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Construction Module: Define: Project Write-Up

Carmen Sher

November 8, 2020

What is your Area of Interest?

Age-appropriate discipline techniques

Description of the Area of Interest

There are many opinions on how to discipline a child and ultimately parents have the
final say in how they raise their children, but what is considered to be appropriate given
that child’s age and what is inappropriate? As a parent myself, I struggle with
disciplining my 4 year old daughter. Not only that, but as a future educator, I will have
an entire classroom of children to work with on teaching right and wrong and keeping
behavior from distracting from education. This was the best choice to explore for me
because it is relevant to my career aspirations and my personal life.

Target Audience

The people involved in my area of interest are anyone who interacts with children. This
includes parents, aunts and uncles, guardians, grandparents, classroom teachers, and
childcare providers. The end user that would benefit from this solution is the children
because they will be able to learn more with less behavioral concerns.

Projected Outcome and Benefit

I am hoping to accomplish a line of communication between parents and educators. The best
form of discipline is a consistent one. Parents and teachers need to be on the same page so
that children are receiving the same treatment at home and at school and will learn faster what
is expected of them and what the consequences are of not meeting those expectations.

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