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) MATTHEW 24:6

- 6 “You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must
happen, but the end is still to come.”

- In relation of this to what is happening right now in the world due to covid-19 is we should not let
ourselves be destroyed. We will all overcome this pandemic disease as long as we have faith in Him and
if we will stay strong. Always remember that this is not the end yet.

B.) MARK 13:31

- ³¹ “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.”

- In relation of this to what is happening right now in the world due to covid-19 is that even if we lose
our everything, Jesus’ words will never disappear. If we believe in the power and words of Jesus, we will
surpass all these problems. All we need to do is trust Him and do what is right.1. Are you afraid of
death? Why?

No, Because we all now after this life, we will have a life of eternity with God.

2. Do you know when are going to die? Why?

No, Only God knows when and where he will call us in heaven.

3. Is there life after death? Why?

Yes, it is seen in the new testament that Jesus died and rise again and our physical body will die and our
soul will not. It will rise in heaven and receive eternal life.

4. Does the phenomenon COVID 19 speak about Eschatology/End time? In what way? Why?

Yes, this global crisis or this covid-19 outbreak speaks about eschatology because this pandemic disease
is not easy to cure. Especially in our country, there are not enough equipment to test all of the citizens.
We are all affected and suffering due to this outbreak so we are not safe yet. also because whole world
is suffering in this phenomenon and a lot of people dying in this virus. It is like the end of the humankind
because this virus has no cure.

5.What do you do now to end the massive infection in the world today and in our country in particular?

As a student, the only way that I can help our country is to obey those rules and regulations made our
government to avoid spreading the virus. I will just stay at home, be healthy, be clean and do the
precautionary measures.

6.Read also the downloaded materials and explain the three types of Eschatology; namely, Messianism,
Apocalypticism and Millenialism. What makes them different from each other.
Messianism – is the belief of the “Messiah” that will redeem or save a group of people. In Judaism, it
was said that the Messiah will be born as a King in the line of David and in Christianity, Jesus is the
Messiah. Messianism was originated as an Abrahamic religion.

Apocalypticism – is the belief in were there would be an apocalypse, like what the Book of Revelation
saying. It is also a belief that focus on a sudden, dramatic and cataclysmic intervention of God in
humanity. Also refers as the judgement of man; salvation of the faithful; and the renews of heaven and

Millennialism – from the Latin word “millennium” meaning a thousand years. A belief that the final
judgement or the paradise will come to earth. It was a succession of thousand years before the Last

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