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Common Windows Shortcuts


F9 Pause / Resume F10 Stop Shift + M Add Marker


N Annotations S Split Space Bar Play / Pause

Shift + A Custom Animation Period Step Forward

Shift + T Add Last Transition Comma Step Backward

Ctrl + G Group Shift + M Add Marker

Ctrl + U Ungroup Ctrl + ] Next Marker

Ctrl + Shift + S Split All Ctrl + [ Previous Marker

Ctrl + Alt + I Stitch Ctrl + +/- Zoom

1. Hold Alt, then click and drag the handle of an object on the canvas to crop the object.
Alt 2. Hold Alt, mouse over the edge of a clip on the timeline, then click and drag
to extend the frame of that clip.

1. Hold Shift while moving a clip to move all other media on the same track.
Shift 2. Hold Shift while moving the playhead to split and move all media at once.

*Many shortcuts can be reassigned (Edit > Preferences > Shortcuts)

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