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Pointers in C


28‐Jun‐20 ARJ 1
What is Pointer?
Consider a variable
declaration… count Location name

- int count = 10; 10 Value at location

3456 Address of location 
◦ Reserve 4 bytes of memory
space from address 3456…
◦ Named it as count…
◦ Store 10…

28‐Jun‐20 ARJ 4
What is Pointer?
How to access the value?
◦ Name count Location name
◦ address 10 Value at location

3456 Address of location 

28‐Jun‐20 ARJ 5
What is Pointer?
Can we store memory address in
◦ Yes… count Location name

Variable type? 10 Value at location

◦ Pointer
3456 Address of location 

Memory address are Numbers only….

28‐Jun‐20 ARJ 6
What is Pointer?
A variable that holds memory address…

How to get address of any variable?

◦ Use operator “&” ----- (address of)

28‐Jun‐20 ARJ 7
Operators used in Pointers
Address Dereferencing

& *
Address of Value of

28‐Jun‐20 ARJ 8
How to use Pointer?
Consider the following
statements… count ptr
- int count = 10;
- int *ptr; // pointer to integer 10 3456 

- ptr = &count;
3456 5000

28‐Jun‐20 ARJ 9
Accessing a variable through its pointer
count ptr

10 3456 

3456 5000

count ptr

100 3456 

3456 5000

28‐Jun‐20 ARJ 10

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