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E-cigarettes rN Vaping Vaping is rumored to be less harmful the smoaking, but still not safe 2019 The Hidden Truth Often young e-cigarette users do not know what is in the products they are using. A recent study found that 99% of all e-cigarette products contain nicotine However those that use the product the most (teens) had no idea this was the case The New Trend 27.5% of high schoolers are using e-cigarettes or other devices for vaping Compared with the amount of youth use in 2011 (1.5%), this represents an increase of more than 1,800% in just eight years top reason they began using e- cigarettes, There has been a significant increase in lung illness and death (2,051 reported cases and 39 deaths since November 5, 2019 E-cigarette users state that the different flavors available was the Jargon + E-cigarettes are known by many different names. *E-cigs,” “e-hookahs,” “mods,” “vape pens,” “vapes,” “tank systems,” and “electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS)” are some of the most common names. * Using an e-cigarette is sometimes called “vaping” or “JUULing Media Effects E-cigarettes can be advertised on television, radio, digital media and social media, this is not the case with traditional cigarettes. About 4 out of 5 middle and high school students, have seen at least one e-cigarette advertisement Public Health Concern Vaping has become the new public health concern alongside tobacco use. The youth of today are unaware of the ill effects, and with each year, vaping is becoming more and more popular, Teen Vaping Rises in 2019 statista% Knowledge is Power Vaping had become an epidemic. Teens are picking up this new, unhealthy habit with out the understanding of consequences that will follow. Hopefully in the next few years there will be an information surge, sending the correct message, causing the popularity of smoking in any form to decrease. powered by © PIKTOCHART

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