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Family and friends – survey

Student A

1. How big is your family?

2. Can you tell me something about your best friend?
3. Are you married?
4. What do you typically talk about with your parents?
5. When is the best moment to start a family ?
6. Is it possible to find true friendship online?
7. Can you describe one of your cousins?
8. Do you keep in touch with friends from primary school?
9. Do all your relatives live in your country?
10. Why is having a good family so important in life?

Family and friends – survey

Student B

1. Do you have any siblings?

2. How do you typically spend your time with friends?
3. Do you share any hobbies with your family?
4. Who in your family is the best cook?
5. Is your best friend a good talker or a good listener?
6. Do you often organise parties for your family? On what
7. Could you live without any friends at all?
8. Who do you take after: your mum or dad?
9. What makes a person interesting?
10. What is the best place to meet new people?

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