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The Henley College 62441

Beth Talmer-Jones 98087418

November 7th, 2020


Over the past 12 units, I have had such a huge opportunity to develop my skills within film
production. Especially within the specialism research unit where I researched in depth about the
area that I would like to go into. This not only motivated me to work harder and push towards my
inspirations, but it taught me so much more about the behind the scenes od directing and
cinematography. For example seeing that Wes Anderson doesn’t set himself strict rules to follow
when creating has helped me allow more freedom into my work, personally I think this is important
in a production because the more freedom you allow yourself to include, the more originally and
authentically you the piece will turn out to be. At the start of the course I definitely didn’t allow
myself to play around as much and most of my ideas and work was quite typical, through learning
that freedom is okay, I have discovered a style that works for me and I am very excited to see what
this brings into my BeCreative productions.

Project Concept.

I have chosen to produce both a short film and a music video for this unit. From a personal point of
view I feel as if these would be the most beneficial to me regarding my chosen specialism, I get more
opportunity to really showcase it; especially cinematography with the short film being silent, the
audience relies on the cinematography a huge amount and although this is going to push me, I’m
excited to see where it takes me. The other option was an animation and although previously having
fun whilst creating an animation in a previous unit, personally I feel as if I would gain less from going
into that medium. I also had to think about what was more engaging from an audience’s point of
view; my target audience being 40-60-year olds, an animation would be less so.

My film itself will be within the Thriller/Drama sub genres, after completing a survey I found out this
is the most wanted genre with the set age range, I decided to watch trailers of some of the most
popular shows within this genre such as “Killing Eve” and “Mindhunter” although both are series,
they were very influential when coming up with ideas for a narrative and developing this into a 5-10
minute piece.

My Music Video was a lot harder to finalise the narrative, it was between two that both got good
feedback within the survey. After reding all the comments and listening to the songs a few more
times and trying to visualise different shots I made a decision. I went with the song “Little Pistol” by
Mother Mother as I felt I could get the most out of it visually. Allowing me to use this topic to once
again explore my freedom, this also worked out the best for me cast wise just in case lockdown is
still in place I am still able to see who I was planning on casting due to support bubbles.

During my independent study I can not only work in the film production suite on my laptop if other
lessons are going on in there but I can also work from home, due to the covid-19 these are really the
only places I am limited to however both work well for preproduction work.

As an ongoing activity I will complete weekly blogs at the end of each week to ensure that I am
monitoring and tracking my progress through the unit,, allowing room for improvements and to not
make the same mistakes over and over again. I will also be asking my peers for regular feedback in
person at college and via surveys. Once reaching the end of the unit I will gather all feedback I have
been given and reflect on this during a final evaluation and talk about my strengths and my
weaknesses throughout the whole term.

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