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@enesozll, DPI: 450 - Windows: 6/11 - Raw-Input: On - 1000 Hz Polling Rate - PUBG: - CS:GO: 2.4, AWP sens: 1 - Siege: 10/10/80 - COD BO4: 9.80 - Fortnite:
0.13/0.13 - BFV: 14/14/110% - Apex: 2.9/1.0 ADS Sens - COD: 7.50 - EFT: 0.41 - Valorant: 0.78/ scoped 1
- Squad: 0.25 (Global) 2.50 (Freelook) –

Global warming is a body pic of the day and I will be there at any time and I will be there at any time
and I will be there at any time if we don’t have to vote on the right is a body 😂😉🤠😂😉

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