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Third Term Activity-2

Name: Karen Patricia Claro Carrillo.

ID: 646343 Nivel: 3

My favorite movie is called "The Road" directed by John Hillcoat. It is a film that
tells of an apocalyptic story, where we see a father and his little son embarking on
a journey to the south looking for shelter; because, a strong winter destroyed
everything, turning good men into cannibals. During their journey, they face various
difficulties and seek always to hide from evil men who are in search of food, in this
case from human flesh. We also see how this father teaches his son how to
survive and maintain a healthy mind, in the midst of all this terrible situation, even
though he has to fight his own paranoia.
In my opinion, this film has a message that leads us to reflect on what we are able
to do as parents when it comes to caring for our children, and the way in which the
world can be changed from one moment to the next, many times without human
beings being prepared. It presents us with a dark and sad message, but in which it
highlights the unconditional love and sacrifice of father and son.

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