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The number of visitors in Boracay has been declining due to the moss problem on its
beaches.  What can the public sector of the tourism industry do to solve this problem?

- The control and supervision must take over of it because they are the sector who is in-
charge to maintain the quality standards. The sector must have a meeting in order for
them to solve the problem. After the meeting they will start to work to get rid of the moss
problem, because moss problem can lower the percentage of tourist in the tourist
industry rapidly if this problem was not resolve quickly. That’s why it is important that the
sector must have a quick action to this problem. If this problem was not resolving
immediately the tourism industry might have a big problem to resolve because if a small
problem cannot be resolve immediately then it might get bigger as days passed by the
small problem was not resolve.
2. There are numerous mountains in the Philippines that have been temporarily closed
due to damage to its ecosystem by a large number of hikers. What can the private
sector of the tourism industry do to solve this problem?

-the first thing that the private sector must is to limits the numbers of hikers going to the
mountains, because just have said in the problem large number of hikers are damaging
the ecosystem. The second thing that they must do is to repair the damage of
ecosystem that the hikers make. One of the biggest causes of ecosystem damage is the
human waste, so if the hikers had many wastes in the mountain, it can cause damage
to the ecosystem. It is important to the private sector to maintain the ecosystem not
damaged because if the ecosystem damaged a lot it can big problem not just in the
tourism industry but also in people.

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