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Please respond honestly as the following conditions can be risky to your health;

1. Your Name & Date of Birth; Vimal Gopalakrishnan – 17 th March 1986

2. Which City do you live in & Country from? Chennai, India

3. Religious Background? _Hindu_

4. Why are you seeking to get initiated into this path? What is your inner desire?

Inner desire, is to know my true self – to progress into the path of unity with God


(You need to be honest from the bottom of your heart while replying to this question. Shaktipat is
meant purely for spiritual growth and not for any kind of materialistic benefits, like gaining supernatural
powers or using Shaktipat for any other materialistic desires. Please remember that Kundalini energy is
conscious and all knowing. Therefore, please frankly express your inner objective in seeking initiation
into Siddha Maha Yoga. Please remember that you can’t cheat the God).

5. Do you have any major health problems, like heart related issues or cancer or HIV or TB or any
other terminally ill disease? No

6. Do you have any mental illness, like being mentally unstable, Depression or intellectually
disabled etc? No

7. Are you addicted to any kind of drugs or take any medication? No

8. Have you ever been previously initiated into Shaktipat or any other kundalini awakening by
anyone? If Yes who is the Guru and also the lineage? No I haven’t got any other initiation

Answer back (1-8) Thank you.

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