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Who Am I?

Firstly, I am Rocio, a Spanish student in the EOI Cartagena. I am almost thirty years old
and I work as a teacher for primary school. I’ve lived in Cartagena for my whole life
although I would like travelling and living for a while abroad.

Moreover, physically, I am short, slim, tanned-skin and I have brown eyes and curly
long hair. People say that I look like my mother more than my father. Besides, I am the
youngest of three sisters and we keep a really good relationship, nowadays, but not
when we were children. I have three nieces and one nephew, they are so important in
my life that they make me feel very blessed. The best gift, a brother or sister could give
you, is a nephew or a niece. Likewise, we are a very close family and we help each
other whatever we need.

About personal features, on the one hand, I consider that I possess some virtues such
as responsibility, sensitivity and patience. On the other hand, I present some
weaknesses, for instance insecurity, demand and a bit of impulsiveness. For this
reason, I like to be aware of them and try to improve those negative characteristics to
be the best version of me.

About my profession, I have always wanted to be a teacher for young children, since I
was a child. I really feel like a vocation and working on this is a motivation for me every
day. At midweek, I am involved in preparing classes, keeping up with the news in
technologies, learn about different methodologies, making new materials to put into
practice with my students and others.

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