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The Six Flags trip

The Last year, my parents and I went to the six flags, we had a lot of fun there. Our tickets
are the night of hallowen, so when we arrived at six flags, it was all dark because had the
special of hallowen
We went to the famous attraction the house of horror, it was not far from the entrance, but
when we nearly arrive the destination, we found out there were too many people and the
parking lot were all full! So, my parents decided one of them will took me to take pictures,
and another one will go and find a place to park. The place wasn't like what I saw on the
picture, there were full of people, all of them were taking pictures and want to get near to
the famous attraction.
But there were still beautiful attractions I like, for example the boomerang, batman,
superman etcetera, the manager explained the safety instruction to all of people on the
attraction. After everything was prepared, he allowed us go up.
The travel my home to six flags I’m tired, because the travel is very long, but I had a
fantastic time during the experience to visit six flags!
In conclusion I would say that The Theme parks it's funny and entertaining, but I think they
are also dangerous, in special I like to visit the theme parks only when is a special occasion
for example in hallowen, Christmas and special events

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