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2 i El Fea to plan the perfect wedding (Ci prepose/ organize th engagement pary {5 Blan the honeymoon iS fed a place orth ceremony | (OJ make the quest list | Bi make a gift reistry GB send invitations choose the menu for the reception |G] ind clothes for bride and groom Gl choose the outfis for the bridesmaids [choose the lowers fi Vocabulary: weddings A Identify the bold items from the “to do” list in photos a-e and ‘guess their pronunciation. B © 9.1 Listen to a wedding planner to check. Number the phrases, 1-10, in the order you hear them. © © 9.1 Listen again. Which two things on the list doesn't the wedding planner do? Which three things do you think are the most difficult? Choosing the flowers is easy, D WAKE IT PERSONAL) Would / Did you use a wedding planner for your wedding? What about your parents? GH ee | wouldn't ‘cos Ihave no intention f getting married. Neve a) % let, let's stay together, lovin’ you whether, ‘whether, times are good er bad, happy or sad? al of the sentence? Read World of English to check. E Read Common Mistakes. What are the two correct versions (Gime Crs in to) Be + adjective is a state; get + adjective means “become” and is Aaa a) marie wt Be arte aie co tte, aot nnyed Wh), Ta - about relationships, use get for the different stages: get together, Se aoe su oleae, ge egret and got red F (WAKE IT PERSONAL ) What's similar / different in your culture? In pairs, talk about the wedding items in this lesson plus the ones below. Do other pairs agree? ———_ asking for family approval cards /gifts organizing everything “People usualy get maried in a church photos /videos the czremony the honeymoon who pays __in our culture, This wedding is ose fA Listening A © 92 Listen to Michaela and her wedding planner. Does this photo show the wedding she wants or the one the wedding planner ‘wants? Who is more assertive? B © 0.2 Listen again and complete the iii} table, Do you think she'll accept the | planner’s ideas? | Planner Wants “Michaela wants color of invitations 1 2 ceremony at 3 reception in a 4 number of guests 5 number of bridesmaids & type of rings 7 place for honeymoon (© (MAKE IT PERSONAL) Which wedding sounds better to you? Why? Have you been to both types of wedding? What’s your ideal wedding day? Trove large weddings, so the wedding planners ideas sound best to me. Svlanneaeeerealaceer eS Really? | prefer small weddings. Td love to have a big wedding— 0 | could get lots of gifts! © Workbook p. 44 9.2 Do you get bored easily? a fl Grammar: -ed and -ing Adjectives A © 23Read the article to find three different things from a traditional wedding. Compare your answers in pairs. Did you choose the same things? Tm sure a traditional wedding is cheaper than this. A wedding-that is\UY in the-air! . 4 Are you looking for a way to make your wedding more interesting and memorable? Last Saturday, 2 crane lifted Hlelen Gomez and James Brandon up into the air on a plaeform for their wedding ceremony. They got matried up there, 160 feet (50 meters} in the air with swenty surprised, and slightly scared, friends and family members, who did not know what was going to happen. After they shared their marriage vows, Flelen and James did a terrifying bungee jump from the plarform. The company called Marriage in the Sky offers move and more exciting weddings like this every year. After the ceremony, the wedding party all go back down to earth, bur then they all go back up again for the receprion. Ar the reception, guests eat a ‘meal in special chairs wearing safety bels so they ate safe and cant fall. The idea of this kind of wedding is to make a day that really will be both entertaining and unforgettable. You're probably asking yourself “is this safe. The company operates in more than 15 countries in the world, including ones that have stricr rules about safery, such as the USA, Canada and Australia. All these countries are satisfied that these weddings are safe. And... how much does something like this cost? ‘About US$40,000. B Re-read the article, True (T) or false (F)? 1 Alarge, tall machine took the bride and groom up in the air. 2 The other people at the ceremony were strangers, Interested ~ beri 3 They made their marriage vows while they did a bungee jump, | '™m ialorestingin math, but this class was 4 The guests stay up in the air after the ceremony, enced at p I'm really exsitmg. I'm going to be\Gunt. 5 When the guests eat they cannot walk around. es 6 The company only operates in three countries. © Read Common Mistakes and World of English, then find four more -ed adjectives and three more ending -ing in the article. Complete the Grammar box with A or B. Participle Adjectives Using the wrong -ing or -ed adjective can confuse people: He's boring A Pest Participle adjectives (2c) is very different from He's bored B Present Participle adjectives (-ing) -ed adjectives describe how you feel about something—your state: 1 Todeserse the poreon orthigahat Vm tired, gives you the feeling use 2 To describe how something makes someone feel use —__ -ing adjectives describe the cause of how you feel: Swimming is tring D © s4circle the correct adjective in 1-8, Listen, check and add the adverbs. In pairs, which are true for you? Explain why. 1 Watching TV alone is bored / boring 5 I get tired / tiring after I've eaten, 2 Jusually find English classes interested / interesting 6 Rapis entertaining / entertained 3 My family is surprised / surprising when I get good grades. 7 Horror movies are terrifying / terrified, 4 ‘The last movie | saw was confusing / confused. 8 get embarrassed / embarrassing when people talk about me, The first one is true for me. Most i <| Programs on TV are a waste of tine, > Grammar p. 132 +. you've had too much of this life to hang on. Well, ‘everybody hurts sometimes, everyoody cries? Sez E (MAKE iT PERSONAL ) In groups answer questions 1-4. 1 Choose the two adjectives which best describe your opinion of 1! weddings, 21 work and 3) weekends. boring depressing entertaining exciting romantic stressful tiring ‘Weddings are boring cos they're always the seme. ate es 2. Find someone who chose the same adjectives as you. Are your reasons similar? 3 Describe and compare the last time you had each of these feelings. absolutely exhausted completely relaxed extremely excited The last time | fet totaly terrified really bored totally terrified very irritated eS TNO AE ESSAI 4 How do you feel when you're up high, or flying? Any good flying stories? Te never flown and I'm really scared of heights, so don't ask me! ‘Se OE SR eo ea EN) 4 | Vocabulary: Romance ‘A Read Jon’s diary and match the highlighted words to the pictures. Order the pictures chronologically. What a terrible day! Te been worried abaut it for months now, but she finaly dis it today—she Alma me! We dated for two Years and now I?'s over! Why did she do it? T don't ‘raw! T was atif@et6a't her the moment I saw her and she fFREAIWIEA me: too, so T knows she liked me 1 fall for her and T really thought she was in fove with me too! She GheateAGR me when we first started dating, but that was ages ago, and I don't think she’s seeing anyone else row. OMG—IF T saw her with ‘someone alse, it would be anfull We have (had!) such a good relationship-row what am T going to do do2?? She just tumed my world upside down. B © 95 Listen to Jon reading his diary and remember the pronunciation of the highlighted words. C In pairs. A: You're Jon. Cover the journal and use the pictures to tell “You should ty to talk to her and your story. B: You're Jon’s friend. Listen sympathetically, give advice __ask her why she broke up with you. and try to make him feel better. » D (NAME IT PERSONAL) In groups, answer questions 1-3. Mime what you can’t express in English! Who has the best answers? Most English stverbeare: ‘easy to recognize and form. 1. Why do people fall in love? Look! 2 Why do people break up? > briefly, frequently, rarely 3. How do you know if someone is flirting with / cheating on you? a ; finally, usually Reople sell ally toe watt | think you fallin fove with peraon they find physical atactie ew ——S © Workbook p45 9.3 If you had three wishes, what would you wish for? Al Grammar: Second Conditional A 94 Listen to part one of the dialog and answer. 1 What do you think is the relationship between: a Sarah and Max? b Sarah and Tony? ¢ Tony and Max? 2 What do you think Max is going to ask Sarah? B ©, Listen to part two of the dialog to check if your answers were right. C G>,7 Listen again and circle the correct option in 1-6. Does Sarah think Tony is cheating on her? 1 What would / will you do if Tony cheats / cheated on you? 2 If see / saw him with another person, I'd confront him. 4 If didn’t / don't know for sure, 1d / Iask him first: HEL saw him, J te him. | 5 Would / Will you spy on him if you think / thought he liked were | Weald / Wil you sy on him va init mada delicate 6 11/'d trust him to tell me the truth ifhe wants /wanted to ————=" date someone else D Match the clauses in the Grammer box, 1-3. Circle the correct options in rules a-c. Ask and answer the two questions. Second Conditional i] itciause Result Clause 1 If you were a bird (out you're not) would you give a lotto charity? 2 If you ate more vegetables (but you don't) where would you fly to? 3 If you won the lottery (but you won't) ‘you wouldn't get sick afl the time. 2 The form is: if+ infinitive / past > would + infinitive / past. Use it for situations that are possible / impossible or likely / unlikely to happen. © The “if” clause refers to an imaginary situation in the past / present or future, © Grammar p. 132 E ©2 Complete second conditional questions 1-5, Then read World of. English. 1 What you ___ (dc) ifyou._ (gee) your best friend’s girlfriend or boyfriend with someone else? a 2 Tyour best friend’s boyfriend or girlfriend __ (flirt) with you, what | Choosing the right conditional for ay)? the present or future depends on aaa Irene!) probability, If its 3 Ifyour parents (not like) your partner, what __you__()?_aen ce ate condtonal 58, 4 Whet____ you _____(4o) if your best friend ___(etart} seeing > probable, use 1* conditional (p. 54; Someone and never had time for you? > improbable (or impossible), use 5 Ifa friend __(start) dating your ex, how ___ you___(feel)? 2 conditional: f! had three Wishes, Id wish for health, money F MAKE IT PERSONAL } In groups, answer 1-5 in E, Decide on one answer and ove, for your group, then see if other groups have a similar answer. — ‘amiss 'd hide and follow them secretly Ee ey 2 A Reading A ©9910 pairs, ‘Your friend wants to talk about her latest success. Would you... a) listen enthusiastically? b) ston, but try ta change the subject? (6) not tlk to your friend? ° © Ifyou had some really great news, ‘would you... 4) not tell anyone, because you wouldn't want them to feel envious? tell your closest rionds, but you'd be very modest? (6) tel al your friends, because you wart them 10 'b) 90 soon, but you wouldn't mention the house? ¢) try to meet your friend in another place? How many As? Bs? Cs? sty sore ovens aly as al gen apy rth, nto tetmea eon gett ef tt oe nt BS ES a. Meee cy ee sure. eles eb ou wat aber Do you agree with what the quiz says about you with the quiz and one who doesn't. TEeays I'm jealous. | guess it's kind of tue. If my boyfriend ‘wants to go out with his friend and not me, | get jealous, original ideas? 1 If my partner were jealous, I'd.. 2 If could be any famous person, 3 If Icould live in any country in the world, find feels to love 8 girl, | swear 'd be a better man: do the questionnaire and check what your score means. @ Your bestfriend wants you to go out with a new feat envious? ‘the person? © You're supposed to visita friend who has a new @ H¥you and your friend applied forthe same job (or the house. Would you... ‘same school) ‘and your friend was accepted and you 4) go immedtately—you'd be very happy for weren't, would you fel. your rien? 4) happy for your fee? su? Compare in groups and find one person who agrees ‘WAKE IT PERSONAL) In pairs, complete 1-3 and answer the lesson tit ‘Well, first | would try to were a boy think | could understand now 39.3 fiend. Would you. a) go gladly? You'd love to meet your friend's friend, 1) go, but you'd fee jealous of your fiends frend? } make an excuse and not 90? If you saw your partner talking and laughing with someone else, would you... a) do nothing, You'd be happy that your partner was having a good time? 1) go and interrupt and join them? et jealous and tell your partner to stop talking to b) disappointed, but glad for your frend? very disappointed an you wouldn't want to see your fiend? ess 08 “These quizzes are always wrong, How can they judge ‘me with a few questions? I'm not jealous at al itle question. Who has the most 1'd be Donald sat Trump because. ‘out why she" ©) Workbook p. 46 | apd 100) Do you like to perform in front of people? fa Vocabulary: Performers A © 2.10 Listen to two friends fantasizing. How many different types of performers are mentioned? ‘Which ones would they like to be? B © 0.10 Listen again and write the performers’ names under the correct suffix. Add others you know. C (MAKE IT PERSONAL ) In pairs, which is your least favorite type of 7 Pi ys I Tm OK at telling jokes, so performer to watch? If you were a performer, what would you like tobe? a jike to be a comedian fl Grammar: Probability - May, Might, Could, Must, Can’t + Be A G2.11 Listen to two people speculating about this man and match the deductions to the reasons. Bl Hosa celebrity. He's graceful ' 2 He's an athlete. @ He's handsome. '§ 3 He'snotanathlete. © He's wearing a sport shirt 9 4 He's dancer. He's thin 5 He's nota dancer, He's making his date laugh. 6 He's a comedian. His legs are thin B © 9.11 Listen again and rewrite 1-6 with the deduction modals they use. Listen again to check. 1 He must be a celebrity C Read World of English and complete the modal verbs in the Grammar box. Modal verbs exes deen depres of cetinty, For example, fu fe oul ay > ey sie, 8 mush She mtb rods tan maton eee ea coe > uns, ue cout mayor mes She might betes was wong de Bea ecceman > something is defintely not true, use can't She can't be tred—she slept all dey. | ees To ask for a deduction, must and can't are rarely used. Ask: Do you think...? Probability Hyou'e... sure that it’s te, use m_ be. not sure that it's true, use c. be or m____ be or might be. sure that it's not true, use can't be. © Grammar p. 132 she may be the beauty or the beast, May be the feming, Gf for the feast, May turn each day into aheaven or ahell*? 7 2 © .12Lo0k at photos 1-4. In pairs, what do you think they are? Listen for more clues. because of the colo. fl Reading ‘A © 9.13 Answer 13, then read quickly to check. 1 How old are they in these pictures? 2 What's their profession now? 3 Why!s one jealous of the other? | Number 1 might be a kiwi, "No, it can't be a kiwi, because of | The first one must be about... woe Even successful people are jealous af each other. in 2000, when Frankie Muniz was just 14 years old he got a huge opportunity as the star of a TV series called Malcolm in the Midole. The series was 2 biG hit and Muniz won many prizes as the main actor in the show, including a Young Star Award as best ‘young actor in a comedy TV series. ‘At the same time, there was another young actor who wes also trying to be a success in Hollywood. In 2000, Shia Labeout was the same age @s Muniz and the star ofa Disney Channel TV series called Even ‘Stevens. He was also nominated for the Young Star Award that year, but he lost to Frankie Muniz. in 2003, Shia got a great opportunity vihen he was the star of 2 movie caled Holes which got him more nominations for awards end plenty of now roles in Hollywood. Entertainment Weekly caled Shia "che next Frankie Muniz’ Shia was not happy with this. He has been in competition with Muniz since they were 12 years ald to be the best young actor in Holywood, ‘Today, Shia Labeout is one of the best known and highest paid young actors in Hollywood. Muniz, on the other hand, snot doing much acting. He is criving racing cars and playing music, but here's the strange thing: their rivalry continues, and Labeouf often makes comments about Muniz in interviews ‘and on Twitter. It just goes to show that even the rich and famous get jealous! aes UU B Re-read and complete this table. Which of these two actors do you like more? Frankie Muniz | Shia labeouf = Agenow | TWeeriesin2000 | Award 2000 curent_| into Hollywood stars. Nather of them. t'm not | C (MAKE IT PERSONAL) Do you like celebrity gossip? Why (not)? What other celebrity rivalries do you know about? What are the reasons for their rivalry? Who in your class knows the most about celebrity gossip? a ee Cristiano Ronaldo and Messi are both great soccer players but. Cae © Workbook p. 47 | a fr Identifying Reasons 9.5 How do you get on with your siblings? ‘A Where are you in the birth order in your family? Oldest, middle or the youngest? An only child? Has this had an effect on your personality? 1 The Baby of the Family 2 Nothing Special 3 The Lonely Ones 4 ‘The Effect of Birth Order 5 The Bossy Ones O)Your sibtings: you love them, you hate them, you need them, you cont nod them. Birth order, that is, whether you are the oldest, the youngest or in the middle in your family, can have an etlect on your personality and your family dynamics, Axe you similar to or completely different ftom your brothers and sisters? Birth order can holp explain why According to Alfed Adler, an Austrian psychiatrist, birth order has a profound effect on how you see the world, Here axe a few of the observations that Adler makes, CO) Fist born children are natural leaders—they are more responsible and mature and are more accustomed to adult company They are often more intelligent than their later born siblings and they can be aguressive, because they feel they should be in charge, They lie being alone. C1 Middle children, on the other hand, are often the opposite offirst-born children, They feel they don't have any particular role in their family so their friends are usually more important B ©.14Read the article and match titles 1-5 to the correct paragraphs. ''m the youngest. | got everything | to them than the family They are good at negotiating and sociable, and people see them as atlaptable and relaxed. At the same time, they offen keep secrets and they don't open up much about their emotions, DAs or the youngest in te famy thoy are often tienety cnt sociable They ike tobe wit oer people and are often hacmingy They ito ta be the Sater catetion Thay ae not good at being lone a they qe: bows easly, bat hey have alot of seifconidence and aro not ata fo do dangerous things. They aze often more irresponsible, because they know ‘hat someone wil always help tem fthey have any ind of problem ter abou tyou ate an only cite? Wet soem that ono of tho main isoue for only children is thet they have to work harder o make fiends, because they don' immediately have thom isthe family They are often more indepertient ad are used to spending time alone and entertaining themselves. C Re-read and complete this table. Find the number of adjectives indicated in each column. D MAKE IT PERSONAL Do you agree with the article? Form groups by birth order. Mix groups and compare. ea | agree that the oldest child is the most intelligent! SES alee Are you the oldest child? E © 0.15 Listen and write the birth order of Michael and David. What's wrong with Michael? F © 9.15 (WAKE iT PERSONAL) Listen again. In pairs, what would you say to Michael, David and Jane? Vd tell Michael to buy a new car an credit! = If you had no money, what would you do? 95 (DIRE sins Avie A © 9.16 Listen and match the problems and suggestions. (ns 4 1 Ym really bored. Go home and go to bed. Youlbetter listen. 2 My boss makes me stay late. Work harder. on 3 feel hot and dizzy. ‘Talk to him, 1 Patou, | would go tothe party. 4 Teantt find a job. Goto the mall. 5 I'm failing math Call my brother. ‘My mom made me 46 clean my room, — B © 9.16 Listen again and complete dialogs 1-5. Which sound like: 8) suggestions or b) orders? 7A ——___gotothe mall? Teer B That's a good _—— In many languages the i 2 ar subjunctive i very dificult. 2A \f1______you, 'd ____ to him and explain that it’s not fair. saagish i's akvost Invisible B for the suggestion, but you don't know my boss. because it doesn't have special verb forms! You 3A You______-gohome and go to bed. You-__be at a party. only notice it in expressions B You're — ike If I were you, I'd... but increasingly people now say 4A _ calling my brother? if | was you, 1... B _— for the tip. 5 A You_______ start working harder or you won't get into college. ORTINGBANK ey Yeah, 1 goto. 134 BF C impairs, think of suggestions for one of the situations below. Change partners, then role-play both. Pees Perea esac) feet TF were you, 'd cancel the meeting, oe D GWKE if PERSONAL) Think of real problems people you know have. In groups, role-play giving advice. A: explain your problem. B, C, D: give A advice. SE Tdom't get an wall with my sister. family health money romance school. work She's really irritating ean 103. ‘©}Workbook p. 48, 67, 68 | Are you under much pressure right now? fi Vocabulary: Causes and Symptoms of Stress A © 10.1 Match the problems to photos a-h. Find seven Jk] and four /J/ sounds in the survey. Listen to extracts from the survey to check Survey on the Causes of St a What's the biggest stressor for you in trot Si ‘meorarion Retain your daily life? O poor diet © caring for a child Yer 4} © muttasking ‘Qalack of sloop Offinanctal problems. allack of exercise O pressure to succeed O deadlines B © 10.2 Listen to eight people's answers, Number their problems in the order you hear them, 1-8, in A, C © 10.2 Listen again and write the number of the speaker who: } has no energy in the evenings. (J has to finish a piece of work today. Ci eets sick when she's stressed out, [1] never has any time off. (2 is anxious about the problem. [Dj has to take exams. ] uses credit to buy things. ] has to do many things at the same time. PRPs (Beau seles] pressure f0 | have 8 lot of preestoT for succeed. | pay the things withVeredit card, -DPressute, pushing down on me, pressing gown ‘on you, no man ask fer. Under pressure. D Read World of English and complete 1-5 with lack of or the prefixes under- / ver- In pairs, ask and answer. Any surprises? 1 Is your diet healthy oris there a vegetables in whet you eat? _fresh fruit and World of English You can form new adjectives by acing under 's your salary / pocks! : _paia? 2 is your salary / pocket money fair or are you paid? (ot enue or oer too much) toa Past 3. Have you ever _ spent and then had a_—___— Participle. money the next month? > Tim underpaid = | don't earn encugh money 4 Axe you generally calm or do you often ____ react? > fim overworked = | have too much work, 5 When was the last time you slept and woke up late? They can also be used to form verbs — to oversleep, to overeat, to underachieve. ; ‘Another way to say you don't have enough of E AKEIT PERSONAL ) Which problems in A do you have? aoering tok of (expect nies, ees... In groups, share and compare. Find one person with the same problem as you and two with different ones. feist aia ET oe For me its lack of sleep, ™m often online ate at night, so EEE aan Ee Pee an | masisenarerrins t eel realytred the ne day ands ioe osu | fa Listening ‘A © 103 Which of these are good things to do if you're feeling stressed? Listen. Which three does the woman do? Why doesn’t she do the other things? eli How do you do it? _ veo sn drink aloohol meditate spend time with friends exorcise sleep well eat well breathe deeply plan your time take medicines have realistic deadlines other... relex B © 103 Listen again. True (T) or false (F)? 1) She's taking a yoga class. 4 She's getting heav 2 She wakes the man up in the middle of the night. _§ She discusses her deadlines with her boss. 3 The women only has one beer when she’s stressed. 6 She plans to take a class to help with her stress level. ier C What would you do if you were: a) the woman? b) the ran? D WAKE IT PERSONAL) How do you cope with stress? List six things you do. Find someone whose lists almost exactly the same. eae T usually stay up all night if have an exam. | drink coffee Siena Lee OS eae) 1 ee © Workbook p.49 | see oe 105 10.2 Would you like to change anything in your life? | fl Vocabulary: Lifestyle Changes ‘A What changes do the people in the brochure need to make in their lives? Use these ideas plus your own, drink ess soda eat better eat less salt exercise more get a new job get more sleep lose weight organize and plan time quit smoking spend more time with friends / family watch less TV work from home work less Seem ele) Man! What a day! Started my new job today—seems like it’s gonna be fun. talked to a guy who travels a let for Work—that’s what | wanna do. Was so busy that I didn’t leven have time to smoke a cigarette! When I finally got home | had a late dinner with my sister. We had lasagna which was delicious (it was my nephew who cooked I!)— and | only watched TV for an hour! Wow! Thank you—it’s all thanks to the “Turn Your Life Around” seminar, By BeginAgain [_| hada terrific day today. | went to bed early lastnight, so Bot up early and went to the gym for an hour and then had ‘an omelet for breakfast at home. Much better than the donut that | usually eat at the affice! Got to work on time ‘and made a plan of what | needed to do all day, also had 2 chat with my boss about my schedule and she agreed to let me work from home two days @ week! I finished all the ‘things that | had to do today and then had a home-cooked * dinner with my family. 'm finally taking control of my’ Thankyou! By MiyVeryest [1 —_ C Re-read and check the lifestyle changes in A that each person made. D (WAKE IT PERSONAL) Which changes in A: > do you need / would you like to make and why? > don’t you need / wouldn't you like to make? Why not? How many of your class need or would like to attend the “Turn Your Life Around” seminar? Ud like to exercise more and to eat better, because | get up late and | often eat fast food. 108 Dou can change your friends, your place in if, You can change your mind. We can change... a Grammar: Relative Pronouns A © 105 Listen to a man describing his vacation photos. Number them, 1-6, in the order he mentions them. B © 105 Listen again, complete 1-5 and match them to five of the photos. Then complete the Grammar box. 1 (5) This is the hotel____ was on the website CELE 2] This is the swimming pool ___ was right outside our room. tate 3 [7] Thisis the lifeguard__told us to get out of the water. This isthe computer wt | bought today. ( vas nexitol wo that 4 (J Thisis the bar ____was next to the pool. srojou ita parent ene waa bea? 5 [_| These are some of the birds ____ were flying around outside. Relative Pronouns: That / Which / Who A felative clause refers to the noun that comes before it and joins two ideas using a relative pronoun. a That's the girl. b_['wanina marry her. a Ilivein a town. b_ It is very boring, Thats the gir! who’ wanna many. | live ina town that's very bering. Use for people, for animals or things and _that_for people, animals or things. Grammar p. 134 C Complete 1-3 with who or which. Be the first person to find the answers in your class! 1 Is there anyone in the class _— speaks Italian? TEE 2. How many friends do you have ____live really near the school? You can omit the relative pronoun when 3 Is there a place near the school “sells good coffee and snacks? | jtretcs tothe BMBEL of te waive clause Do you speak Italian? No, but I think Milton does, > She's the lady (ie) | met yestrcey. ——E : But you can't omit it when it's the Sapa of the clase. D (ian ir PERSONAL In pairs. > That's HEBD HG sokd me my ca. ‘A: Show a photo. Identify and define the main people / things init eee eens B: Ask follow-up questions. — Swap roles. Who has the most interesting picture? “Jane is my sister who studies in LA When did she move to LA? <) Workbook p. 50 10.3 What’s your attitude towards money? ! A Reading A Look at this image from a movie, the lesson title and the song line. In pairs, guess what the movie is about. It could be about an old woman wha dacides to leave her husband. LE es B © 104 Read the movie review and choose the best title in the tabs, is about Heidemarie Schwermer, a German woman who decided to start living a very different kind of life about =. 14 years ago. At that time, she left her apartment and gave away all of her things except a suitcase full of clothes. This was a decision that changed her life dramatically. She has no possessions, no place to live and no way to buy the things she needs, The film follows Heidemarie in her day-to-day life and shows what it's like to live an alternative lifestyle. Heidemarie is constantly on the move, meeting new people, staying with old and new friends for a few nights. in addition to showing the dally problems she faces, we hear about Heidemarie's philosophy and why she has chosen tolive this way. We see that its not easy for her to have no money in a society where everything is based on money. People often have strong opinions about how she lives. Some call her a “parasite” while others see her as an “inspiration.” Today, she stil doesn't use money and says she feels more free and independent than ever. She travels all around Germany, and she often also visits Austria, Switzerland and Italy, She tells people about her experiences and tries to convey the message that a simpler way of life is possible, This isa fascinating documentary for people who are interested in the ‘themes of materialism and consumerism and how money influences our way of thinking and living C Re-read the review more carefully. True (T), false (F) or not mentioned (N)? 1 Her new lifestyle is similar to her old one. 4 Its easy to live this kind of lifestyle. 2 She still travels and moves around a lot. 5 She gets paid for sharing her ideas. 3 She sometimes stays with strangers. 6 All audiences will enjoy this movie. D (MAKE IT PERSONAL ) Would you like to see this movie? Why (not)? Is Heidemarie a parasite or an inspiration? | don't think she's a parasite for me she's a very lucky person, Most people need to work to get money to live Yes, I'd like to see the movie, ‘cos I want to ‘know how she can live without using mone a OUEST fa Vocabulary: Money A © 107 Complete the dialog between two students (ars = with these verbs in the correct form. Listen to check. | earn I get another job I can pier more money. afford cost earn payfor save yet dal vt spen: spend waste win | have 50 doliars, but | won't spend them sleds —_——— — Amy Ineedanew phone, but I can’t___one. Mark Why don’t you enter the raffle? It's only $20 and the first prize is a new iPhone. You might __. Amy That's too much! I don't much money at my job and I have to__ all my school books. Tdon’t want to___ my money on raffle tickets. Mark Just trying to help! Iiknow that it____a lot being a student nowadays. Come on! Let's go out and get a pizza. | just found $20-let’s, itl Amy You should _ the money... Or give it to me! Dooney, it's a crime, Share it fairly, but don't, tate oaiceofmytie none, soweysor-2 10.3 : ; ———— B Re-read the dialog and give two pieces of advice to Amy. “She should definitely buy 2 raffle ticket. Geena eae (WAKE IT PERSONAL) In groups, answer 1-7. Find the Seen cic cee people who are most similar / different to you. re [HE When you have extra money do you spend itor save it? What's Your Attitude i Have you ever won anything in a rattle? tpowards Ed Do you think gambling is a good idea or a waste of money? 1o you think t's beter to eam money orto win money? Money If there's something you want to buy but can't afford, do you buy ion credit or save fort? Do you usually try to bargain when you buy things? Ed Have you ever found any money in the street? Did you keep i? 7c Tim not very lucky. [never win anything. fl Listening s I won a cell phone once. A @ 108 fi What's a “freegan’? Listen to / Watch part one of this video to find out. ‘A *freegan” is a person who: 1 likes to steal expensive things. 2 triesnot to buy things. 3 doesn’t worry about the environment. B G 108 Mk isten / watch again and number these words / phrases in the order you hear them, 1-6. alternative living strategies anti-consumerist lifestyle conventional economy {freeganism limited participation ‘minimal consumption of resources C © 109 fix isten to / Watch part two and answer 1-4. True (T) or false (F)? 1 She often takes food from the street. 3. She has taken lots of furniture from the street. 2. She Lives in Los Angeles. 4 People from other towns think recycling is a bad idea, D © 10.10 fic Listen to / Watch part three and choose the best answer. 1) she will / won't take things for her bed. 2 She does / doesn't take very dirty things. 23. She feels exeited / angry when she finds furniture. E (WAKEIT PERSGNAL) What would you take home from the garbage? Mark these items: D = definitely, M= maybe, N = no way. bedding clothes fabric furniture fresh fruit and vegetables packaged food —_ wooden furniture Listening is cifiult in any language. We only remember between 25-50% of what we hear, and when it's a foreign language | Understanding 10% isa success. So when you're listening, try to \ ‘concentrate on general meaning, not specitic words. | i Tid never take anything out of someone's garbage. _ @ Workbook p. 51 | uy fl Listening A Do you have reunions with your old school friends? We had one last year, 10 years after leaving school, Everyone's so different See ey B © 10.11 Dictation. Listen and write as much of this message as you can, Paircheck, then listen again. Did you get it all? C Identify all the verb tenses in the message. Do you think your English grammar is getting better? D (MAKE IT PERSONAL) Do you think reunions are a good or a bad idea? Why? Give examples. | think they're a terrible ideal | don’t want to see people from my past! ESS Res ey Dery But i's great seeing old friends, because ‘it helps you remember funny stores | Common Mistake many were How save people yas there? a9 How oftenGou eat pizza? did. go Where wert long have you Tied here How many yoaredo-yorriweTETE? © Grammar p. 134 A © 10.12 Listen to a dialog and complete the table. Is Kyle going to the reunion? Why (not)? Name Kyle Nicki Mindy se what to asia general question Marita status fut co you ke? ‘Children Tite pinesppe and watermelon Use which to ask about a restricted group. apple would you tke? The red ‘one or the green one? The red one, please B Read and complete the @ box with what and which. © © 10.12 Order these questions from the dialog and add an auxiliary or main verb. Listen again to check. 1 last see / we / each other / when /? 4 high school / still see / how many / from / you / people /? 2 married / you /? 5 restaurant /it / which? 3 have / you / kids /? 6 often / the /how / reunions /? “2b therefor you, When the ran satsto pour be there 4 0 for you. Like Ive been there before. lbe there for you D Complete questions 1-6. n pairs, ask and answer them, plus follow-up questions. Anything in common? Who has the best attitude? HL) Schoo! Language learning is more than just coming to class. How's your attitude? Answer these questions and compare with your classmates to find out who has the best attitude. 4 did you register for this English class?___early on time a did you miss class thissemester? never. once ortwice more than twice 3 you enjoy taking English this year? yes moreorless no 4 did you practice English outside of class? never sometimes often 5 ‘you going to take English again? yes, definitely maybe no 6 English do you know now? ‘more than before same as before less than before rrr ink Lina has the est aude, She registered for Glass early and she didn't miss any classes this semester. = 110} Pronunciation: How + Adj / Adv Question Stress A © 10.13 Read Cyber English and write these questions in standard English. @ Ginny Listen to check. Which word has the main stress in each how question? In cyber English, we often [fa use abbreviations and don't 7 Use upper case letters, feickay m Match the chat form to the | HD beylies greattoculwhar'snewr Heyl its great to see youl Whats now? standard fom, | se ; eceee Moen do check asbook aS vw NewYork | how long ago d u start learning Eng? pew are you | hee ur an how much time do u spend studying or working? 2 your | Mickey * you are how long have u tived in ur current town? rien fot ee me om ‘ _how many ppl have u met online? = B in pairs, practice asking and answering the questions with the correct stress. (MAKE IT PERSONAL) You've just found a long-lost friend on Facebook! Write and answer as many questions ‘as you can simulating a chat. Use abbreviations. Perform the best part of your “chat” as a dialog. pine _ a Where do u live now? = eices taevaea: am 10.5 Do you enjoy reading in English? f DEEN %eacing Faster ‘A What is different when reading in your language compared to reading in English? Answer in pairs. Tks hard to read for long in English err Yeah, | don’t read many long texts anyway, usually just on screens. B © 10.14 Read the article. How long did it take you? Then complete the table. ‘The key is to read faster. Here's why it's important. The average reading speed of a child in elementary school is around 200 words per minute (wpm). For adults, it's about 250- 300 wom. Contestants 2t the World Champicrshig speed reading competitions can reach 1000-1200 wpm! To bean excellent reader, a goal of 800-800 wom sideal. This wil allow you to rea alot, of informatio in a shot time and still understand mast of what you ae reading Reading in a second language is different, because, of cours, you won't immediately understand a lot of the words that you rea. This means that you dont understand wh you read, you read slower, and so you don't enjoy reading, which then means you don't By Dr Marshall ‘You don't Tenet read much. It's a vicious circle, one een sat which makes it difficult to improve Reading speed Vicious your reading speed, because you Elementary schoo! student ‘pen Circle need to practice more to read faster (YUaIeatE nr Diagram and you also need to read faster i al ‘You don't You don't to understand more, Many second —- pm want tread enloyreaing language readers read at 100 wpm or oe less. You really need to read at 2 speed of at least 200 wom. © Read World of English in a minute. Do you do | Here are afew tps to help you to readin English. any of these things? | 1 Try to read things you'e interested in and you know something | about already. Ifyou don't enjoy reading, you won't do it D Doyou ike readingin: a) your frst language? | 2 Reed someting i your lrgungs and then ty trea it a Engh ) English? Why (not)? 3 Make sure longer texts arent too difficult, Hf you don’t Understand more than about eght words per paragraph, choose ‘carrie aaa ieac Treally lke reading the news online in my language, another text before you get frustrated but when | read in English there's alot | don't 4 Use English subtitles when you watch movies in English. This understand, so | get frustrated quickly helps your listening, pronunciation and speling too. Sa Ee EO) ety E © 10.15 Listen and complete Dr. Marshall’s tips. 1 Give yoursett minute to read an article. Get as far as you can. Do this times. 2 Read the same article as many times as you can in minutos, 3 Read at the same speed as your class. Read an article of words in seconds. 4 Use an alarm to help you. Ifyou read at _ words per minuto, the alarm will go off every —_. F (MAKE IT PERSONAL ) Find a text of about 400 words. Try one of the strategies above. Compare in groups. Did it help you to read faster? poli i vel 10.5 Are you similar to most of your friends? DIET Describing People and Things A © 10.16 Listen and identify the items you hear in pictures 1-4. B © 10.17 Read World of English, then circle the best options in 1 and 2. Listen to check. 1 A Tdlike to try that jacket, please. B Sure, Which jacket / one? The green jacket / one? No, the gray / gray one with green on it. > To avoid repetition, use one and ones. > Which one is your sister? > She's the one wearing red. | || > Which ones are your glasses? | > mose ones, over dere | ‘~nomemannmanaas: - ! > Have you seen my keys? B Oh, not again. Are they the keys / ones over there? @icereu ‘A No, those are Jake's. Mine are the small ones / keys with a big key ring oe Which sweater do you want? The black C © 10.18 in pairs, role-play the dialogs for the other two pictures. Listen again to the originals. How similar were yours? one Which beets your book? red ones What lovely flowerst Do you like the sds? D (WAKE IT PERSONAL) Play Mine Is / Mine Are and Phone Photos. = 1 Putall your pens on a table and mix them up. Describe which cone is yours. Do this with your notebooks, textbooks, bags, Keys, or whatever else you can find! LEE? .csosusas See 2. Describe and define your classmates and friends. Show photos to give examples. Which ones are most similar to you? ‘These are my friends Louise and Allie \ Louise is the blond one. They're the ones ‘That's Nick. He's the one who always organize parties for me, who knows al the answers. © Workiookp. 53, 67,68 Grammar and Vocabulary A Picture dictionary. Cover the words on the pages, below and remember. 9 words connected with weddings the stages of Jon's relationship 6 types of performers causes of stress ‘the description of 6 vacation photos the 8 pairs of picture words in lines $ and 6 of the consonants chart B in pairs, decide which combinations apply to these pictures? Do you both agree? teacher is ote / interested (© WaKE:rPERSONAL) In groups, answer a-d. What makes a teacher interesting / boring? b When was the last time you were confused? © What do you find terrifying? When was the last time you were terrified? D test PERSONAL) In groups, make a conditional chain like the model. Which group can make the longest chain? If lived in Germany, | would speak German. If L spoke German, [could get a better job. If got a better job. £ fee rere tacts Sentence starters: 4 titspote English well JL won the lottery, Mt were a superhero. Hitwere. E ©6.1m pairs, match 1-5 with a-e. Listen to check. 1 Lock! They're holding hands, 2. Zara's very late 3. What's in this package? 4 Who's that guy? 5. Look, the money's gone. 2 It could be Kim's son, He looks like Kim, b Itcan’t be. peir of socks. It's too heavy. ¢ They must be dating now. There must be a thief in the room. € She might be stuck on the bus. F ake PERSONAL Complete 1-5 and compare in pairs. Do your answers reflect your attitude towards money? 1 Abankisaplace... 2 Alottery is a thing 2 Credit cards are things. 4 shopping is an activity. 5 A financial advisor ie a person, For me a bank is 2 place you use to G Play Describe it, bt don't say it A; Describe five words / phrases from English 1D 2. Use English, mime, drawings, sounds or rhymne, but doa say the word itself. B: Listen and say the words / phrases A describes, H Correct the mistakes. Check your answers in units 9 & 10, What's your score, 1-10? 1 At first, | wasn’t interesting inthe movie, but the final part was very excited. cemsate) 2 IL would know John, | would talk to him, c mst 3 What would you do if you see your bestfriend with your ex-giiriend? (ims) 4 ‘She can be hungry, because she didn't eat something | today. canines | 5 You better do your homework. (nists) 6 My boss made me to stay lato at work. mists) 7 That's the car who | bought last week, (mse) 8 People which olay sports havea lot of pression to win. (eter 9 My brother wins a lt of money, but he loses it on stupid things. emisate | 10 Could you pass me my coat? No, not that, the | blue. ented a — Skills Practice A Listen to © 10.4. Stop after every two/ three sentences and summarize what you heard. B Read this article, True (1) or false (F)? What's your, selationship with your siblings like? 1. Brothers and sisters fight more when they’ children than as adults, 2. It’s unusual for siblings to change their opinions of each other, 3. Rivalry always starts when the second child is born. 4 Parents don’t like to see competition between their chiléren, § The Jacksons had a better relationship when they ‘were younger. Dao you ge stong with Jour brothers snd sisters? ‘re they your best ends rao you never see them? its really common for siblings to fight expecially ‘when they're young. And con't be surprised if ‘one minute you love your brother or sister and the next minute you can't stand that same sibling. Competition between brothers and sisters can start before the second child arrives and it continues as children get older and they have to share toys, food and, most importantly, attention from their parents. Ik can be hard for parents to watch, but i's very normal ‘and, 28 children get older, the rivalry hopefully changes into a warm friendship but not for everyone! Look at the ‘Jacksons, They used to make music together and now they fight all the time! Sibling Rivalry C O62 Listen to part one of a radio show. What's the caller's problem? 1) She's jealous. 2] Her partner gets jealous easily. Imagine the specislist’s advice. D @62 tisten to the rest of the dialog and write C (Carla), } (ack) or B (both of them). 1 receives a lot of phone calls at work. 2 __ip starting to behave secretively, 3. is becoming more jealous. 4 —_ is worried about losing her / his parmer. 5 ___needs to make her / hia partner feel more confident. 6 Dr Brayman thinks __ should talk to a counselor, E. CWAKE PERSONAL) What would you do if you were Carla? pe ec T would break up with him, mY F in pairs, play Problems! Flip a coin. Head! space; tails = two spaces. Role-play each situation. Az Teacher. Your jb is boring B:Coteague. ‘Give advice. A: Brokon heart, Your bt/ tf broke up with you B: Frione. Support them and give advice. A: Child. You don't ‘want to goto school. BB: Parent. Make your child goto schoo ‘As Teenage You don't have any money. Ask for some, B: Friend. Gve/ reuse money. Give aches. Az Lonely. Your bf/ gf travels all the time. Friend. Listen and give advice. ‘Az Nervous. You have to sooak ata fionds ‘wedding. 2B: Friend, Make suggestions. ‘AzHusband. Youle fA: Teed. You cant sleep at yourcall phone ina tax. Bright B: Wife, Make a B: Doctor. Give some advice suggestion. ‘oF come mecicine. G in groups, do the quiz and look back to check. Score three points for each correct answer. How much do you remember? 1 which American stots sted in son 6.1? 2. What waste ex "What? Obsessive? Me aba? 13 What Ham and Penny tal about ant 8? 4 What happened teJon lesen 9.27 5 WhoareBeyinAgan and MyenyBesin nit10? in lesson 6.1 the state that's visited is. ow H 64 (vaxe irPERSONAL) Question time 1. Listen to and answer the 12 lesson titles in units 9 & 10, 2 In pairs, practice asking and answering. Use the map on p.3. Ask at least two follow-up questions. Can you have a short conversation about each one? How do you get on _with your siblings? Wel), we sometimes fight, but most ofthe time we are friends. 1. Participle Adjectives ‘Wo, tat movi was tering. Janes trae a. She ses rely neesting. "Weare ging tobe totaly exhausted ofr our oat! The analy is boved with his parent cea —7ed & -ing se: article eetves (dor ing) fer inking verb, such as: be, ok, ee, et + -ed adjectives to describe @ feeling or a condition. © Sng acecives to describe what that eases te fing or condton. “The spelling rules ate the same as for Past Simple (ef) and Continuous verbs (ng). © orammarp. 8 Use intensifying adverbs before a participle adjective to show the degree of feeling. Intensifying adverbs go before the main verb, auxiliary or adjective they emphasize. + Kim absolutly adores hip hep. » Jois extremely tired of working on Sundays. + dort really ike bananas. + Nanci cooks very wel 2. Second Conditional If had wings, would fly. (butt don't have wings = not real) If my facher didn't have to work, he would play more go. (but he has to wore = not ral) ‘She would enjoy school mare if she didn’t have to study mat, (tut she has to study math = not rel) won the otery, wnat would you buy first? (but 1 don't thine you will win = improbable) ‘Would you be scared ifan earthquake happened here now? (out don’t think it wil Rapper ie Uyoufhe/she/ MEETIME 1 04 he/she / Play ley. You suid if I wore more makeup ie/we (they SORTS se/we they wou work Tyvould be taken more seriously” Form: if + past verb + would + infinitive ‘The conditional clause uses @ past tense to talk about an unreal / improbable present or future event. ‘When the result clause comes first, don’t use a comma, ‘Use were with all subjects. in informal English, people use was with the fist or third person singular. ‘We often use the phrase IfT were you, Pd... to give advice. Bl Might / Could / Must / Can’t + Be ‘eve been on a plane jo 15 hows. You mst be ved Pease, st dun. erin ait su) She went dartoura so she might be at re mal she could be te rary (uncertain) You cant be mgr. Youu ate a bi er eran at ra dy don isang sage Do you thnk she's OF aking or specltion / deduction) Use modals to speculate or make deductions based on evidence. Use modals (can’t > might / may / could > must + be.) to express degrees of certainty. Use Do you think.? to ask for speculation or a deduction, 132 18 Complete 1-5 with the -ed or - 1 Thave a three-month-old cousin. fm 2 ‘That was the most — 3. When he finished the race, he 4 Doyou turn red easily when you are__ 5 she read my work and sald it was__ 2A (UARETT PERSOWAL) Match 1-6 to a-f to make second If Ellen had long hair, If found out my partner was cheating, ‘What would you do 6 If she didn't want to go out with you, 1. What/you/do/if/ you / miss / fight /? where /you /iike /live if / you / not live / here /? 3A Leok at photos a-e and write deductions using must, could / might / may and can’t + be. Fgyptlan / tourists tired or crying hot brothers / cousins or friends ‘soccer match ‘4A Correct one mistake in four of the sentences 1-6, Be careful! Two have no 1 Ws a totally depressing movie about a young family that loses everything, | 2. Iget exciting at Christmas—i love all the food and the decorations | 3. Jane's feeling very stress because she has a job interview tomorrow. 4 She's been to the sauna and now she feels totally relaxing, { 5 They can't even think about cocking dinner—they'r totally exhausted. 4 The baseball game was a litle bored. Nothing happened for hours, Ifyou saw a crime, ‘2 would you visit the pastor the future? b Ifyou could time travel, 4 she wouldn', f 2 if/you/ win the lottery how much /you /give away /? 3. Would /you /read / partner's e-mail /if/ you / think / they /be che % 5 form of the word in parentheses. ‘how much she cries! (amaze) flight I have ever been on! (terrify) _ that he collapsed. (tire) 2 (embarrass) __Is that good or bad? (surprise) conditional sentences. In pairs, answer the three questions, Td visit the future. ‘would you call the police? 1d love to see the she would look just like Megan Fox. future cars! ae : I would dump him immediately if your parents told you not to marry someone you loved? 2B Make full second conditional questions with the prompts in 1-5. If /you / ean /'be / any professional sportsperson / who / you be /? 3B Correct two mistakes in each of 1-6. Be careful! Not all the mistakes are with modals. 1 He isn't answering his phone, He can bein 2 meeting, or maybe he's left tat home 2. You gota promotion! That’ great news! You must to be such pleased! 3. Have you notice he's in really good shape? He rust doing # lot of exercise! 4. Thinks that man look familiar He could tobe a famous actor. 5. She must be tired, She traveled all night and she was sit on the bus for hours. Someone has took your wallet? Oh no! You could be really angry. [1 Relative Pronouns — That / Who / Which ‘Tessa loves a guy who liv in a diferent cy. This isthe house which Pancho Vila live in, ithe U.S, that and whieh These are the videos that you asked me to send you. Is hethe guy that works with you? A A RAAT oer Thats the actor I love him, Thats headtr who tha ove Live in aKOUBE. Tk has two pools. [live in MIHBIE which / that has two pools, Use relative pronouns te join ideas, ‘The relative pronoun is optionel when it refers to the object of a sentence, (2 skit How many ties have I told you wat to do that? ‘What are you going te do this weekend? How much time do we have for the test? ‘Which shoes do you lite? The hack ones or he re ones? How long did you stay in New York? Isshe working this weekend? How old is your fatier? Do you like hot peppers? Dan’t you like this cake? Com on! 1's delicous! ‘What do you call his in English? ES OSES ERAS RN MY eS Howmuch money do 1 need? How many peorle does yourbrother have on Facebook? a How fast can yer ype? 7 How often ds Sou work out? a aN Which colors does yourpartner like best? ee 5 ‘where will Sou after class? ¢ What music would Jou hoose tohearnow? ‘Who Baia Fa meet Tnstnight? Where don't you want tolive? What) food dont you like? | Do you have anymoney? Doesn't youreity have ameto? Use: ‘So, how far is the toilet?’ » how much for quantity + @ nouns, » ow many for quantity + @ nouns + haw + adj./ adv. to ask about quantity or degree + which wo ask about things when heres a ie hoi + what or gereral questo. + who to ask about poopie + only an autiay for Yes/No questions. ~ negative KEM SUE u2stons to confirm information you think you now ot show surprise Mouse key ring? ‘Which one is beter for me? A Mae or a PC? "Where's your ear?” "I's the old black ane over there.” "Y've heard that jake Before” "Yeah, the old ones are the bes,” “Have you vead Harry Potter?” "Which one?*” Use one or ones to avoid repeating singular and plural nouns. Don's use ones after 2 possessive (my, yout, his, her, julia’), You do your joan do mine. Dons use ones) aivectyattera number cra quantifier come, many, fe) When were geting ready to go out. Font need ten minutes bt my boyfind nacds twenty ; | ~ “Cont have some cookies, plese?” “Chl Can havea few to?” 1A Complete the dialog with whe, that, or which. Which three pronouns are optionel?” A Hello, weld like to check in, My name's Cristina and this is my husband, Clive, B Ab, hello! You're the people —___bocked online. Welcome to Hotel Flamingo. ‘A Thank you, Excuse me, could you tell me a little about the rea? B Sure! There are some great restaurants —_____ you'll love. There is one around the comer ___ has live musie ‘every night. I think there is a musician — plays traditional songs tonight. And here we are, this is your room, ‘A Oh! Uh... this isn't the room _____we saw on the website. B No.I'm afraid the room you booked hes a problem with the shower, But this room is even bigger and has the same view 4B Combine the two sentences with who, which, or that; 1 ‘Thisis the restaurant. This restaurant was on the websfte, —_____ 2 Shes a gir, Iinew her in high school 3 ‘Thats the tax driver. Imet him atthe basketball game, 4 There ate five books, You have to read the books this semester, 5 Doyou knowa chib? The club has good music, : 2A Complete 1 1 . Then, in pairs, ask more questions to expand them into five short dialogs. _____was your computer? ‘About $900, But it has alot of memory. ‘people are coming to the reunion? ‘About 30 think. Nearly everyone. your best friend dating anyone? No, she isn't, Do you want 10 asicher out? pie do you want? Not the chicken one. Can Ihave a vegetable one, please? have you been in the line? B>U> wD ep e> over twenty minutes. It's taking @ long time, 28 Correct the mistakes in 1-7. There are eight mistakes. 1 What are those ladies over there? They look like friends I knew in college. How often you eat fast food? How much time did you live in New Mexico before you moved te Boston? ‘Do he change his status on Facebook every hour? How often he tweets? Has you met many interesting new people recently? How much people do you stay in touch with every day? ‘Whet juice do you want? Orange or pineapple? *GRSGNAL) Oxder the words in 1-6 to make questions, Take turns asking and answering 1-6 plus the questions in tae Grammar box 1 often /newspeper/ do/ you/a how /bay/? 2 bas /the / take / school /how / des /long/? 3 now /bags/ are / your / heavy /? 4 everyday /do/ water (ow /you / muck | drink /? 5 center is /city/t/20/ far Bow / the ? 6 been /beach /year/times /you/ many /have /to/the J how /this/? A Correct one mistake in five of the sentences 1-6. Be careful! One sentence has no mistakes. 1 ‘torn, can Leat those apples?” “Which?” My dad's looking for a new car, a car with seven seats, ‘Look! We've got two letters, This one is my one and that one is your one. ‘Those earrings are nice, but! like the big earrings better. Thave seven cousins, The young ones are still at schocl and the olé ones are elready working, rte the Hor Foermevies bu some ones re beter than hr |= | 9 Green-Eyed Monsters Before watching A Why do you think August and Paolo are competing? Who do you think will win? B Match 1-5 to the definitions. 1 anarmor (a princess's hero 2 abackbone Can animal 3 abeast Oa protection or 4&4 the green-eyed monster __ covering of 5 aknight ©) spine; spinal column Di jealousy or envy C (WIKETTPERSOWAL) In pairs. Are you competitive? How do you usually react in competitive situations? Tim only competitive with myself. | always want to do better. elas ueyste ss ean While watching A. Watch the video. True (1) or false (F)? © Angust doesn’t like Pacto. Ci Daniel wants to beat Paolo in a video garne, Daniel cannot imagine anyone fearing August, Rory knows he is jealous of Paolo, [2] August and Rory need mote confidence. CO Genevieve fs watching Lucy's video too. Dy Daniel is not atthe café. [T] Daniel, Rory and August are jealous of Paolo. B Complete 1-5 with the correct form of these verbs. ‘Watch again to check. build crud = dora Tet might tum want ould Vin him, challenge him to a boxing match 2 You think giris notice me more if _—_up my muscles? challenge him toa, yourself get upset lke this, into a beast, __ something, you whatever it takes, want to 3 If don't know, a. 4 ifyou you're going to — 5 Because if you really _ vill © Check all the advice Daniel gives August and Rory. 1 Stop making excuses. Join the competition, CJ tyou really want something, do whatever it takes. 1) Don't be like Steve jobs. Use your genius brain! © iyou want to build muscles, go to the gym. © Get some confidence, ©) Grow some backbone. [1 Stop using Paolo as an excuse. D (WRETTPERSOWAE) Are you (or anyone close to you) often a victim of the green-eyed monster? When does the monster emerge? After watching A Complete 1-5 with the correct form of these adjectives, according to the video. bad cool eye good shine smart strong 1 This is probably _ feeling in the world, 2 He might be ____ than [am but bet 'm. _____anda journalist. 3 You're turning into a green-___ monster. 4 You're one of — _ guys Iknow. 5 He's every woman's knight in__ armor. B Complete 1-6 with these expressions. Grow some backbone Mind if join you ‘Youre all heart «@ knight in shining armor Join the dub Tall me if 'm crazy, but ! Get more confidence and don't be afraid. He's like He'll help anyone in trouble. I'm on a break. You're a great person! docen’t that girl look just like Liv Tyler? ‘At'm so tired from that long flight! B _.soam € Role-play! In groups, create a role-play using as many expressions from B as possible. Show it to the class. You're not going fo this but... just mat George Clooney! Se . No way. You're kidding, SONAL) Who are your favorite and least favorite characters from D Café video. Why? How do you think 1D Café is going to end? The Dog Days of August Before watching A How do you think August is feeling? Guess why and how that connects to the episode title. B Match 1-8 to the definitions. 1 artificial 5 a foundation 2 automatic 6 joking 3 drum roll 7 amad scientist 4 anexpert 8 ascholarship CA sound effect used in commercials to introduce something new. (1 Atype of monetary award (usually academic) (J Something that is false or man-made; synthetic. C] Mechanically programmed. (A knowledgeable specialist in a particular field. A very intelligen: person who is a bit eccentric. ( The act of making fun, teasing, or being clever. (An institution or organization € Complete 1-5 with myself, yourself, himself, herself, oriteelf 1 Popular TV programs show Do-t__ways coimprove your house! 2 When I saw. in the mirror, I was shocked by the red sunburn on my face. 3 The cleaning robot moves by ____ around the room. 4 August has stressed___ out and new he’s a mess 5 Lucy isnot afraid to look at___in the mirror! While watching A Watch the video and complete these extracts. Andrea Lucy. Boy, am {____you're here? Luey What happened here? It like a ‘came through here, Andrea This is what_____when Daniel's not here. Lucy Who could__like this? Not me, Andrea Me either. Here is our___ Luey Is thisa___? what has he done to himself? Andrea Yeah. | asked that too, My brother, he's about an interview. B_ Watch the video again from 3:10 to 3:32. In pairs, role-play a dialog for what Andrea and Lucy are thinking. of his sweater? looks like my dad! —— es After watching A True (7) or false (2 1 August has spilled food all over himself, 2 Andrea called Genevieve for help, 3. August has to interview someone, 4 Andrea doesn't believe that August will get the scholarship. 5 Lucy is a fashion expert, 6 Lucy and Andrea encourage August to believe in himself. Complete 1-8 with these words or phrases. alittle almost assmartas first improved more real so whatever 1 He looked____ cute, 2 Icould__ date him myself 3 Introducing, the new and ___ August Wainwright. 4 You needed a___change, August, but this is just the _ step. 5 Youneedtohave ___ confidence in yourself! 6 Why not look__ you are? 7 You just needed __something special, you know? 8 Artificial automatic intelligence people or you call them. (WIKE IT PERSONAL) What do you usually do to prepare for an important day? guepcecciimmenis Before a big day, 1 make sure | get 2 -200d night's sleep. aes Same here. And for an interview fr an exam | try to prepare myself for the questions. Role-play! Choose your favorite scene from 1D2 and role-play it to the class, | 147 152 5 An E-mail of Inquiry A Read Debbie's e-mail. Which of the women on p. 90 is she writing to? Dear | sawe your ad on wun and 'd appreciate it if you could tell me a itl bit more about your work. I'ma 30-year-old clvoroed lawyer and live in downtown Manhattan, I've been out of work for four long years and, for some strange reason, leant ind 2 new job. | suspectit's some sort of spiritual problem. You sea, I've been to eight ciferent fortune-tellrs, but none of them could help me. You are my last hope, By Here's what the to knove 1. In your ad you sald you're an astrologer. Gan you tell me if you use astrology in your readings too? 2. You also said there are other fortune-tellers in your family, Do you think you could tell me more about your fortune-teling background? ‘3. Could you tell me what your rates are? Both mornings (which are less expensive, correct?) and afternoons, Tar you for ieking te tne to arse my quesns. ok forward to hearing ram you Debbie B In which paragraphs, 1-4, does Debbie: () explain why she needs help? (Cl say where she first saw the ad? ( thank the reader? (LJ sey why she’s writing? (O say exactly what she needs to know? C Read Write it Right! and the table, Then correct one mistake in each of 1-4. Check your answers in the e-mail. 7 write it Right! When writing to stranger, to help you build @ good relationship (and get what you want!) be extrs polite when asking for information things. When a question comes inside another question or a statement, use the affmative form. Add ifn Yes/No questions Remove the alan do. Doyou accept credit Can / Could you tell me if you cards? accept credit cards? ‘Are you open on Can / Could you tell me if you Mondays: are open on Mondays? ‘Where do you work? Can / Gould you tell me where ‘you work? Can/Coulé you see Do you think you could see me next week? me next week: Can/Could you send Pd appreciate it if you could me more information? send ine more informetion. 11d appreciate it if could you tell me a little bit more about your work, 2 Can you tell me if do you use astrology in your readings too? 3 Do you think could you tell me more about your fortune-telling background? 4 Could you tell me what are your rates? D Sofia Misteriosa received another e-mail. Rewrite 1-4 using more polite language 1. How much do you charge? Can you tell__ a 2 Can you see me on Sunday? 14 appreciate it = 3 Iwant to know more about your experience Could you 4 Ineed you to examine my dog too. Do you think —__ ip 2 E Your turn! Choose an ad and write an e-mail asking for further information in 100-150 words. Pecy ny Soceed Tired ofall the chaos at home / work? Need someone to help you? Yoursearch is over. Since 2002, |have helped busy people like you to restore abitof order totheir crazylives. Eten Poesy red Ever feel she / he owns you? Don’t give up. Helpis one click away, have over 40 years’ ‘experience training petsall ‘over the couniry. (Bruce) Ernie doghorar@cainaicon Erin dope co Before Decide why you need to hire that kind of service and what exactly you need to know. While | Write four paregraphs, fllowing the structure in B, ‘Ask at least three questions using the polite expressions in C. After ‘Check your writing carefully. Pay special attention to ‘word order in your polite requests, Formal or Informal Advice A Read the e-mail with the problem and responses 1 and 2. Which response is from: aagoodfriend? _—_—ba professional counselor? Hil | ''m really worried about my brother. His gittfriend broke ‘up with him and now she's dating his best friond. Ho's lost his job atthe restaurant where he was working, His trades are going down at school too, What do you think | should do? Thanks for your help, Adam Deer dam, ‘ou'te in a dificult situation, but here area few ideas and suggestions for you. First of al, con't panic! You need to stay | calm. You hav to tak to your bate. Wy dont you invite | him for tuneh or a coffee? i | were you, I'd tll him how ‘worried | was about him. Then you should fet him talk and let rim explain how he's feeling. Ask him why his giiiand sanded theiereationship and let him knw that you are there ‘o support and help him. Tel him how impertant schools for his future (even iit’ dificltto sae that now) and maybe you | should offer to help him with his school work Dont lend him ‘hone}—this won't help him, He has to take responsibilty {or himself and you need to help him with this ingore, Marlena Duncan sorry 2 hear ‘bout i b—sounds bad! @ tak Ure, ‘could insite him a drink. ind out wy his emp rim 1 fi he wants 2 tak ‘bout it ;-) ) bestiadtieg?—he needs ur hep, nat $$ so don’t gs him any! calle iw need 2 tak—ok? a jee 6 B Re-read the responses. Who gives this advice: Marlena (M), Joe ()) or both (B)? 1. Adam shouldn't panic. He should arrange to meet his brother. He should tell his brother he's worried about him. He should ask why his brother’s girlfriend left hirn. He needis to be clear that he will help his brother. He could help his brother with his school work. He shouldn't give his brother money. He should phone to talk more about his problem, C mpairs, match the highlighted phrases in A to the tips in Write it Right! write it Rights In e-mals,an appropriate style is important, Be careful with these aifferences Informal e-mails Format e-mails Start/End Hil/ Seeyou, byet Deer X / Best regards * Sentences can be incompete® should be complate* Words informal spoken® mote formal writen® Expressions abbreviations and no abbraviations* emoticons? Punctuation no/fower cans? traction capitalization” D Re-write 1-4 in the opposite style. 1 Lam very sorry to hear about your dilemma, 2 Ast, talk 2 her "bout itb4 its 2 late. 3 want 2 help u more but can't. 4& If Lwere you, I'd persuade your friend to discuss his problems E Your turn! Choose to write a formal or informal reply to this problem in 80-120 words. Dear Marlena, >My brother and siseer are ina big ight and I'm in the “idle! My sister has started dating my brother's best "frend and my brothor i furious My sster’s only 17 and iny brother’ friend is 22. My brother and my sister call me ‘every day to tell me to do something What should I do? Marcia | Before Imagine arc wits down five thins you want osuegest, While Use features ofthe stye you have chosen and use White it Right! asa checklist. After | Send your response to your classmates, Read theirs | and choose your favorite 183

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