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1. C

2. B

3. A

4. B

5. A


1. It is because the language we speak is the laguage of men.

2. To make sure we live a life without the need to dominate.

3. It is because our successes comes from other peoples failures.


1. For me, it means that in order for one to be considered a success, one must have failed in order to
differentiate those who succeeded and those who did not.


1. Signify

2. Obscure

3. Hordes

4. Irrational & Despise

5. Passive

6. Dominate

7. Hierarchy

Speaker: Ursula LeGuin

Audience: Graduates

Tone: Passive

Mood: Urgent

Purpose: To inform and persuade females to live life without dominace


Topic: The Art of Videoames

Who: Anyone

Purpose: To persuade people to realize how much of an artistic form and how beautiful videogames can


- I want everyone to know that videogames are not what they seem from the outside.

- I want eveyone to witness how glorious simple games can look and how they can affect how we feel
with a click of a button.

- I want everyone to know that just because they are games does not mean they are bad for us.

Focus: I want everyone to focus on the point that is " Art is not just a painting on a canvas, they can be
on different forms, even when they get misinterpreted for something else."

Conclusion: I should include that we should always look in deeper in the art form before putting a label
on it that is hard to undo.

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