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Розділ. Essential clothing making equipment


Тип заняття: практичне.

Цілі уроку:
 Практична:
o вчити правильно вживати в усному та писемному мовленні
Passive Voice;
o формувати навички розуміння на слух діалогічної та
монологічної мови;
o вчити вести діалог за ситуацією з використанням опор.
 Освітня:
o формувати соціокультурну компетенцію;
o розширити світогляд та збагатити уяву та пам’ять.
 Розвиваюча:
o розвивати індивідуальні психологічні особливості студентів:
увагу, спостережливість, обсяг оперативної та довготривалої
слухової/зорової пам’яті, фонематичний та інтонаційний слух,
гнучкість артикуляційного апарату, швидкість сприйняття, мовну
здогадку та мовленнєву реакцію;
 Виховна:
o формувати поведінку студентів в типових ситуаціях спілкування,
виховувати культуру спілкування, повагу та толерантне ставлення один
до одного.

Обладнання уроку: підручники, презентація, словники, картки.

1. Murphy R. Essential Grammar in Use : [А self-study reference and practice
book for elementary students of English]. University Press, 2010. P 84-87.
2. Г. В. Вальчук. Англійська мова для технологів і дизайнерів.
Хмельницький, 2006. 175 c.
3. Tim Falla. Solutions. Intermediate, 3rd [Student’s book]. Oxford University
Press, 2017.

Хід заняття

I. Organization moment

II. Announcement of the theme and the goal of the lesson

III. Revice the active vocabulary

o sewing machine - швейна машина
o attachment - пристосування
o threading - заправка нитки
o presser foot - натискна лапка
o zipper foot - лапка для вшивання застібки-блискавки
o zigzag foot - лапка для обробки зигзагом
o buttonhole foot - лапка для виготовлення петель
o seam - шов
o stitch - стібок
o top stitch - лицьова (верхня) строчка
o bobbin stitch - виворітна (нижня, шпульна) строчка
o stitching - зшивання
o to wind - намотувати
o article - предмет (одягу)

IV. Explanation of grammar rules

 Use presentation to explain grammar rules.
 Students write rules in the workbooks.

V. Exersice 42.1 page 85

 Complete the sentences. Use these verbs in the correct form, present
or past.

cause injure own

damage invite send
find make show
hold overtake surround

1 Many accidents are caused by careless driving.

2 Cheese _____________ from milk.
3 The roof of the building _____________ in a storm a few days ago.
4 A cinema is a place where films _____________.

5 You _____________ to the party. Why didn’t you go?

6 This plant is very rare. It _____________ in very few places.
7 Although we were driving fast, we _____________ by a lot of other cars.
8 In the US, elections for president _____________ every four years.
9 There was an accident last night, but fortunately nobody _____________.
10 You can’t see the house from the road. It _____________ by trees.
11 I never received the letter. It _____________ to the wrong address.
12 The company I work for _____________ by a much larger company.

VI. Exersice 42.2 page 85

 Write questions using the passive. Some are present and some are

1 Ask about glass. (how / make?) How is glass made?

2 Ask about television. (when / invent?) When _____________
3 Ask about mountains. (how / form?) _____________
4 Ask about DNA. (when / discover?) _____________
5 Ask about silver. (what / use for?) _____________

VII. Exersice 42.3 page 85

 Put the verb into the correct form, present or past, active or passive.

1 a Two hundred people are employed (employ) by the company.

b The company employs (employ) 200 people.

2 a Water (cover) most of the earth’s surface.

b How much of the earth’s surface _____________ (cover) by water?

3 a While I was on holiday, my camera _____________ (steal) from my hotel

b While I was on holiday, my camera _____________ (disappear) from my hotel

4 a Robert’s parents _____________ (die) when he was very young.

b Robert and his sister _____________ (bring up) by their grandparents.

5 a The boat hit a rock and _____________ (sink) quickly.

b Fortunately everybody _____________ (rescue).

6 a Bill _____________ (fire) from his job. He wasn’t very good at it.

b Sue _____________ (resign) from her job because she didn’t enjoy it any more.

7 a It can be noisy living here, but it _____________ (not / bother) me.

b It can be noisy living here, but I _____________ (not / bother) by it.

8 a Maria had an accident. She _____________ (knock) off her bike.

b Maria had an accident. She _____________ (fall) off her bike.

9 a I haven’t seen these flowers before. What _____________ (they / call)?

b I haven’t seen these flowers before. What _____________ (you / call) them?

VIII. Exersice 42.4 page 85

 Instead of using somebody, they, people etc., write a passive sentence.

1 Somebody cleans the room every day. The room is cleaned every day
2 They cancelled all flights because of fog. All _____________.
3 Somebody accused me of stealing money. _____________money.
4 How do you use this word? How _____________used?
5 The price includes all taxes. All _____________in the price.
6 People warned us not to go out alone. We _____________.
7 We don’t use this office any more. This _____________.
8 They invited five hundred people to the Five hundred _____________ wedding.

IX. Exersice 43.2 page 87

 Make sentences from the words in brackets. Sometimes the verb is
active, sometimes passive.

1 There’s somebody behind us. (We / follow) We’re being followed.

2 This door is a different colour, isn’t it? (you / paint?) Have you painted it?
3 My bike has disappeared. (It / steal!) It _____________
4 My umbrella has disappeared. (Somebody / take) Somebody_____________
5 A neighbour of mine disappeared six months ago.
(He / not / see / since then) He _____________
6 I wonder how Jessica is these days. (I / not / see / for ages) I _____________
7 A friend of mine was stung by a bee recently.
(you / ever / sting / bee?) _____________ you _____________
8 The bridge was damaged recently. (It / repair / at the moment) It _____________
9 Tom’s car was stolen recently. (It / not / find / yet) _____________

10 I went into the room and saw that the table and chairs were not in the same
(The furniture / move) The _____________

X. Exersice 43.3 page 87

 Instead of using ‘somebody’, ‘they’ etc., write a passive sentence.

1 Somebody has cleaned the room.

The room has been cleaned .

2 They are building a new road around the city.

A _____________ around the city.

3 They have built two new hotels near the airport.

Two _____________ near the airport.

4 When I last visited, they were building some new houses here.
When I last visited, some _____________ .

5 The meeting is now on 15 April. They have changed the date.

The date of _____________.

6 I didn’t know that somebody was recording our conversation.

I didn’t know that our _____________.

7 Is anyone doing anything about the problem?

_____________ anything _____________ the problem?

8 The windows were very dirty. Nobody had cleaned them for ages.
The windows were very dirty. They _____________.

XI. Lesson outcome

 If you are using the Classroom Presentation Tool, first do the lesson closer
to review what has been covered in this lesson.
 Ask students: What have you learned today? What can you do now? and
elicit answers: I can…

XII. Homework

XIII. Estimating of students

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