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Topic of your production and why it is

important to British Youth It is important to the British Youth as is could change our
future and could shape the way we live and how we deal
with the planet in the future.

How does the production suit your

target audience? It suits my target audience as if you don’t take much
interest in Climate Change everyone knows that we need
to change and change now.

What are the ethical aspects of your

production? Will you offend / fight a I am fighting for a cause and that cause is to stop Climate
cause / raise awareness of it? Change and save our future with this topic most people
believe the facts but many people think that climate
Change is a hoax.

Why should BBC ‘buy’ your

productions – what does it offer that It offers a whole new view on climate change it gives the
hasn’t been covered before? view of the British youth and someone who will be
fighting against Climate Change our whole lives trying to
create a sustainable way of livning.

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