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(1) Why do you want to work for BG Group? Why have you selected this particular role?

lar role? What helped

you make this decision? (maximum 250 words or 2000 characters)

(2) Please describe your interests outside your studies, including any work experience you may have,
voluntary work you have undertaken or other activities you participate in. (maximum 250 words or 2000

(3) Safety is of great importance to BG Group, both to our staff in the office and in the field. We
believe that safety must be at the forefront in the way we go about our work. You may not have thought
about safety in the context of your daily environment before, but we would like to understand how you keep
yourself and others safe. Please give an example of when you have made a change in your daily life to make
things safer for you and others? (maximum 250 words or 2000 characters)

(4) At BG Group a great deal of work is done in project teams - tell us about a time when you worked
in a team. What was your role? What challenges did you face? Pay attention to how you influenced the
outcome and operated as an effective team member? (maximum 250 words or 2000 characters)

(5) Describe when you have acted to improve, change or develop something (maximum 250 words or
2000 characters)

(6) BG Group operates in a challenging global environment across different countries - tell us about a
time when you have used your influencing skills to achieve a specific aim. Think about how you
approached the issue, what you actually did and how you affected the outcome (maximum 250 words or
2000 characters).

(7) Please list any other skills (e.g. computer skills), additional qualifications, professional

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