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Panitia Ujian Akhir Semester Genap 2019/2020

Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan - UMM

Program Studi : Pendidikan Matematika, Pendidikan Biologi, Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia,

Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan, Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar

Kampus III : Jl. Raya Tlogomas No. 246 Telp. 0341-464316-19 Fax. 0341-460435, 460782,

466321 Malang 65144

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Mata Kuliah : Intermediate English Grammar Program Studi : Pend. Bhs. Inggris
Dosen : Drs. Jarum, M. Ed Smt/Klas : II/D, E
Tanggal : 18 Juni 2020 Sifat : Daring

I. Choose the best option to complete the sentences.

1. ______ the students ______ the lecturer is in the classroom.
A. Either – or B. Neither - nor C. Both - and D. Not only – but
2. The children went on talking when the teacher came into the room; in fact, they
didn’t even stop ______ “Good morning”.

A. saying B. to say C. to be saying D. say

3. It is believed that technology will play a key role in _____ future life-styles.

A. to shape B. shaping C. shape of D. shaped

4. Producing fine paintings _______ skill and creativity.

A. require B. is required C. requires D. are required

5. The importance of the laser lies in the great variety of its uses and the great
number of benefits _______ in the field of medicine.

A. is expected B. expected C. it expects D. expecting

6. The _____ child ran to his mother when he heard the thunder.

A. frightened B. frightening C. frighten D. frightens

7. Mr. Ramzy would travel if he had more money. The fact is __________.

A. He travels around the world. C. Mr. Ramzy didn’t have more money.

B. He doesn’t have much money. D. He didn’t travel.

8. A few animals sometimes fool their enemies _______ to be dead.

A. appear B. to appear C. by appearing D. to be appearing

9. ______ as a territory in 1854 and admitted as a state in 1861, Kansas is at the
geographical centre of the United States.

A. organizing B. Organize C. Organizes D. Organized

10. My uncle doesn’t have good job; ________, he can send his five children to

A. therefore B. because C. however D. so that

11. The impact of the earthquake yesterday _______ by people who lived hundreds of
kilometres from the epicentre.

A. felt B. has felt C. was felt D. was


12. My family loves this house. It ______ the family home since my grandfather
built it 60 years ago.

A. was B. has been C. will be D. is

13. In the class yesterday, I _______. I didn’t understand the lesson at all.

A. was confusing B was confused C. confused D. confuses

14. Honesty and _________ are admirable qualities in a person.

A. generous B. be generous C. generously D. generosity

15. Sam was supposed to be home an hour ago, but he still isn’t here. Therefore,
his parents are getting ___________.

A. worried B. worries C. worrying D. worry

16. On the vacation, Maria lost a suitcase, broke her glasses, and _______________.

A. she missed her flight home C. missed her flight home

B. she was missing her flight home D. missing her flight home

17. Then weather is cold today, but if it __________, we’d go swimming.

A. isn’t B. wasn’t C. weren’t D. aren’t

18. Not only the teacher but also the students ________ follow attend the ceremony.

A. has to B. have to C. had to D. having

19. Ani was so important in his life ________ SBY was very shocked when the doctors
said that the team failed to save her life and she passed-away.

A. so that B. therefore C. that D. although

20. A strange voice _______________ when we were in the library yesterday night.

A. heard B. is hearing C. was hearing D. was heard

II. Identify and correct the errors of the sentences. Write full sentences and
underline your correction. Number one is the example.
1. The books in my office is very valuable to me.
You should write: The books in my office are very valuable to me.

2. A lot of people in my class works during the day and attend classes in the
3. My skin can’t tolerate to be in the sun all day. It get sunburned easily.
4. Stop tell me what to do. Let me make up my own mind.
5. Slowly and being cautious, the fire-fighters climbed the burned staircase.
6. Don’t keep to be asking me the same questions over and over.
7. The movie was so bored that we fell asleep after an hour.
8. The professor spoke so quickly so that the students could not get his points.
9. Because of it was hot, all students went swimming.
10. If all students had submit the assignment, their mark would have been announced
this morning.
11. There were such many difficulties that the project could not be complete the
12. Liverpool seems to have more victory spirit. However, it can win the game
13. Fewer traffic accidents were happened the Iedul Fitri holiday this year compared
to that of last year.
14. Highways are more preferable for because they are more costly.
15. By obey the speed limit, we can save energy, lives, and money.
16. I tried very hard to don’t make any mistakes.

### Good Luck; Remember!! “God is watching us” ###

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