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‘ier2020 “Tutor Add chars to your report - Data Studlo Help Tutorial: Add charts to your report ‘Add data-driven visualizations to your report. Use charts to visualize and explore your data. In this lesson youll add aa ple chart a bar chart anda Geo chart to this report, ‘This artiste assumes you are using the [Sanple] Google Analytics Data data source as described nthe previous ticle. you are using a efferent data source, you may need to select the appropriate dimensions and metres for each chart. Inthis article How toad a chart ‘dd aPie chart ‘Add a Bar chart [Add a Geo Map Next step How to add a chart fad a chart tothe curent page’ 1. Edit your report 2. Navigate to the page that will contain he chart 3-Inthe toolbar, click Adda chart 4. Select the chart you want to ade 5. Click the canvas toad the chart tothe repor. 6 Select one or more charts to move or resize them as neeced Q @ ‘Add a pie chart Use a pie charto give a general comparison of a small numberof metrics or variables. Learn mote about pe charts. 1. Following the steps in How to ald chart above, add a Pie Chart tothe report 2. On the ight, select the DATA tab ofthe properties panel 3-Click the Source dimension chip to laplay the Dimension Picker 4, Select the UserType dimension hitpseupport google comidatastusolanewerl6290184?hisenBief_lopic=6269058 1 ‘ier2020 “Tutor Add chars to your report - Data Studlo Help 5 Clckthe STYLE tab onthe Properties panel 6 Use the donut sliderto change the soi shape to cng shape. Aust the sze un it oaks tke your favorte breakfast fod (glazed ootashioned?) (| ——@—— C the metic labels under the pe: il 7. Use the Legend property to posto Use the Dimension Picker’ search box find dimensions and metics quick: Q. (2) Add a bar chart Dsor chars are great fr howing and comparing the magnitude of mutisle varables, Learn mote about bar charts, 1. Following the steps in How toad chart above, dda Bar Chart to the report 2 Select the DATAtA®, 23. Click the Source dimension to display the Dimension Picker then change the dimension to Browser. 4 Clcktheretum antow: € 5 Clckshe Sessions metric and change itto Users. 6 Select the STHLEtabin the propertios panel 7. Change he oretation to hariontal 6 Serll tthe botom ofthe STYLEtab. 4. Setthe border colorto gray: gy? ® Add a Google Map Que" Google Map to see the distribution of sessions (or other metris) across the weld, For Google Analytics daa, Data Studio automatically selects the geographic dimension. you are using aferent data source, be sure t contains a valid geo dimension Lean mote about Google Maps. Following the stop in How to ade a chert above, add a Google Map tothe report. Choose the bubble map sso Inthe DATA tab, click the defaut Location field and replace twith the City dimension ‘Add metic fr bubble color and bubble size. For example select Sessions fr Size, and “Average ime on Page fr Color. 4, Select the STYLE ab i the properties panel. 5. Use the sliders to adjust he background deals, such as roads, landmarks, and labels, 6. Inthe Colors section, select colors forthe ange of metic values, 1. Inthe Map Contos section, tum on or of the map convo you want to let your viewers 8. View your report Pan, 200m, seroll-youcan evenuse Sircet View! hitpseupport google comidatastusolanewerl6290184?hisenBief_lopic=6269058 208 sva020 “Tutrat Add chars a your eport- Data Sts Help Next step Congratulations! Youve created your frst Data Studio report I yout, spend some time playing around: add ties, change colors and styles, add more visualizations, When youre ready to mave on, the nex lesson is waiting for you: ‘View and share your report Related resources Char references [DD ce tecarc mots ants Was this helpful? Yes No Need more help? Ty these next step: ‘Ask the Help Community {Get answers from community experts Contactus Tellus more and weil help you ge there hitpseupport google comidatastusolanewerl6290184?hisenBief_lopic=6269058 39

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