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Ignacio: Hello, how are you?

Estudiante: Fine and you?

Ignacio: fine.
Estudiante: well tell me. What were you like in your childhood?.
Ignacio: I was very shy and reserved.well tell me.What were you like in your childhood?.
Estudiante: I was very nice and happy.
Ignacio: Where were your parents born?
Estudiante:my parent was born in Santiago.Where were your parents born?
Ignacio: my parent was born in La ligua.

Ignacio: what is the name your the elementary school?

Estudiante: my elementary school was name Is nueva florida.
Ignacio: who was your best friend in the elementary school?
Estudiante: my best friend in the elementary school I was Roberto. what is the name your the
elementary school?
Ignacio: my elementary school was name is Mercedes school.
Estudiante: who was your best friend in the elementary school?
Ignacio:my best friend in the elementary school I was Camilo.

Estudiante: Where and when were you born?

Ignacio: I was born in la ligua in nineteen ninety five.
Estudiante: how long did you live there?
Ignacio: until I was ten, then we moved to santiago.Where and when were you born?
Estudiante:I was born in Valdivia In nineteen ninety six.
Ignacio: Did you ever move when you were a child?
Estudiante: yeah, i moved to santiago when i was six years old .

estudiante:can you tell an anecdote that happened to you?

ignacio:oh yeah,i crashed my car.
estudiante:when did that happen?
ignacio: it happened the last week.
estudiante:what were you doing?
ignacio:i was driving, with my brother, went i past the traffic light.

ignacio:can you tell an anecdote that happened to you?

Estudiante: i remember when i broke the finger
Ignacio: when did that happen?
Estudiante: it happened the last week.
Ignacio: what were you doing?
Estudiante: I was playing basketball.
Ignacio: ok, bye.

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