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Waterdeep: Dragon Heist

Tokom igre moguće se priključiti različitim organizacijama.

Novo pravilo za ovaj način igre podrazumijeva pracenje RENOWN – zavšravanjem zadataka
koji se tiču organizacije (1 renown) ili koji su dobijeni direktno od organizacije (2 renown).

Razlozi za priključivanje organizacijama:

a) Rank – u svakoj organizaciji postoji mogućnost promocije. Rank raste sa renown, ali
moguće je da postoje i neki preduvijeti (npr. Level)
b) Ponašanje drugim članova u organizaciji – Sa porastom renown mijenju se i odnosi
drugim članova prema PC; postoji veća šansa da su drugi članovi čuli za PC i žele im
pomoći. DM prati odnos organizacije u odnosu na renown (indifferent – friendly – would
die for you i sl). Ovaj globalni odnos organizacije se ne odnosi na pojedinačne članove sa
kojim su PC imali interakciju.
c) Perks – Sa rankom rastu beneficije koje se dobijaju od oragnizacije. PC niskog ranka
može imati pristup pouzdanom kontaktu i informacijama, sigurnim lokacijama i
poznanicima koji su spremni prodati stvari za niže cijene. PC srednjeg ranka može dobiti
followerse, pristup različitim potions i scrolls, može tražiti uslugu ili backup na opasnim
misijama. PC visokog ranka može pozvati malu armiju, doći u posjed rare magic itema,
poznavati korisnog spellcastera ili dati zadatke drugim članovima organizacije nižeg
1. Harpers
“A Harper is first and foremost self-reliant, for once you
are autonomous then no one can tempt you into using
power as a crutch. You are sovereign unto yourself.

“Therefore, a Harper’s soul must be incorruptible. Many

believe themselves to be so, but power comes in many
guises, and it will surely find your weakness. Of this you
may be certain. Only a true Harper can pass this test and
transform weakness into strength. That is why we are the
hand that stops the tyrant, feeds the oppressed, and asks
for nothing in return.

“We are the song for those who have no voice.”

Prerequisites: Interested in helping others, more idealistic than pragmatic. Bards and Wizards
are particularly welcome.


1. Network of spellcasters & spies seeks to tip the scales in favor of the innocent, weak, and
the poor.
2. They are incorruptible defenders of good, and they never hesitate to aid the oppressed.
3. Individual Harper agents operate alone, relying on their wits and extensive information
networks to gain an advantage over their enemies. Knowledge is power.
4. Veteran members have access to secret caches of knowledge stashed all over Faerûn.
5. The organization looks out for powerful items, and to keep them out of the hands of
6. Harpers rarely operate in the open, but they are always watching out for each other and
everyone else.
In Waterdeep:

1. Secret meeting places throughout the city, conduct business in taverns, inns and even
secluded locales.
2. They ensure that power, especially that derived from magic, is in the hands of those who
are good.
3. They seek powerful artifacts before “less-worthy” factions, Zhentarim or Bregan
D’aerthe, or they may even seek to remove powerful magic users (even a noble or a
Masked Lord).

Perks: Support members with magic and items. Reduced prices on scrolls, spells and rare items.

Ranks: Watcher, Harpshadow, Brightcandle, Wise Owl, High


2. Order of the Gauntlet

“That’s the thing about evil: it is darkness, it is shadow, it
hides in your blind spot. Then, when you are distracted, it
sneaks in. Evil is a master of disguise—and what is the
greatest disguise, you ask? Yourself. Evil will cloak itself in
thoughts and emotions pretending to be your own, telling
you to get angry, to be greedy and envious, to hold yourself
above others.
“People aren’t born evil—it takes time for evil to fool you
into thinking that its voice is yours. That is why to know
who you truly are is what the Order requires from each
hopeful who wishes to join our ranks. Bravery isn’t
fighting the dragon out there—it is fighting the dragon
within. That is what we do in our prayers. Once you have slain that dragon, you have
overcome the darkness lurking within yourself. Only then do you have the capacity to
know true goodness. Only then are you ready to take up the sword and wear the badge of
our Order.”
Prerequisites: Any non-evil characters can join. Clerics, monks, and paladins, welcome. Value
tradition and are disciplined.


● Dedicated to smiting evil wherever it lurks and without hesitation.

● Understand evil wears many guises, members identify threats and smash them before
they grow.
● To defend against evil and protect the innocent, its paladins, monks, and clerics spend
hours deep in prayer.
● All sentient beings must come to the light of reason and goodness of their own volition.
● Faith in one’s god, friends, and self are the greatest weapons in quelling evil.
In Waterdeep: Violence caused by the competing thieves’ guilds spurred the Order to recruit
more heavily. The Order works against them, but avoids more violence.

Perks: Access to temples for healing, voluntary donation. Unlikely to face repercussions for
breaking the Code Legal.

Ranks: Chevall, Marcheon, Whitehawk, Vindicator, Righteous Hand

3. Emerald Enclave
“The Emerald Enclave exists as gatekeepers to that vast space
beyond the city walls. We are the defenders of the wilderness and
of the society that does not understand it. Most have forgotten that
there is an ancient, natural order that existed long before our
intellectual concepts of it. To come into contact with that primal
order is to touch the power that guides all of life.
“Those who walk the way of the Emerald Enclave are infused with
this power; we embody it, and it moves us to do our work. That is
why we are never alone. Even in the midst of a noisy, crowded city
we can feel the presence of the natural world inside us, fresh, strong, and alive. The
Enclave seeks to make awareness of this power available to all.
“Freedom. Is not this the highest of callings?”
Prerequisites: Value balance of civilization and nature, druids and rangers, welcome.


● Opposes threats to the natural world and helps others survive in the wilderness.
● Mastery of fighting and survival skills. They help others learn the same skills.
● . They are not opposed to civilization or progress, but they strive to keep it in balance
with the wild.
● They restore and preserve the natural order, even as they root out and destroy all that is
In Waterdeep: Watch over City of the Dead and protect the city from unnatural threats.

Perks: Gather intel from animals and plants. Share information. Can obtain care for animals.
Plants at little or no cost.

Ranks: Springwarden, Summerstrider, Autumnreaver, Winterstalker,

Master of the Wild

4. Lords’ Alliance
“Everyone wants to sleep at night and feel safe in their homes, but
how many want to do what it takes to keep the tide of evil at bay?
To stand in the cold and rain, waiting for battle while hunger
gnaws at their bellies? Many wish to reap the rewards of a good
harvest, but few care to remove the stones and till the fields for
“The Lords’ Alliance fights the things that the shopkeeper in his
bed has never even heard of. We remove threats before the town mayor even knows about
it. We make bad things go away. That’s what we’re good at.”

Prerequisites Limited to: Waterdeep, Baldur’s Gate, Mirabar, Neverwinter, and Silverymoon
citizens. Tradition and discipline are valued.


● Association of rulers from cities and towns across Faerûn (primarily in the North).
● Believe that solidarity is needed to keep evil at bay.
● Alliance agents include sophisticated bards, zealous paladins, talented mages, and
grizzled warriors.
● They are chosen primarily for their loyalty and are experts in observation, stealth,
innuendo, and combat.
● Ensure the safety and prosperity of civilized Faerûn, stand united against all threats to
● Requires a balance between pride and diplomacy.
In Waterdeep: The Open Lord and Masked Lords employ agents of the Lords’ Alliance to
observe the city and secure their hand in government. Concerned with the rising violence of the
thieves’ guilds and rumors that the former Open Lord embezzled dragons. They want to track
down the truth (and, if they exist, the gold pieces themselves).

Perks: Support from the City Watch’s resources. Easy for members to gain an audience with
nobles and Lords.

Ranks: Cloack, Redknife, Stringblade, Warduke, Lioncrown

5. The Gray Hands (Force Grey)

To join Force Grey you first become a member of Gray Hands.

Force Grey is an elite cadre of specialized adventurers, drawn from the

ranks of the Grey Hands, whose fighting is matched only by their
loyalty to the city. It attracts the best of the best. Things that armed
forces or diplomats can't resolve are left to Force Grey. Usually it is
used as last resort.

Prerequisites: Called to arms in times of trouble, pledge loyalty to the

the Blackstaff. Value discipline. Seek to be proactive.


● Supported by the City Guard, the Griffon Cavalry, and hundreds of additional support
● Collectively, all aligned with Force Grey are known as the Gray Hands.
● Fighting prowess is matched only by their loyalty to the city.
● Force Grey attracts the best of the best.
● Past members have exhibited violence, causing as much damage as they ostensibly
● Their leader controls living statues in Waterdeep
In Waterdeep: Currently dormant. Last action was preparing a quick-strike battle plan to
execute in the event that the cloud giant castle floating above the city brought any trouble. Vajra
prepared to activate the Walking Statues if needed.

Perks: Vajra can intervene when a member of the Gray Hands is arrested, usually resulting in
freedome with her loose supervision. Pending rank they have access to rare books and items.

Known members: Meloon Wardragonv

Ranks: Grey Hand Initiate, Junior Grey Hand, Senior Grey Hand, Force
Grey Initiate, Defender of Waterdeep

6. Zhentarim (Black Network)

“Membership in the Zhentarim is like a key to a thousand doors,
each one a gateway to fulfilling a personal desire. Most people shy
away from this kind of freedom. They like their restraints, laws, and
swaddling—it gives them the illusion of security.
“The Black Network provides what I need to explore realms and
dimensions that would tear apart minds accustomed to limits. Only
in such places can I find magic powerful enough to defeat beings
that know no such thing as time, fear, or mercy. You might not like
the Zhentarim’s methods, but when a demon crawls out of the
Abyss and comes for your family, you’ll be glad that I have gone to
the darkest of realms to find the answer to your problem.”

Prerequisites: Tenacity and ambition required. Anyone can “join”, work your way through the
ranks and keep your nose clean.


● The Zhentarim, or Black Network, seek to expand influence through Faerûn.

● Feel that if they play by the rules, nothing gets done.
● Wealth is power. They know that nothing else inspires such confidence and dispels doubt
so well.
● When anyone in the city needs help, the Zhentarim provide the best warriors money can
● Encourage individual ambition and rewards those who take the reins. Results are all that
In Waterdeep: Retired adventurers who have become buisness entrepreneurs.

Perks: They have friends in high places. Trade on grey market, discounts are available to
ranking members. Access to “fixers” for a fee. Giving loans (with small interest).

Known members: Yagra Stonefist

Slično kao renown sistemu, piety sistem je mjera veze PC i njegovog deity.

Gaining piety: honoring gods, fulfilling their comands, respecting their taboos.

Isto kao kod organizacija, postoje beneficije. Sa svakim rankom, PC se može moliti za „divine
favor“ once per day, uglavnom u obliku spella bless. Veći rank daje mogućnost trajnih beneficija
u obliku blessinga ili charma (supernatural gifts).

Supernatural Gifts
1. Blessings: Dobija se za djela koja primjete i deity i mortals. Daje ih pantheon/deity za:
a) Restoring the most sacred shrine of a god
b) Foiling an earthshaking plot by the enemies of a god
c) Helping a god's favored servant complete a holy quest
d) Recovoring a holy peson's remains
e) Toppling tyrannical empire

Nekada se dobijaju prije određenog „questa“. Blessing se zadržavaju zauvijek, osim

ukoliko ga deity ne oduze. Nema max broja blessinga. Ne može ih supresati antimagic
field ili neki sličan efekat.
Neki od blessinga su: Blessing of Health (+2 na CONS), Blessing of Protection (+1 AC i
saving throws), Blessing of Magic Resistance (ADV na saving throws agains spells i sl),
Blessing of Understanding (+2 na WIS), Blessing of Valhalla (mogućnost pozivanja
spirit warriorsa, ukoliko PC posjeduje silver Horn of Valhalla, može se koristiti jednom
u 7 dana), Blessing of Weapon Enhancement (nonmagical weapon postane +1 kada ga
PC wielda), Blessing of Wound Closure (benefit of periapt of wound closure).

2. Charms: Minor supernatural gift, mogu se jednom ili više puta koristiti, ali ne i zauvijek.
Ne daje ih deity, već je u suštini random. Ako dopušta korištenja spella, moguće je to
uraditi bez trošenja spell slota. Sprječava ih antimagic field i dispel magic.

Blessing može dobiti svaki igrač koji vjeruje u neki deity/pantheon, međutim zbog potrebne
količine rada, uglavnom ih dobijaju clerics i paladins.

Svaki igrač može se učlaniti u jedan ili više guildova, s tim da mora zadovoljavati background,
proficiency ili status. Članovi guilda placaju mjescnu ili godišnju naknadu, tj. 1 GP per month ili
10 GP per year (placeno unaprijed). Ukoliko radite u gradu bilo šta osim kupovine proizvoda i
usluga, strogo se preporučuje traženje pravnog zastupnika koji će vam pomoći oko toga (ali
nekog provjerenog, s obzirom da nema guild za to). Zakoni Guildova nisu u Code Legal, ali se
jednako poštuju i postoje sankcije za svako nepoštivanje guilda. Izvršavanje guild – related
profesija nije ilegalno, ali se glasine brzo šire i ubrzo nećete moći poslovati sa članovima

Nema rankova.

The Bakers' Guild: Bakers

The Carpenters', Roofers' and Plasterers' Guild: Builders of non-stone buildings, plus roofs
and plaster walls

The Cellarers' and Plumbers' Guild: Digging building foundations, keeping sewers functional
and safe.

The Coopers' Guild: Barrels

The Council of Farmer-Grocers: Farmers and produce-sellers in market

The Council of Musicians, Instrument-Makers, and Choristers: Instrument craftsmen,

musicians and singers

The Dungsweepers' Guild: Street cleanliness maintenance, and stables cleaning (for a fee);
occasionally hired by the city to aid in sewer work.

The Fellowship of Bowyers and Fletchers: Bow- and arrow-makers.

The Fellowship of Carters and Coachmen: Those who own and use carts, wagons, coaches,
litters and sleighs as their primary business. Often includes loading and unloading of cargos from

The Fellowship of Innkeepers: Those who own inns and taverns.

The Fellowship of Salters, Packers, and Joiners: Preservation of food, packing of goods for
transport, building of crates.

The Fishmongers' Fellowship: Buyers and sellers of fish; does not include actual fishermen.

The Guild of Apothecaries and Physicians: Healers and medicine-makers.

The Guild of Butchers: Butchers, slaughterers and meat-sellers

The Guild of Chandlers and Lamplighters: Candle- and lamp-makers, and lamplighters
employed by the city to keep city lamps lit at night.

The Guild of Fine Carvers: Woodcarvers

The Guild of Glassblowers, Glaziers, and Speculum-makers: Glass-making

The Guild of Stonecutters, Masons, Potters, and Tile-makers: Stone- and clay-workers

The Guild of Trusted Pewterers and Casters: Metal casters (rather than forgers)

The Guild of Watermen: Water pilots who keep the harbor free of debris, pilot small skiffs and
boats for passengers, and do dock-work.

The Jewelers' Guild: Jewelry making and gem-cutting

The Launderers' Guild: Clothing washers

The League of Basketmakers and Wickerworkers: Woven wood crafts

The League of Skinners and Tanners: Skinners and leather-makers

The Loyal Order of Street Laborers: Street repair and maintenance

The Master Mariners' Guild: Ship captains and merchant fleet owners

The Most Careful Order of Skilled Smiths and Metalforgers: Metalsmiths

The Most Diligent League of Sail-makers and Cordwainers: Sails and ropes

The Most Excellent Order of Weavers and Dyers: Cloth-making and dyeing

The Order of Cobblers and Corvisers: Makers of shoes, boots, clogs and all forms of footwear

The Order of Master Shipwrights: Ship builders

The Order of Master Taylors, Glovers and Mercers: Clothing and accessory makers

The Saddlers' and Harness Makers' Guild: Tack makers

The Scriveners', Scribes', and Clerks' Guild: Document makers

The Solemn Order of Recognized Furriers and Woolmen: Fur-trappers and wool-shearers

The Splendid Order of Armorers, Locksmiths, and Finesmiths: Weapon and armor smiths,
small ornament or gadget makers, delicate smithwork

The Stablemasters' and Farriers' Guild: Mount care professionals, including breeders,
trainers, capturers, healers, stable-hands or -owners; includes exotic mounts

The Stationers' Guild: Paper- and parchment-makers, plus makers of wax, ink, blotters, gilt ink,
pen metal nibs and the like.

The Surveyors', Map, and Chartmakers' Guild: Building designers, map makers, surveying
for building construction

The Vintners', Distillers' and Brewers' Guild: Alcohol makers

The Wagonmakers' and Coach Builders' Guild: Wagon- and cart-makers

The Watchful Order of Magists and Protectors: Mages' guild

The Wheelwrights' Guild: Wheel makers
4. Waterdeep – opće
informacije o gradu
City Watch
City Guard – patrols the roads leading to
Waterdeep (walls, guard civic structures, protect

City Watch – protects Waterdeep's streets, nose

zeleno-zlatno uniformu. Uglavnom ne nose
crossbows ili slično range oružje. Povremeno im neki lokalac pobjegne, ali nikada newcomers
(od kojih puno bolje poznaju grad i njegove precice).

Imaju posts kroz cijeli grad, često sakrivene. Mogu se preopznati po zeleno-zlatnim „fenjerima“
koji svijetle i danju sa continual flame spell. Ovisno o kojem se dijelu grada radi, patrole mogu
biti od 2 do 12.

The Watchful Order of Magists and Protectors

Svaki korsnik arcane magic (arcane spellcasters) moraju se prijaviti, bez obzira na koliko dana
ostaju. Od njih se očekuju da u svakom trenutku budu na raspolaganju grada, radeći kao
privremeni City Guards ili City Watch. Često se njihovo znanje koristi „na terenu“, radi
utvrđivanja vrste magičnog napada. Članovi također mogu očekivati da ih se pozove u slučaju
požara i drugih prirodnih/magičnih katastrofa.

Sve se mora placati u Whaterdavian novcu.

Zamjena novca može se izvršiti u Palace of Waterdeep bez naknade, ali se uglavnom za to treba
izdvojiti cijeli dan zbog velikih gužvi. Naravno, novac možete zamijeniti i u „Guild Of Trusted
Pewterers and Casters“ ili „Jeweler's Guild“. Postoji još par mjesta, ali ova dva posjeduju
najtačnije vage. Prije napuštanja grada ponovo zamijeniti novac, jer je u potpunosti bezvrijedan
na drugim mjestima.
Taxes and Fees
Uspostavio ih je prethodni Open Lord – Dagult Nevermber. Svaki stanovnik unutar oficijelnih
dijelova grada dužan je placati taksu. Taksa iznosi 1 shard po mjesecu i City Guards ih skupljaju
posljednji dan svakog mjeseca. Uglavnom tim danima bude ogromna gužva u gradu, jer veliki
dio stanovništva nastoji da ih izbjegne (ali rijetko uspiju).

Kočije i kola se uglavnom mogu naći na Bulevarima, kao što su: Waterdeep Way, The High
Road, The Way of the Dragon, The Street of Bells, Warrior's Way, The Street of Silks, Trader's
Way i Street of Singing Dolphin (Sea Ward). Tokom velikih gužvi, moguće je vidjeti člana City
Watch kako upravlja saobraćajem.

Drays su posebne vrste kocija koje predstavljaju neku vrstu javnog prevoza. Vožnja košta 2 do 4

Moguće je unajmiti privatnog vozača.

Zimi na ulicama nema puno ljudi, pogotovo kada pada kiša ili snijeg. Fellowship of Carters and
COachmen zajedno sa The Wheelwrights' Guildom i Wagon-makers' and Coach Builders'
Guildovima zimi pretvaraju drays i hire-coaches u sladges.

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