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Speech 1 Self-Critique – Austin Eggers


I think that I did a really good job with eye contact and my inflictions in my speech. I

made consistent eye contact that did not turn into starring and my voice had a steady tone and

did not seem too loud or too soft.


Around the 47 min and again at the 48 min mark of the video, I noticed that I lost track

of my idea and said “um” or “so” as filler until I could catch back up to my trail of thought. At

the 50 min mark, I did loose complete train of thought and had the “aliens” meme with my

hands. (See Giorgio A. Tsoukalos from History Channel)


For the next speech, I would like to try and stand while talking instead of sitting at a

table. I think this might give me better posture and will be able to incorporate my hands as part

of the speech. This would be useful when trying to emphasize a point or a topic.


Almost everything we do today has some tie to digital information, whether we like it or

not, the future of information is digital. My name is Austin Eggers and my work as a systems

engineer has shown how digital information is being used right now, and growing up through

the booming internet age has shown how this information has evolved. Weather that is for the

better is up to the public to decide.


Hopefully, everyone now has a better idea of what digital information is, where

it resides and how it is used in their lives. All three of these aspects are in use every day by a lot

of people and companies. Sometimes that can be for the better or it can be used against you.

Knowing this, you can better protect yourself and others.

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