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Byron Ellsworth Hamann

What calendar system should date the masthead of 1881.

an anarchist newspaper? In late nineteenth-century The year 1880 since the Christian Era, came, and is now just
Kansas, editor Moses Harman experimented with gone to keep company with the "years beyond the Flood."
several possibilities. But when that Flood was, and when that Era commenced,
Harman was born in West Virginia on 12 authentic history does not inform us. Christian scholars are
October 1830. Over the next few years, his parents very much divided on these questions. It is pretty generally
slowly moved the family west, finally settling in admitted, however, that the Chronology with regard to the
Crawford County, Missouri, in 1838. Harman would latter is wrong-some placing the error at four, and some
stay in this part of the country (the tristate area at eight or nine years. Thus we ought to call the year now
of Missouri, Illinois, and Kansas) for the next seven commencing i885 or 1889 instead of 1881. Then again, it
decades, until a winter spent in Los Angeles is conceded generally that Jesus of Nazareth was not born in
convinced him to move to southern California. He winter but in spring; and hence the year should commence,
spent the last two years of his life there, and died not in January but in April or May. In view of these difficul-
in 1910. ties and for other reasons that will readily present themselves,
After graduating from high school in 1851, Harman we prefer to reckon time from a date concerning which there
tried a number of professions: farmer, teacher, circuit- is no dispute: and, as Americans, we choose to date our little
riding preacher, and, during the Civil War, hospital paper from our National Birthday.
nurse. (Problems with one of his legs prevented him
from enlisting for the Union.) Married in 1866, and Readers of the Januq.ry issue might have been surprised
widowed in 1877, Harman left Missouri for Kansas that its AN. date was still 105, as it had been in
in 1879. There, in the riverside town of Valley Falls, December-but this was because the new year in
he embarked on a new career as radical journalist and Harman's system did not begin until July. And so
chronological agitator.1 when midsummer arrived, the masthead (finally) read:
Three years earlier, in 1876, the National "Valley Falls, Kansas, July, A.N. 106."
Liberal League was founded in Philadelphia. A Two months later, in September-having just
coalition of various organizations across the United celebrated the paper's one-year anniversary-
States, its initial aim was the total separation of state Harman changed its name from the (local-sounding)
from church, including a repeal of Sunday laws and Valley Falls Liberal to the (statewide) Kansas Liberal.
an end to religious instruction in public schools. Soon He also updated the masthead mission statement:
after moving to Valley Falls, Harman became involved "Total Separation of the State from Supernatural
in the local League chapter. In 1880, he was elected Theology. Perfect Equality before the Law for all Men
coeditor of the chapter's new monthly periodical, the and Women. No privileged classes or orders-No
Valley Falls Liberal. The paper's goals were outlined in a Monopolies." The renamed paper continued to be
front-page prospectus: "To support the cause of LIBER- dated with the A.N. system for the next seven months.
ALISM in its effort to break the chains which have But in April 1882, at the same time the Kansas Liberal's
been riveted upon the minds and souls of men and headquarters were temporarily moved to Lawrence,
women by that religion of Fear and Hate, misnamed Harman reverted to mainstream chronology: April 13,
Christianity..." 1882. The paper was back in Valley Falls by October,
Inspired by this manifesto, Harman quickly moved and early in 1883 chronological experimentation also
to replace the paper's Anno Domini dating with a new returned. The 12 January issue was dated E.M. 283: in
chronology, apparently of his own design. Starting in the Era of Man.
November 1880, the masthead of the Valley Falls Liberal This system had been promulgated the previous
carried the American Nation (A.N.) count, its Year 1 fall at the sixth annual National Liberal League conw!1
corresponding to 1776. As Harman explained in the tion. Held in St Louis from 29 September to l Octob•''
January, A.N. 10 5 issue: 1882, the convention turned to the topic of calendar

reform on its third and final day. A detailed article on Whereas, This modern date may be most
the proceedings appeared in the 25 October 1882 issue conveniently used to succeed the old era, having
of the Boston Investigator: its last two figures the same, and being capable of
a familiar contraction to '82 for 282, just as the old
After this business was concluded, Mr. George Chainey, of date, 1882, is contracted to '82; therefore,
Boston, arose and said that several resolutions and sugges- Resolved, That the National Liberal League
tions relative to a new secular calendar had been referred to adopt this date, and earnestly recommend its
the Committee on Resolutions, and that they desired him to general use.
report the following, which he read: -
The resolution was adopted unanimously and with
THE MODERN ERA. applause.
Whereas, The uncertain and mythical origin of the
Christian calendar now in general use commits Then followed a discussion of what to name the
those who use it, to some extent, at least, to the new chronology. The system's creator, George N. Hill
Christian theology; and, (secretary of the Investigator Hall Society in Boston),
Whereas, It would be relief to many and a pushed for Anno Scientia-the Era of Science, or E.S.
great convenience to have a more certain, modern, Another proposal was for "Age of Reason." But in the
and purely secular date for recording time, end, "Era of Man" (E.M.) won out, "passed by so large
Resolved, That we earnestly recommend a majority that it was almost a general consent."
all those who do not wish so [to] express their Back in Kansas, in late August i883 (E.M.
adherence to the Christian theology to unite in 283)-eight months after introducing Era of Man
all parts of the world upon a common, secular, dating-Moses Harman rebooted the Kansas Liberal.
universal date as the year one of a modern era; He changed its name to Lucifer the Light-Bearer ("the
and, name applied by the ancients to the morning star, the
Whereas, Three great events common to the Herald of Dawn") and expanded its content. An ad for
whole human race, and which gave mankind a new Lucifer printed in the u June 1884 issue of Liberty (a
heaven and new earth, point to the year known as radical paper from Boston) announced a wide range
"A.D. 1600," making our present year 282; as the of controversial topics-and Harman's interest in
proper beginning of the modern era, we call special anarchism, which he had already voiced in the Kansas
attention to those facts, viz.:- Liberal, was asserted at the start:
1. The general publication and acceptance of the

new or Copernican system of astronomy. A fortnightly free thought, anarchistic journal, devoted to
2. The discovery of the unity of the human race the fearless discussion of all questions of human interest,
(i.e., humanity in its solidarity and continuity) by including the land question, the money question, the question
the extension of commerce and European civi- of the relations of the State to the Individual, the question of
lization to Asia, Africa, and Australia, and the prohibition vs. temperance, the marriage question, heredity,
recognition of progress in the success of the ages etc., etc. LUCIFER discusses all these and other subjects
and generations of the human race. from the standpoint of Individualism, holding that no true
3. The foundations of International Law by Socialism is possible where the rights of the individual man
Hugo Grotius (begun in 1600 and published in and woman are not regarded as the only rights there are, and
1625); and, respected accordingly.
Whereas, These events, which changed the face LUCIFER repudiates the imposed authority alike of gods
of the world, are fitly consecrated by the martyrdom and states, and holds in infinite scorn the prurient meddle-
of the great Liberal of his age, Giordano Bruno, someness of society.
who was burned to death by the Christian Church LUCIFER carries with it the sparkling light and invigo-
at Rome, on the 16th day of February, 1600, for rating breezes of the wide-sweeping prairies of the West.
proclaiming the new astronomy, the true solar It preaches the gospel of reciprocal Rights and Duties, and
system, the infinity of the heavens and of worlds; and, sounds a trumpet-call to ACTION.

TOJ'F,K.\, XA.NSAS. i'RID.U. Dl!CllllHE:R 19. It. ll. 9'lel. W.110LJ: No 8-ri

N..w BHID, Voi... IX, No. 18..

Two mastheads from Moses Harman's newspaper Lucifer

the Light Bearer-one giving the year as E.M. 290 (top)
and the other noting both the E.M. year, 292 , and the C.E.
year of 1892.

Throughout these changes of title and themes-and telescope in hand, turned her gaze upon the dome of
across various updates in design-the E.M. system heaven and showed to mortals that there is no dome
stayed in the masthead. Not all of Harman's readers there! no thrones there! no gods there!-Not till the new
understood what the abbreviation meant, and so cosmology of Copernicus and Galileo began to take the
from time to time he offered them an explanation. place of the mythological cosmogony, did the true Era of
The 8 January E.M. 286 issue included this extended Man begin.
commentary: 4th. The immediate and necessary result of this
destruction of the old cosmogony-the cosmogony which
OUR CALENDAR made the earth the center and chieffact of the universe-
A St. Louis correspondent (whose name we have mislaid) was a radical reconstruction of the methods of thought
asks: and investigation. Instead of referring to Authority for
"What do you mean by 'E.M. 285' at the head of the truth of any theory-in morals, in government, in
your title page?" religion-all theories were subjected to the remorseless
To save trouble and time in answering this crucible ofscientific investigation, which takes nothing for
frequently recurring question, we will here give a brief granted. The result of this investigation, thus Jar, is that
resume ofwhat we have frequently before stated in these there is nothing outside ofor beyond Nature, and that chief
columns, in regard to the matter. fact or product of nature is MAN. And though kings and
The abbreviations "E.M." mean Era of Man, and priests, in the name of their gods, still hold sway over the
are used instead of, or in contradistinction from ''.A.D." - greater part of humankind, they no longer refer to their
Anno Domini, or Era of Christianity; and for these deities alone as the source of their power. They are now
among other reasons: willing to admit that the people have rights that must be
1st. We object to the popular or Christian respected, even by the viceregents of the gods themselves.
Chronology because of its lack of historical foundation, The number 286 that we place on our title page to
or starting point. In other words, we object to it because represent the year now just begun, refers to the death
it bears upon its face an acknowledged falsehood. No of Giordano Bruno, a distinguished martyr to science,
scholar, be he Christian or non-Christian, will dare to which event took place in Rome, Feb. 1601; of the
maintain that Jesus of Nazareth was born on the 25th of Christian chronology. 2 We use this number,
Dec., eighteen hundred and eighty-five years ago. Every (a) Because it records a well-known fac t in modern
historian of any note agrees that the true date of the history, and for this reason there is not likely to be any
Nazarene's birth, both as to day and year, is shrouded dispute in regard to the initial point of the new calendar.
in the obscurity of tradition; and, if candid, he will also (b) The martyrdom of Bruno was a most memorable
agree that the very existence of the man Jesus, as an event in the history of the struggle between Science and
historical personage, cannot now be established. Theology-between Reason and Superstition-between
2d. As Rationalists we object to the use of A.D. the Rights of Man and the assumed rights of gods, kings,
(year of our Lord) because we acknowledge allegiance and priests.
to no lord or master, whether temporal or spiritual. The (c) The centuries reckoned from the death of Bruno
so-called Christian Era began during what may be aptly correspond with the centuries of Christian chronology.
be termed the theologic era, or Era ofgods and supersti- Hence the two calendars are easily referable to each other.
tions. It was the age of belief in the supernatural-of belief For these reasons, besides others that might be
in the subordination of man to the arbitrary will ofa deity named, we place E.M. at 286 at the mast-head of
or of many deities. Man, as such, had no rights that the LUCIFER to designate the current year.
gods were bound to respect. Rights belonged to the gods
and to their representatives, the kings, princes and priests.
Overleaf: The so-called Biccherna 72, 1582-1583. Th e
3d. The revolt against the rule of the gods as repre-
image, one of a series created to decorate the registers
sented by priests and kings is of comparatively recent of the treasury (the biccherna) of the Republic of Siena,
date. Not until about three hundred years ago-not depicts Pope Gregory XIII presiding over the council
until the circumnavigation of the globe had determined considering the reforms that wou ld result in the institution
the true shape of the earth-not until modern science, of his eponymous calendar in the autumn of 1582.

Harman's last foray into chronological experi- All of which raises rather devastating problems for
mentation took place at the start of 1892, when he current uses of B.C.E. I C.E. dating. As abbreviations
adopted a dual-dating system for Lucifer's masthead. their full-length referents are open to interpretation. '
The day of the week, month, and day were still followed Attempts to use these abbreviations as secularized
immediately by the E.M. year. But that number was alternatives to B.C. and A.D. propose that their strings
now followed by a bracketed C.E. date. The inaugural of letters be read as ''[before the] Current Era" or
example read: "Friday, January 1, E.M. 292 [C.E. 1892]." "[before the] Common Era." But those same B.C.E.
We might be tempted-following twenty-first / C.E. strings of letters had been around for over a
century conventions-to interpret this abbreviation as century before they became fashionable in the late
an early appearance of the "Common Era" or "Current 1980s, and in that earlier history, the C was neither
Era" phrasing that exploded into popularity circa 1989. "Common" nor "Current," but "Christian." Tragically,
Ironically, however, this is not what C.E. meant for recent attempts at historical secularization were
Moses Harman. Instead, C.E. meant "Christian Era."3 doomed from the start by their own historical naivete.
It is certainly true (as Early English Books Online This naivete extends to the very rereadings of C
reveals) that the phrases "common Aera" and even as "Common" or "Current." Asserting the renamed
"before the common Aera" had been around since the Anno Domini system as "Common" throughout the
1600s. But they were often qualified by an appended world ignores the violent history by which this system
"of Jesus" or "of Christ." And they do not seem to have became global: the conquests and missionizations that,
been linked to any abbreviations: the use of a phrase is over the past five centuries, imposed the Christian-
one thing; the baptism of a chronological system quite Julian and (after 1582) Catholic-Gregorian calendar on
another. The chronological markers C.E. and B.C.E. people throughout the world-often demanding that
emerged in the middle of the nineteenth century-and their own calendars be forgotten. At the same time, it
when they did, their C stood for "Christian." Moses is important to remember that the Catholic-Gregorian
Harman's apparently perverse insistence on stressing calendar never became truly Common to all people
the Christian origins of the C.E. was not idiosyncratic: everywhere, something quickly revealed by newspaper
it was a common interpretation of a new abbreviation. mastheads in many parts of today's world, from Tehran
Perhaps the earliest and highest-profile use of these to Pyongyang to Taiwan to, say, Chicago, where the
twin abbreviations was in the title of Morris J. Raphall's Chinese-language World Journal is dated with multiple
Post-Biblical History of the Jews; From the Close of the Old non-Gregorian calendar systems.5 A few months
Testament, about the Year 420 B.C.E. Till the Destruction of ago, Bolivian president Evo Morales even called for a
the Second Temple, in the Year 70 C.E. This two-volume national revival of pre-Hispanic Andean calendars. Are
work was a bestseller. First published in Philadelphia in people who do not use the C.E. calendar trapped in the
1855, it was reprinted the next year in both New York past-excluded from the "Current Era" like the living
and London, followed a decade later by another New fossils of nineteenth-century evolutionism?
York printing in 1866. Vexingly, Raphall never provides Early in this millennium, anthropologist Michel-
a "Note to the Reader'' explaining how to interpret Rolph Trouillot diagnosed something he called North
his titular B.C.E. / C.E. abbreviations. But a look at his Atlantic universals: "Words that project North Atlantic
prose is revealing. Across nine hundred pages, Raphall experience on a universal scale that they themselves
never uses the phrases "Common Era" or "Current have helped to create.... North Atlantic universals are
Era." Instead, like Harman, he refers to the Christian always prescriptive inasmuch as they always suggest a
era: "It must be borne in mind that, from Josephus, who correct state of affairs-what is good, what is just, w hat
wrote in the first century of the Christian era"; "others is sublime or desirable. That prescr iption is inherent
assume the third century of the Christian era as the in the very projection of a historically limited experi-
probable date..."4 Raphall was a rabbi at New York's ence on the world stage. North Atlantic universals are
Greene Street Synagogue in Greenwich Village, and always seductive, at times even irresistible, precisely
so was well aware that the Anno Domini system was because they manage to hide their specific-local-
provincially Christian: neither common, nor neces- ized, and thus parochial-historical location."6 Moses
sarily current. Harman's attempts at calendrical reform were, of

course, just as political as more recent attempts to

assert a Current or Common Era. Yet despite living
in late nineteenth-century Kansas, Harman's chrono-
logical radicalism was not provincial. The American
Nation system was explicit about its limited, nationalist
framework for time. The Era of Man was grounded
in an early modern horizon of European expansion
well aware of religious conflicts within Europe itself.
And Harman's last experiment for Lucifer-the use of
multiple calendars, one of them explicitly Christian-
was far more sophisticated than simply renaming
the Christian Era as Common or Current, and then
proclaiming it a secular and (North Atlantic) universal
standard for world history.

The last issue of Lucifer the Light-Bearer was published

on 6 June E.M. 307 [C.E. 1907]. A month later, it was
redesigned and launched as the American Journal of
Eugenics, a word defined on the front cover as "the
doctrine of progress or evolution, especially in the
human race, through improved conditions in the rela-
tions of the sexes." Moses Harman was still editor,
and the new journal continued to explore themes that
had been central to Lucifer. Articles in the premiere
issue included "Opposition to Freedom of the Press,"
"Marriage as a Business Proposition," and "Medical
Interest in Sexual Problems." But chronological radi-
calism had been abandoned. The new masthead
featured a disappointingly singular, unmarked date:
July 1907.

I On Moses Harman, see A. Lo nga, Anarchist Perio dica ls page two of every issue starting 75 of vol ume two, resp ectively.
William LemorWest, "The in English Published in the (at least) from 15February1895 : 5 For details , see my " How
Moses Harman Story," Kansas United States (1833-1955): An 'OUR DATE: A correspondent to Chronologize with a Hamm er,
Historical Quarterly, vol. 37, no. Annotated Guide (London: The asks, 'What do you mean by E.M. Or, The Myth of Homogeneous ,
1 (Spring 1971). Available at Scarecrow Press, 2010). 294, and C.E. 1894?' Ans. The Empty Time," HA U: Journal of
<· 2 Harman here revises the first means Era of Man, and dates Ethnographic Theory, vol. 6, no. 1
story/13209>. Also see Philip Liberal League's starting date of from the Burning of Bruno in ( Summer 201 6).
Ray Michael, "Moses Harman, 1600 (the actual year of Bruno's 1601. 'C. E.' means Christian Er a.• 6 Mic hel· Rolph Trouillot ,
Lucifer, th e Ugh t Bearer, and the death) to 1601. Technically, if 4 Morris J. Raphall, Post- "North Atlantic Universals: Analyt·
Trials of Kansas Free Thought at 1600 were counted as Year 1 of Biblical History of the Jews; From ical Fi cti ons, 1492-1945," South
th e End of th e Nineteenth Cen · the E.M. system, the E.M. syst em the Close of the Old Testam ent, Atlantic Q u arterly, vol. 101, no. 4
tury• (master's thesis, Emporia would always be one year 'off" about the Year 420 B.C.E. Till (Fall 2002), pp. 847-848.
State University, 2009). For from the Anno Domini system : the Destruc tion oUhe Second
publication details on Harman's 1600would be E.M. Year 1, 1601 Temple, in the Year 70 C.E.
newspapers, and their rel ation would be E.M. Year 2, and so on. {Philadelphia: Moss and Brother,
to other radi cal newspapers in 3 Harman's dual-dating system 1855). The quotations are on
the United States, see Ern esto was explain ed for rea ders on page 14 of volume one and page

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