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Probably the hardest decision I've had to make was when I did the

election of my university and my college career because this decision

will define my future, because I will work with that knowledge the rest
of my life. I think this decision it´s the correct because I love my college
career and I like the subjects, I’ve been studying this career since the
middle school bring me a lot of knowledge and thanks to this in the
university is most easily understand the concepts and in the class can
have participation. In these days I had conferences to know the options
to finish this career and know the areas in which each school
specializes, and the job offers are many.
Despite know that the engineering it's very difficult my parents and my
family forever they supported me in this decision and they told me who
will fight to get what I want and if it was my desire to study that I would
have no problems because I like.
Another idea by which I think this is a correct decision is because one
of my passions are the cars and one of my dreams is have a
mechanical workshop for restoring old cars and this decision and this
career it’s a good starting to achieve this dream.

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