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Match the words with definitions. 4.You don't have to/mustn't drive on the right in
A. choir 9
5.I have to/can tidy my room every week
B. greenfield 10
C. exceptions 7
Can / can't - must / mustn't. Fill in with the
D. weekly 6
appropriate verb:
E. burn – out 5
1. Dogs _can’t_ enter big stores; they , _must _wait
F. a kick around 4 outside.
G. evidence 3 2. You mustn't walk on the grass of the garden and pick
H. fall 2 up flowers
J. mugging 1 3. The man with the dog__can’t__ cross for he_must_
K. founder 8 wait for the lights to turn green.
4. One ____can’t_____drive as fast as one likes;
1. Attacking and stealing one___must___ obey the speed limit.
from people in a public 5. You__can________ come any time you like but
2. trip you____mustn’t____ disturb me on Sundays.
3. proof
4. an informal, fun game Present Continuous or Present Simple.
Of football
Paco is my best friend. His father is American but he
5. exhaustion
comes (come) from Mexico, so he can speak Spanish
6. every week
very well. We go (go) to the same school. He usually
7. things that don’t
spends (spend) his free time with me. This Saturday our
Follow a rule football team is having (have) very important mach. At
8. person who establishes the moment I’ m texting (text) a sms message.
9. group of singers Rearrange the words in the right order.
10. in the open countryside
You/aren’t /competition/ part/ if/ the/ in/ you/ can’t /
take/ fit
Write the English word / expression for: _You can’t take part in the competition if you aren’t fit.

a. My mother’s mother __grandmother_ The/ February/ 23rd / festival/ on/ place/ takes
b. A person who writes for newspaper The festival takes place on 23 February
Yvonne / train/ doesn’t/ to/ doesn’t/ have/ she/ want/
today/ if
Choose the right option. Yvone doesn’t have to train today if she doesn’t
1.In Britain you can/must get married when you want
are 16.
2.You can/must have a passport when you travel to
the USA.
3.You mustn't/don't have to get up early
tomorrow. It's Sunday.

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