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Descent Freespace: The Great War
Freespace 2
Silent Threat add-on


Post-Release Version 0.2 - MINOR Revision

Last Updated: August 1st, 2005
Written by: Alexandru '2 Bad' Duta



Hello. My name is Alexandru '2 Bad' Duta and I welcome you to the
unofficial FREESPACE story guide.

This is an informational guide about the story and various subplots present
in Descent Freespace: The Great War, Freespace 2 and the Silent Threat add-

Why did I do this? Why would I spend my time working on something no one
will probably ever read? Well, I love the Freespace series Volition
developed a while ago and I never got to write a FAQ about them. Playing
them over and over again I got so enticed by the storyline that I decided
it needed its own place in history, its own FAQ.

As new and new story ideas emerge, I will add them to the guide to provide
you with as much depth and detail about the Freespace world as possible. Be
sure to check back for updates regularly.


Part 1 - Introduction
1.1 - Legal Information
1.1.1 - Disclaimer
1.1.2 - Trademark Information
1.1.3 - Copyright Notice
1.2 - A Word From Alexandru Duta
1.3 - About The Unofficial Freespace Story Guide
1.4 - About The Unofficial Freespace Story Guide ASCII Logo
1.5 - Getting The Unofficial Freespace Story Guide
1.6 - Adding To The Guide
1.7 - Acknowledgements/Credits
1.8 - Accurate Information
1.9 - Revision History
1.10 - Freespace On The Web
1.11 - Game Credits
Part 2 - ACT I Prelude
2.1 - The Unification War
2.2 - The 14-Year War
Part 3 - ACT II The Great War
3.1 - Eve Of Destruction
3.1.1 - Operation Thresher
3.1.2 - Mission Briefing
3.1.3 - Mission Statistics
3.1.4 - Mission Debriefing
3.2 - The Field Of Battle
3.2.1 - Mission Briefing
3.2.2 - Mission Statistics
3.2.3 - Mission Debriefing
3.3 - Small Deadly Space
3.3.1 - Mission Briefing
3.3.2 - Mission Statistics
3.3.3 - Mission Debriefing
3.4 -
Part 4 - ACT III Silent Threat
4.1 -
Part 5 - ACT IV The Second Great War
5.1 -
Part 6 - ACT V Beyond
6.1 -
Part 7 - Clarification
7.1 -
Part 8 - Ending
8.1 - What's Coming Up
8.2 - Cya


P A R T 1 - I N T R O D U C T I O N


Please take a moment to read the following important information. It is

designed and placed in this article to save my ass and, in some occasions,
to save your ass.

This statement has NOT been written by me, but taken out of a copyright
enforcement manual. You'd best not fuck with it. I might seem like a nice
guy, but if you fuck with me, I fuck with you!



This guide is to aid in informing the public about the storyline of

the game Freespace. In no way should this promote your killing
yourself, killing others, or killing in any other fashion.

Additionally, Alexandru Duta claims NO responsibility regarding ANY illegal

activity concerning this guide, or indirectly related to this guide. The
information contained in this guide only reflects Volition indirectly,
and questioning them regarding information in this guide is not




All specific names included herein are trademarks and are so

acknowledged: Volition, Microsoft, IBM, Windows, etc. Any trademarks
not mentioned here are still hypothetically acknowledged.




This article is copyright 2005 by Alexandru Duta. All rights reserved.

You are granted the following rights:

I. To make copies of this work in original form, so long as

(a) the copies are exact and complete;
(b) the copies include the copyright notice and these paragraphs
in their entirety;
(c) the copies give obvious credit to the author, Alexandru Duta;
(d) the copies are in electronic form.
II. To distribute this work, or copies made under the provisions above, so
long as
(a) this is the original work and not a derivative form;
(b) you do not charge a fee for copying or for distribution;
(c) you ensure that the distributed form includes the copyright
notice, this paragraph, the disclaimer of warranty in their
entirety and credit to the author;
(d) the distributed form is not in an electronic magazine or
within computer software (prior explicit permission may be
obtained from Alexandru Duta);
(e) the distributed form is the NEWEST version of the article to the
best of the knowledge of the distributor;
(f) the distributed form is electronic;
(g) the author is notified of set distribution.

You may not distribute this work by any non-electronic media, including but
not limited to books, newsletters, magazines, manuals, catalogs, and
speech. You may not distribute this work in electronic magazines or within
computer software without prior written explicit permission. These rights
are temporary and revocable upon written, oral, or other notice by
Alexandru Duta.

If you would like additional rights beyond those granted above, write to
the author at "" on the Internet.




Volition is no more. The devloper that produced one of the greatest space
simulators on the PC has been decimated in the last few years by failiure,
both financial and artistically.

Although the Freespace world is still active, there is little effort being
made in producing a thrid installment in the series. The only real credit
for keeping everything active is the developers of the Open Freespace SCP.

They have made great strides in improving the graphics and the gameplay of
the game. Based on the Freespace 2 engine, you now have up-to-date graphics
and effects as well as being able to play the campaigns in co-op mode. Also
they have ported the first Freespace campaign to the Freespace 2 engine.

If anyone close to the copyright holder of the Freespace series is reading

this guide, please do everything in your power to get anyone to develop us
a thrid Freespace. You owe us!

- Alexandru "2 Bad" Duta



Welcome to the post-release v0.2 of The Unofficial Freespace Story Guide.

What does that mean? Post-release is after the game is released, version
0.2 is a minor revision written after 0.1, "Unofficial" means absolutely
nothing, Freespace is the name of the game and story guide is just
plain simple.

Here's how revision classification works. If a new version of the guide

only has a small amount of information changed or added, the version number
is increased by 0.1. This is called a "minor revision."

If a new version of the guide has a substantial amount of new information

changed or added, the version number is increased by 0.5. This is called a
"standard revision."

If a new version of the guide has a huge amount of added or changed

information, major parts of the guide are rearranged, or major parts of the
FAQ are rewritten, then the version number is increased by 1.0. This is
called a "major revision."

Currently we're still in the 0.x stage, meaning a preliminary guide. As

soon as I have amassed sufficient info in here, I'll boost the version
number to 1.0.




Whoever can provide me with a nice ASCII logo for the guide will be greatly
appreciated. Thank you.




There are a few places on the Internet where you can get the newest version
of this guide. It was designed to fit into the Dirty Little Helper database
but it got into GameFAQs as well. Whatever the case, it will always be
accessible through my own website. Here are the links:

Dirty Little Helper:

I always check and update the GameFAQs and DLH.Net sites and provide
them with the newest version of the guide. Please note that other sites may
not have the latest guide version.

If you would like to post the guide on your website, please let me know so
that you'll be kept up-to-date and have the latest version available. Plus
your site will be listed here!



If you want something added to the guide, please send an e-mail to

"", explaining what your addition is. It
will be reviewed, and if accepted, added to the next guide version. In the
e-mail, please supply your name and e-mail address.

Please note that all submissions to the guide become the property of the
author (Alexandru Duta) and that they may or may not be acknowledged. By
submitting to the guide, you grant permission for use of your submission in
any future publications of the guide in any media. The author reserves the
right to omit information from a submission or delete the submission



In this section I will try to thank all those who sent me information that
actually made it into the guide. They will be forever remembered for their


a BIG thank you to the FSDOC wiki at




An attempt has been made to make the information in this guide as

accurate as possible. To my best knowledge, all the information supplied in
this article is 100% accurate.

To this end, I keep reading and re-reading the guide, playing the game and
more to make sure that everything is perfect. If for some reason you
noticed something don't hesitate to contact me - ""



v0.1 - September 1st, 2003 - MINOR Revision

- started writing the guide after finishing my Settlers 2 FAQ. I didn't get
around to writing anything... maybe the intro part.

v0.2 - September 1st, 2005 - MINOR Revision


- I know it's been a while but... I kinda almost finished everything.

- added a whole bunch of info... too much to start layin' out here. Just go
with it.




I will fill this section when I have enough time to do a thorough search.




So, you wanna know who's behind this masterful piece of gaming art? Through
entricate searches, I have managed to track down the team of people who put
this game together.


P A R T 2 - A C T I P R E L U D E


Please keep in mind that ACT I is not official. The story has been done by
Eishtmo for the TVWP campaign. For the sake of consitency and due to the
lack of anything official, they are being included here for completeness.




Sometime during 2300 and 2320, Terrans discovered subspace, unified under
the Galactic Terran Alliance, explored the galaxy, and set up colonies in
several systems. This timeline will cover from the discovery of Subspace to
the first contact with the Vasudans.

Discovery of Inter-system subspace travel. Start of the Unification War.

End of the Unification War. Galactic Terran Alliance formed.

September: First Orion class destroyer, GTD Orion, completed.

March: First official contact with the Vasudan Parliamentary Empire.


2.2 - THE 14-YEAR WAR


Shortly after first contact, the Terran-Vasudan War, or The 14-Year War,
broke out. Heavy and sustained casualties were suffered on both sides, but
both species learned valuable lessons in adaptation and the development of
new technologies. This timeline will span from the first Vasudan contact to
the first contact with the Shivans in Ross 128.

March: First official contact with the Vasudan Parliamentary Empire.

April: First diplomatic meeting in Antares.

July: The Pan-Galactic Treaty is agreed to by diplomats. Taken to

respective governments. GTD Gaia completed.

December: Pan-Galactic Treaty rejected by legislators on both sides.

January: Prince Mihos killed during drug gang battle. Vasudan politicians
blame GTA outright.

February: Diplomats Knum and Andrews meet. Meeting ends in bloodshed. War
declared by both sides the next day.

April: Vasudans launch raid on Sol system. Crushed by GTD Gaia and 1st

May: Vasudans begin construction on their own destroyer, the Thanatos


September: First Thanatos, PVD Thanatos, completed.

November: GTA officials determine the war will not be short. Authorizes the
construction of the GTC Leviathan cruiser.

March: First Battle of the Vasuda-Antares node. Marks the first time Terran
warships enter the Vasuda system. Terrans only managed to hold the node for
a week before being driven back.

June: Battle of Vega III. In an attempt to get around the Terran hold on
Antares, the PVN launches its first major assault on a Terran system at
Vega. The battle was the bloodiest to date, with the loss of nearly 50,000
on both sides. The Terrans managed to drive the Vasudans back to Deneb, but
didn�t have the strength for a counter-attack.

August: The first Savior class destroyer, PVD Savior, come off the lines.
Over the next two years, the Vasudans would completely replace their
Thanatos class destroyers with these powerful ships.

October: First Battle of Antares-Vasuda node. To show off the new ship,
Vasudan Prince Amon organizes an attack on Antares. The PVD Savior tears
through Terran lines. The Vasudans gain a powerful foothold in Antares.

November: Battle of Gulnara. As the Vasudans poured into the system, the
Terrans launched a massive counter-attack. Near the Antares IV moon,
Gulnara, the Vasudan fleet is beaten back to the node. This defeat leads
GTA command to believe that victory is on the horizon. Leviathan production
is halted, and the GTA initiates a major offensive.

January: Realizing the end is coming, the Vasudan parliament 'unofficially'
moves to Alpha Centauri where it would stay until after the Great War. The
Third Battle of the Vasuda-Antares node happens days later. Terrans
establish a strong foothold in Vasuda.

February: The last element of the Vasudan navy is forced out of Vasuda. The
GTA begins building up forces for the invasion of Vasuda Prime.

March: Battle of Talnia. In an attempt to avenge the invasion of Vasuda, a

group of Vasudan Admirals under the leadership of Prince Imhotep, launch an
ttack on Talnia, destroying the Terran 6th fleet and the supply base there.
After the raid PVN command realized that the attack had crippled GTA supply
lines and orders the group to capitalize on their initial success. By then,
the GTA had reinforced Talnia, and the fighting was much fiercer.

April: With their defenses weakened the Vasudans launch a renewed attack on
the Terrans in Vasuda, finally driving them out by May. The GTA orders
Leviathan production resumed with new weapons and technologies.

February: First Cease-Fire established. After regaining lost territory, the
Vasudans prepare for an assault on Terran systems when a rare Vasudan
holiday comes up. Forced by religious leaders, the Vasudans offer the GTA a
short cease-fire. The GTA eagerly accepts, and uses this time to establish
new defensive lines. The cease-fire is ended before the treaty is half over
with no progress toward a lasting peace.

March: Battle of Ribos. Using information gotten via a spy amongst the
Vasudans, the GTA counters an invasion of Ribos by easily destroying the
pride of the PVN fleet, the PVD Savior.

January: Second Cease-Fire established. Following a series of crushing
defeats the Vasudan parliament offers the GTA terms for a cease-fire during
which a lasting peace treaty would be discussed. Negotiations lasted an
hour before breaking down, but the cease fire held until the beginning of
February, during which the Vasudans strengthen their own lines.

August: Battle of Deneb-Sirius Node. After surprising Vasudan forces in

Deneb, the GTA attempts to take the Deneb-Sirius node. The defeat at this
battle begins a chain of defeats for Terran forces that would eventually
force them into Beta Aquilea.

December: Third Cease-Fire established. In an attempt to stave off certain

defeat, the GTA asks for a cease-fire during the holiday season. It is
agreed to, and lasts the five days after Christmas. The GTA uses this time
to reinforce its lines and prepare a counter attack it launches on New
Year�s Eve day.

June: Betelgeuse Siege. After a dramatic counter-offensive the Vasudans had
managed to capture and hold Antares and Beta Cygni. It is decided by Prince
Imhotep to lay siege to Betelgeuse and force the system to surrender. The
siege lasts nearly six months, costing the Vasudans dearly. While they
busied themselves trying to starve out Betelgeuse, the rest of the GTA
attacked multiple supply bases in Antares, crippling PVN supply lines. By
December, the Vasudans are forced to withdraw from Beta Cygni.

January: The Collapse of the Talina Nodes. Though known for their
instability, the nodes to the Talina system had been stable enough for the
GTA to use the system as a major supply dump. In late December 2330,
however, the system was contested when a PVN fleet entered via the Vega
system forcing the GTA to withdraw key equipment and personnel. By January
Vasudan and Terran scientists had independently determined that both nodes
into the system were due to collapse to an unusable state within only a few
weeks. The commanding officers of both the GTA and PVN fleet called a
cease-fire and jointly organized an evacuation of the system. By late
February, the nodes were no longer stable for anything to travel through.
For years it was hoped that the nodes would restabilize, but hopes would be
dashed after the destruction of the Sol-Delta Serprentis node and the
system was finally removed from maps.

March: Fourth Cease-Fire. Considered the last serious attempt at

peace, Vasudan and Terran officials meet for the bulk of the one-month
cease-fire. Serious talks of an end to the war come up, but are dashed when
no agreement is made.

November: Fifth Cease-Fire established. By odd coincidence, Terran and

Vasudan election dates overlapped during 2331 encouraging the ruling groups
to ask each other for a cease-fire so they could remain in power. The
cease-fire lasts two days, and the ruling parties were both soundly
defeated. There would be no further cease-fires until the arrival of the

January: After being sworn in, Senator Williams makes a speech proclaiming
that the Vasudans should be 'bled white' as the only way to win the war.
Similar statements by Vasudan legislators trigger a stalemate in the war
that lasts for the next three years.

March: Designs for the new Vasudan destroyer, the Typhon, are approved and
construction begins in Altair. Any Saviors currently in production are
scrapped and used to build the new warship.

March: Nearly one year to the day, the first Typhon, PVD Typhon, leaves the
Altair shipyards. Its first assignment is to take Vega.

April: The Vega Engagement. The GTA�s first encounter with the Typhon class
destroyer ends with the destruction of the GTD Eisenhower and the 4th Fleet
but the GTA launches a counter attack on Vega forcing the Typhon to retreat
but taking horrendous losses in the process.

June: Battle of Vega-Deneb Node. The last major battle of the 14-Year War
sees the Terrans take the Vega side of the node. The first Typhon destroyed
in combat occurs during the battle.

September: In an attack that surprised both sides, a second Typhon is

destroyed in Antares.

January 8th: GTA launches Operation Thresher...


P A R T 3 - A C T II T H E G R E A T W A R


This is the Descent Freespace: The Great War main campaign.




This is the very first mission of the original Descent Freespace The Great
War campaign. You are on the GTD Galatea, stationed in the Betelgeuse
System. Here's how it all goes:




Operation Thresher in the Antares system did not proceed as planned. Terran
Command estimates Terran losses at 504 pilots dead, fourteen missing and
presumed dead.

The Vasudan foothold on Vasuda Prime and the subspace node remains solid.
However, their supply lines have been cut off, which means they are most
likely lacking reinforcements and supplies.

Expect more news on that front in tomorrow's briefing.


There have been many rumors about the appearance of another sentient
species. These are rumors, nothing more. Investigation of the Ross 128
attack has determined nothing.

Concern yourselves with the known enemy, the Vasudans. There is to be no

more talk of phantom ships.

New Pilots

Let this serve as a 'welcome aboard' to all newly-arrived pilots aboard

the Galatea. Since you're here, your flight records must speak highly of
you already. Serve the Galatea well, she's a fine ship.

Report to your flight stations at 0830 for your squadron briefings.


Familiarize yourself with the specifications of the GTD Orion-class

destroyer, the Apollo Space Superiority Fighter, and the M L-16 Laser.
Information on all these can be found in the Tech Room.




Pilot attend: Welcome to the GTD Galatea. Your first assignment as a part
of the Galatea�s crew is to stand the 3rd watch. You will patrol the area
surrounding the GTC Orff. The GTC Orff suffered an engine breakdown in the
Betelgeuse system, and is awaiting repairs.

You will be on watch with one other ship, Alpha 2. Since this is your first
watch, Alpha 2 will be piloted by Lt. Harbison, a seasoned veteran and
top-notch pilot.

You will begin your watch by jumping to Betelgeuse near the GTC Orff.

We have reports of Vasudan fighters in this system, so stay alert. Engage

and destroy any hostiles that threaten the Orff.

At the end of your watch, you will be relieved by Delta wing. Upon Delta�s
arrival, you are to return to base.

Your primary objective will be to protect the Orff until the end of your
watch. We expect you to carry out your orders to the letter.

You may confirm your ship hardware and weapons loadout for this mission. If
found satisfactory, commit to the mission. GTD Galatea quarterdeck signing



Enemies: 10 x PVF Anubis




You did a fine job on your first watch, pilot. Your strong sense of duty
will serve the alliance well.

The presence of Vasudans in this system gives us little reason to worry.

The ships that attacked you and the Orff were probably remnants of the
Vasudan convoy that we hit last week.




This is the second mission. It's still somewhat of a tutorial, so that a

new player will master the controls and the technique involved in combat.




There have been a number of recent attacks by the Vasudans in the

Betelgeuse system. They have been making strikes on Terran convoys en route
to the Betelgeuse-Antares jump point. The Vasudan attacks have been staged
from a nearby asteroid field.

Terran Intelligence is certain that there are four small attack wings
responsible for the attacks on our convoys.

You are to sweep the asteroid field and take out the four Vasudan attack
wings. Be aware that the asteroids will be causing interference with your
sensors. You won't be able to target the Vasudans until they are near, but
they won't see you either.



Enemies: 12 x PVF Anubis




Nicely done, pilot. By destroying the Vasudan attack wings you have helped
to ensure that our convoys will make it through this subspace node.




The thrid mission in the first Freespace campagin.




Terran Intelligence has detected unusual activity in the Vasudan cargo

depot at Antares. You are to destroy all hostiles in the area. When the
area is clear, our salvage crews will pick up the cargo for analysis. Do
not destroy any cargo.

The contents of the cargo containers is unknown. Due to unusual activity,

GTA intelligence suspects they have military value.

You will be flying this mission with Epsilon wing from the 3rd squadron.
Delta wing will be available for reinforcements, if necessary. If you get
in trouble, don't hesitate to call them in.

Reconnaissance missions have determined that there are typically two wings
of Vasudan fighters guarding the depot. The fighters are your primary

Recon has also determined that this depot is heavily used. Taking contol of
it will seriously imede Vasudan attacks from this system in the future.

It is likely that there will be freighters in the area transporting cargo.

All Vasudan vessels must be destroyed! None must escape as they will
surely bring reinforcements.







Nicely done, pilot. By destroying the Vasudan attack wings you have helped
to ensure that our convoys will make it through this subspace node.



P A R T 4 - A C T III S I L E N T T H R E A T


Please keep in mind that ACT III isn't official. The story has been done by
Eishtmo for the TVWP campaign. For the sake of consitency and due to the
lack of anything official, they are being included here for completeness.


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