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ARIS FATUR RAHMAN (20181113001)
ESYRIMA SUSANTI (20181123021)
LIA OKTA WAHYUNI (20181123007)
Solid Waste Treatment

Solid waste or garbage that is produced if not handled will cause pollution problems. Here are some
solid waste treatment methods that are commonly applied.

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Solid Waste Treatment

Solid waste or garbage that is produced if not handled will cause pollution problems. Here are some
solid waste treatment methods that are commonly applied.

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1) Hoarding

There are two ways of landfilling that are commonly known, namely the open dumping method and the
sanitary landfill method.

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- In the open landfill method, garbage is collected and dumped in a hole made in a land, usually in a
landfill (TPA) location.

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The hoarding method is an outdated method that has another negative effect. In open landfills, various
disease-causing pests and germs can breed.

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Methane gas produced by decomposing organic waste can spread into the air and cause a foul odor and
is flammable.

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- In the sanitary landfill method, garbage is dumped in a hole covered with a layer of clay and plastic
sheets to prevent waste seepage into the ground.
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The rubbish that is piled up is compacted, then covered with a thin layer of soil every day. This will
prevent the spread of methane gas which can pollute the air and breed various kinds of disease causes.

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2) Incineration

Incineration is the burning of solid waste using a device called an incinerator. The advantage of the
incineration process is that the volume of waste is greatly reduced, up to 90%. In addition, the
incineration process generates heat which can be used to generate electricity or to heat spaces.
However, not all types of solid waste can be burned in an incinerator.

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Types of solid waste suitable for incineration include paper, plastic, and rubber, while examples of types
of solid waste that are not suitable for incineration are glass, food waste and batteries.

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The main drawback of the incineration method is operating costs. which is expensive. In addition,
incineration produces exhaust fumes which can pollute the air as well as combustion ash which may
contain hazardous compounds.

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3) Making Compost

Compost is fertilizer made from organic waste, such as vegetables, leaves and twigs, and animal manure,
through a process of degradation / decomposition by certain microorganisms.

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Compost is useful for improving soil structure and providing nutrients needed by plants, while the
microbes present in compost can help absorb nutrients needed by plants.

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Composting is one of the best ways to reduce the heap of organic waste. This method is very suitable to
be applied in Indonesia, because it is relatively easy to manufacture and does not require a large
amount of money.

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In addition, compost can be sold so that it can provide additional income or even become an alternative

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Based on the form, compost is solid and liquid. Composting can be done using compost that has been
made, microorganism cultures, or earthworms.

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Examples of microorganism cultures that have been sold in the market and can be used

To make compost is Effective Microorganism 4 (EM4). EM4 is a mixed culture of microorganisms that
can increase waste degradation or organic waste, is beneficial and beneficial for soil fertility and plant
growth and production, and is environmentally friendly.

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EM4 contains microorganisms consisting of several types of bacteria, including Lactobacillus sp.,
Rhodopseudomonas sp., Actinomyces sp., And Streptomyces sp., And yeast (yeast), namely
Saccaharomyces cerevisiae. Compost made using EM4 is also known as bokashi.

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4) Recycle

The recycling process is very useful for reducing waste piles because waste materials are processed into
materials that can be reused.

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Examples of several types of solid waste that can be recycled are paper, glass, plastic, rubber, metals
such as iron, steel, copper and aluminum. The materials that are recycled can be made into new
products of the same type or the same as other types of products.

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For example, waste paper can be recycled into paper again. Glass waste in the form of bottles or
containers can be recycled into bottles or glass containers again or mixed with asphalt to make roads.
Used aluminum cans can be recycled into aluminum cans again.

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Used plastic bottles made of polyethylene fixed (PET) type plastic can be recycled into various other
products, such as polyester clothes, carpets, and auto parts.

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In urban waste management, the three methods of incineration, compost and recycling can be
combined. The key to the success of waste processing is waste sorting.

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Waste is separated into organic, inorganic, glass, and polyethylene (PET) waste. Organic waste becomes
compost, useless inorganic waste is put into incineration, and useful inorganic waste such as glass and
PET is recycled.
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The most effective sorting is done upstream or in the household. Household segregation can be
successful if it is supported by education, regulation and infrastructure provision from the government.

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3) Making Compost

Compost is fertilizer made from organic waste, such as

v vegetables,
v leaves
v and twigs,
v and animal manure,

through a process of degradation / decomposition by certain microorganisms.

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Compost is useful for improving soil structure and providing nutrients needed by plants.

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while the microbes present in compost can help absorb nutrients needed by plants.

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Composting is one of the best ways to reduce landfill organic waste.Based on the form, compost is solid
and liquid.

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To make compost is Effective Microorganism 4 (EM4).

What is EM4 ???

EM4 is a mixed culture of microorganisms that can increase waste degradation or organic waste, is
beneficial and beneficial for soil fertility and plant growth and production, and is environmentally

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EM4 contains microorganisms consisting of bacteria, namely

v Lactobacillus sp.,
v Rhodopseudomonas sp.,
v Actinomyces sp.,
v And Streptomyces sp.,
v And yeast (yeast) namely Saccaharomyces cerevisiae.
Compost made with EM4 is often called bokashi.

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4) Recycle

Recycling is useful for reducing waste piles because it reuses materials that can be used.

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Examples of waste that can be recycled are

v paper,
v glass,
v plastic,
v rubber,
v metals such as iron,
v steel, copper
v and aluminum


Materials that are processed,

v for example, waste paper can be recycled into paper again.

v Glass waste in the form of bottles or containers can be recycled into bottles or glass containers again
or mixed with asphalt to make roads.
v Used aluminum cans can be recycled into aluminum cans again.
v Used plastic bottles made of fixed polyethylene (PET) can be recycled into various other products,
such as polyester clothing, carpets, and auto parts.

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Solid Waste is separated into

v organic waste, (KASI GAMBAR)

v inorganic, (KASI GAMBAR)
v glass, (KASI GAMBAR)
v and polyethylene (PET),. (KASI GAMBAR)

Organic waste becomes compost, then useless inorganic waste is put into incineration, and then useful
inorganic waste such as glass and PET is recycled.

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