersice 1 page 62)

o sewing machine - швейна машина
o attachment - пристосування
o threading - заправка нитки
o presser foot - натискна лапка
o zipper foot - лапка для вшивання застібки-блискавки
o zigzag foot - лапка для обробки зигзагом
o buttonhole foot - лапка для виготовлення петель
o seam - шов
o stitch - стібок
o top stitch - лицьова (верхня) строчка
o bobbin stitch - виворітна (нижня, шпульна) строчка
o stitching - зшивання
o to wind - намотувати
o article - предмет (одягу)

IV. Exersice 2 page 62

 Fill in the words from the active vocabulary.

1. The most important equipment in sewing is … .

2. Begin threading the machine by raising the … .
3. It is necessary to follow the correct … .
4. A perfect … has the same stitches on both sides.
5. A modern sewing machine is capable of … fabrics of different weights and
6. The length of the … depends on the material being stitched and the purpose of

V. Exersice 3 page 62
 From the line below choose the word that is an odd one to the others.

to thread – to wind – to pass – to adjust

to sew – to stitch – to cut

seam – step – stitch

VI. Exersice 4 page 62
 Translate into English.

Модель швейної машини, рівний шов, однакові строчки, нитка для нижньої
строчки, гарно виготовлений предмет одягу, пристосування для швейних
робіт, намотувати нитку на шпульку, лапка для обробки зигзагом, лапка для
виготовлення петель, натискна лапка.

VII. Exersice 5 page 63

 Read and translate the text.

For sewing to be enjoyable and successful much attention has to be given to your
equipment. The most important requirement is a sewing machine. It is the most
expensive piece of equipment, so spend a little time studying all the available
models. When making your choice consider that an expensive model with many
attachments may be a good investment and a time-saver if you do a lot of
Because of the great variety of sewing machine models and variations available it
is impossible to give actual threading-up and working instructions. However, the
basic principles in general are the same on all machines. Before starting to use your
machine read the sewing manual provided and experiment on scraps of fabric.
Most machines are supplied with a range of pressure feet for different sewing jobs
– zipper foot, zigzag foot, buttonhole foot, etc. Some machines have a guiding bar
attached to the presser foot which helps you to keep an even turning on a seam. To
sew a good seam you must have the correct needle and thread for a particular
fabric. Remember to adjust the length of the machine stitches. On a perfect seam
the stitches look the same on both sides. To avoid stitching faults you should
follow such guidance.
1. Always use the same kind of thread for both top and bobbin stitches.
2. Make sure that the correct threading sequence is followed.
3. Never overwind the bobbin and make sure that it is fitted correctly into the
4. Oil and clean your machine regularly.
5. Finally, use the sewing manual supplied with your machine to check and
regulate your machine in use.
The correct use of your sewing machine is one of the most important methods to
master when learning to sew. Good machine stitching is essential for a well-made
article. First of all make sure that you have your sewing machine set at an easy

working height, with adequate natural or artificial light, and a reasonable amount
of space in which to work comfortably, having your pressing equipment handy.

VIII. Exersice 6 page 63

 Answer the questions to the text:

1. Why is the choice of a sewing machine so important?

2. Is it possible to give universal working instructions for all sewing machine
3. What attachments are most machines supplied with?
4. What should be done to sew a perfect seam?
5. What rules is it necessary to follow in order to avoid stitching faults?
6. How should your sewing machine be installed? Describe your working place.

IX. Exersice 7 page 64

 Match the words with their definitions.

1) sewing machine 6) dressmaking

2) seam 7) guidance
3) stitch 8) to adjust
4) threading 9) equipment
5) sewing manual 10) essential

a) a (small) book of information about how to sew something or use a sewing

b) to change slightly in order to set right or make suitable for a particular job;
c) production or creation of clothes;
d) the line formed at the joint of two pieces of material;
e) passing a thread used in sewing through a needle;
f) a man-made device which uses power (such as electricity) to perform work (to
do dressmaking);
g) the things needed for a particular activity;
h) a single loop formed by a needle and thread in sewing;
i) necessary, most important;
j) directions or advice in a course of action given as a help.

X. Exersice 8 page 64
 Give the initial forms of the following words and translate them.

Sewing, requirement, attachment, impossible, threading, stitching, overwind,

fitted, pressing, equipment.

XI. Exersice 9 page 64

 Replace the Infinitive in brackets by the Passive Voice. Translate the
sentences into Ukrainian:

1. This sewing machine (to design) for various operations.

2. A sewing machine (to form) of such mechanisms: a needle mechanism, a shuttle
mechanism, a feed-dog mechanism, a thread take-up mechanism, a presser foot
3. The presser foot (to adjust) by the presser screw and (to lift) by the presser bar
4. A thread (to take up) by a thread take-up.
5. The bobbin thread tension (to adjust) by a tension spring.
6. The longest stitch (to use) for permanent seaming on coarse fabrics.
7. The shortest stitch seldom (to use) except for special decorative effect in
machine stitching.
8. Heavy pressure (to require) to hold bulky fabrics in contact with the feed dog to
ensure even stitching.
9. The attention of clothing industry now (to focus) on the sewing machine needle.
10. A high quality of articles (to obtain) with the use of the semi-automatic

XII. Exersice 10 page 65

 Memorize the names of sewing machine parts shown in the scheme.

1. Bobbin Winder Tension 14. Slide Plate

2. Upper Thread Guide, Front 15. Needle Plate
3. Pressure Adjusting Darner 16. Needle Bar
4. Thread Take-up Lever 17. Needle
5. Thread Guide 18. Presser Bar
6. Thread Take-up Spring 19. Drop Feed Knob
7. Upper Thread Tension Dial 20. Stitch Length Regulator
8. Upper Thread Tension Knob 21. Zigzag Width Lever
9. Thread Cutter 22. Zigzag Width Stopper
10. Needle Bar Thread Guide 23. Zigzag Width Stopper
11. Presser Foot Thumb Screw 24. Balance Wheel
12. Needle Clamp Screw 25. Bobbin Winder Finger
13. Presser Foot 26. Bobbin Winder Stud

27. Spool Pin

 Describe the main parts of the sewing machine.

XIII. Exersice 11 page 66

 Read the dialogue and make up similar dialogues about the main parts of the
sewing machine:

Instructor: The other day I told you about pressure adjustment. By what
mechanism is pressure on the cloth adjusted?
Student: As far as I know the pressure is exerted on the cloth by the presser foot
which is adjusted by the presser screw. It is at the top of the presser bar.
Instructor: Quite right. Why is it necessary to press the cloth while stitching?
Student: Well, that’s quite necessary to prevent the cloth rising with the needle and
to keep it moving smoothly with each stroke of the needle.

XIV. Exersice 12 page 65

 Complete the dialogue.

A: Is this an under thread?

B: Yes, … .
A: And this is a bobbin, isn’t it?
B: Yes, you are right. And do you know the name of a spring in a bobbin holder
under which the bobbin thread passes?
A: Yes. It’s very important unless … in stitching.

Role-play the following situations

 Act as an instructor giving the first class on sewing machines. Tell about the
importance of the right choice of a sewing machine model, possible attachments to
a sewing machine, give main directions for the correct using of sewing machines.
Your groupmates want to know about all that as much as possible, they ask you
additional questions.
 A group of students is preparing for the class. They are studying the
construction of the sewing machine using its scheme and discussing the main parts
of it and their functions.

XV. Lesson outcome

 If you are using the Classroom Presentation Tool, first do the lesson closer
to review what has been covered in this lesson.

 Ask students: What have you learned today? What can you do now? and
elicit answers: I can…
XVI. Homework

XVII. Estimating of students

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