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Regula Verbs

1- Diana vivió - Diana lived

2- las niñas cocinarón - the girls cooked
3- Mi Hermana lloró - my sister cried
4- El gato salto - The gato jumped
5- Yo escale - I climbed
6- ellos desearon - we wished
7- ellos amaron - they loved
8- tu pintaste - you loved
9- nosotros estudiamos - we studied
10- Luis amo - Luis loved

Irregular verbs

8- The girl cried in the kitchen this morning

9- My husband sang at the concert last Saturday
10- Johana loved to her mom so much
11- My brother studied
12- Diana lived
13- The girls cooked
14- Juan painted
15- The telephone rang
16- I climbed
17- You read
18- My daughter cooked
19- The dog jumped
20- My son thought
21- I went
22- They had
23- The baby slept

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