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UNIT 12: Good Values

W. 12.6 Writing

Topic : Event Sequencing

DAY 6 : Task procedure 2
Period :( 1 hour )
Stage Learning Standards: Lexical Sets:

3.3.1 Able to create simple Story Keywords:

Word texts using a variety of media Honesty, diligence, kindness, love, sharing,
with guidance: grateful, hardworking, determination, humble
b) linear and helpful.
Learning Outcomes: Educational Emphasis:

Sentence Able to write own story Verbal- linguistic and logical-


Assessment: - Synthesis
Whole Text


a) Jack and the Beanstalk Paragraph Card

b) Jack and the Beanstalk Story Plot
c) Graphic Guidance for Story Writing

Task Procedures:

1. Divide the pupils into groups of five.

Classroom Management: In order to encourage teamwork and team spirit, give the groups numbers or
names, e.g. Group 1 or Group Rafflesia.

 “Please take only your pencils and erasers and sit in your groups.”

2. Distribute the W12.6 (a) Jack and the Beanstalk Paragraph Cards to each group.
 “Look at the cards. In your opinion, what is the title of the story?”
 “I gave five different cards to each group. Now, you must take one card each.”
 “Look at your cards. Each card contains an incomplete paragraph of the story. You have to
write sentences to complete the paragraph in your card. Remember to use the words we have
learnt earlier: honesty, diligence, kindness, love, sharing, grateful, hardworking,
determination, humble and helpful”.

 “After completing your paragraphs, paste the cards in correct order onto this table. Keep in
mind that a story plot consists of Beginning, Middle and End of a story.”
Gesture to W12.6 (b) Jack and the Beanstalk Story Plot.
 “Once you have completed the table, rise up your hands and say “Bingo!””
The first group to finish correctly wins the game. Paste all groups’ story plot at the English

3. Distribute W12.6 (c) Graphic Guidance for Story Writing to each pupil.
 “Look at the handout. You need to write the story “The Ant and the Grasshopper” in your own
 “Your story must have a beginning, middle and an end. Use the pictures and words to help
you when writing. Remember also the words we have learnt of good values.”
 “You may start writing now.”

Managing errors and mistakes:

a. If pupils do not write complete sentences correctly during the group activity, immediately stop them
and correct the sentences.
b. If pupils do not write complete sentences correctly in the individual task, correct their mistakes in red
ink and ask them to do corrections later in their exercise books.

Reward and Feedback

a. Praise pupils when they write good sentences. e.g. “Excellent!”

b. For group work, the winner’s story will be put up top most at the English Corner. Other groups’ stories
are also put up to appreciate their teamwork.
c. For individual task, the best story will be put up at the English Corner.

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