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Data Structures BCS-3A

FAST-NU, Lahore, Fall 2020

Homework 3
Augmenting the class bst

Due date: Tue, Nov 10, 1159 PM 160 pts

In this homework, you will add a number of additional methods/functionalities to the class bst that was
developed during the lectures. Your code must be added to the code in bst.cpp that’s been provided
with this statement.

Following is a list of the functionalities you need to add to the class bst. Please note that you should add
necessary utility functions (private methods in the class) that you need for the working of the following
methods written in the public part of the class. In the following, n means the number of nodes in the
tree and h means the height of the tree.

1. The height method. Add a recursive method called height that computes the height of the bst.
Note that the height of a node n is simply one more than the height of its taller child. This
should take O(n).
2. The depth method. This method should return the depth of the key passed as parameter. Recall
that the depth of a node (or key) is the number of edges on the path from the root to that node.
This should take O(h).
3. Add a method called isBalanced, which returns true if the tree is balanced and false otherwise.
We define a balanced tree as: a tree in which the difference in the heights of the two sub-trees
of every node is no more than 1. For example, the tree below is balanced. The difference in the
heights of the sub-trees at any node is called the ‘balance factor’ (or bf) of that node. Precisely,
bf(x) = height(x.right) – height(x.left). Note that we define the height of a nullptr to be -1. So the
balance factor of a leaf is always -1 – (-1) = 0. In the following tree, bf(2)=0, bf(55) =0, bf(63) = 0,
bf(93) = 0, etc. Furthermore, bf(35) = -1, bf(81) = 1, bf(70) = 0 and bf(50) = 1, etc. In other
words, a tree is balanced if the balance factor of every node in it is either 0, 1 or -1.

Your function should work in O(n).

4. The destructor ~bst(). The destructor should de-allocate every node in the bst while making sure
that there are no memory leaks. You should do this with a post-order traversal.
5. The copy constructor and = operator. These methods should create a deep copy of the tree, i.e.
another tree with its own nodes allocated with the same data as the original tree. In the copy
constructor, use the level order traversal. In the assignment operator, do the same thing using
the pre-order traversal.
6. Write a parameterized constructor: bst(T sortedData[], int n). This constructor should convert
the sorted data given in the array sortedData intro a perfect (or complete) bst. The running time
of the function should be no more than O(n). Note that repeatedly calling the insert method will
not do the job. Following is an example of a sorted array and the corresponding tree.
Hint: use recursion.

7. Write an iterator for the class bst. It should allow the user of the bst to write the following code
to process the data in the bst:

Note: this iterator must access the data in ascending order, i.e. using InOrder traversal. The iterator
should be implemented in such a way that the code written above should take only O(n).

8. Add a method called pathSums to class bst. It should return a vector containing the sums of the
keys along each path of the tree, starting from the root to each leaf. For example, for the tree
given in problem 4, the method should return a vector containing [18, 20, 76, 126].
9. Add the operator == to class bst. When it is used like bst1==bst2, it should return true if bst1
and bst2 have the exact same data, even though their structures may be different. This should
take O(n).
10. Add a method called isSubtree. When used like bst1.isSubtree(bst2), it should return true if bst2
is a sub-tree of bst1, i.e. bst2 occurs exactly (in terms of both its data and structure) inside bst1.
This should take O(n).
11. Add a method called isSubset. When used like bst1.isSubset(bst2), it should return true if the
data of bst2 occurs in bst1, even if bst2 is not an exact subtree of bst1. This should take O(n).
12. [This function needs knowledge from the lecture on Wed Nov 4] Update the method
searchAndPromote so that after a single search the key being searched should be promoted to
the root of the tree. This should take O(h). Moreover: since you need to move all the way up to
root, you will need the pointers to all the ancestors of the node with the key. To achieve this,
you should update the getAccess method so that it now provides the pointers to all ancestors,
not just the parent and grandparent. getAccess should return these pointers in a stack passed to
it as a reference parameter.
13. Add a method called breadth to the class bst. It should return the breadth of the tree, where
breadth is defined as the number of nodes in the ‘widest level’ of the tree, i.e. the level
containing most nodes in it.
14. Write the very important method called successor to the class BST. The successor of a key in a
bst is simply the next key in order of values. One way to do it is to perform the InOrder traversal
of the tree and simply return the key after our key in the sorted order. However, that approach
will take O(n) time. We want our method to work in O(h). Use the following information to write
this method in O(h)
 If the node of key x has a right sub-tree, then the successor of x is simply the smallest
key in that subtree. (just like we found in the erase method).
 If the node of key x has no right sub-tree, then there are two possibilities:
o If x is the left child of its parent p(x), then p(x) is the successor of x (because in
this case x is the biggest element in the left subtree of p(x).
o If x is the right child of its parent(x), then we go up the ancestors (parent,
grand-parent, great-grand-parent, etc.) of x, and the first ancestor, say anc(x),
whose child is its left child in this sequence is the successor of x (again, because,
x is the biggest element in the left subtree of anc(x). if we were at anc(x) then
to find x, we’d need to go to the left subtree and then right, right… etc. Note: if
we do not find any such “right ancestor” all the way to root, then x has no
successor, i.e. it is the biggest element in the tree.

[Note: using a symmetric strategy, we can find the predecessor of a node]

15. Add a recursive method called trimBelowK to class bst. It should accept a number k>=0. The
method should delete all nodes in the levels below level k, i.e. all nodes in levels k+1, k+2, and
so on. Make sure that the new leaf nodes now have NULL children. No new nodes may be
allocated at any stage. This method should take no more than O(n) time.

16. Write a method called lowestCommonAncestor in the bst class. This method should return the
key that is the lowest (nearest) common ancestor of two keys passed in parameters. For
example, in the following bst, the lowest common ancestor of 81 and 55 is 70; the lowest
common ancestor of 55 and 63 is 61; while the lowest common ancestor of 2 and 63 is 50, etc. If
one of the keys is an ancestor of the other than that key should be reported. For example, the
lowest common ancestor of 70 and 91 is 70, etc.
*** END ***

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